Chapter 97 Trial Begins


[The modification of the trial field is completed, and 1000000 credits will be deducted! 】

[The trial of alien races in the starry sky, there are 21 alien races above the seventh rank, and the number of alien races below the seventh rank is not counted! 】

The mechanized reminder of the system sounded, Su Ran lightly shook the fishing rod in his hand, a golden dragon carp took the bait, and a look of panic flashed in the dragon carp's Linghui eyes.

It has already opened its spiritual wisdom, belongs to the category of spirit beasts, and can self-cultivate. In the future, it may be able to transform into a dragon after purifying its blood.

Now he was fascinated by a bait, bit the bait in one bite, and took the bait!

"The seventh-order dragon carp, it's good luck. I'm afraid it's only a seventh-order dragon carp in the whole lake?" Su Ran pulled the fishing line over, stretched out his hand to untie the hook on the dragon carp's mouth, and was about to fish it out. Throw it back into the lake.

A silvery white light slid out, and he opened his bloody mouth without saying a word, just to swallow the dragon carp in Su Ran's hand.

"Pa~" A palm was patted lightly.

"Aw~" The silver-white light and shadow let out a stern roar, and flew upside down for dozens of miles.

But soon this silver-white figure reappeared, and the big copper bell eyes were full of anger, and said angrily: "Damn it, where is the dragon carp?"

"Say, where is your dragon carp?"

"Boy Su Ran, I'm your uncle, don't you want a dragon carp?"

"Uncle?" Su Ran shook her head slightly.

"In your soul, there is no aura of my uncle at all. It is just a reunion of fragments of the soul, a flood dragon body with no memory but no emotion. Why should you be my uncle?"

"Besides, even if you still have feelings, don't forget that the teacher has already expelled you from Wuhan University, and you will no longer have friendship with Wuhan University!"

"You..." Yinbai Jiaolong gritted his teeth bitterly, filled with resentment.

But it is not Su Ran's opponent now, even if its strength has recovered a little bit, but facing the current Su Ran, it can still feel the fearful aura of the little nephew in memory in front of him.

Not daring to say any more, Yinbai Jiaolong said coldly: "Then you let Benlong go, and Benlong promises that he will never embarrass the human race."

"After all, Benlong was also a human race back then. Even if I have no memory but no emotion now, my inner obsession will not allow me to touch the human race!"

"Impossible, you still stay in the small world. Back then when my uncle still had emotions, he couldn't do what you said, let alone your newborn dragon body?" Su Ran directly refused.

"But if you want to leave, it's not impossible. There are two ways for you to choose."

"Impossible to roar. Aw~~" The roaring silver-white dragon writhed, and the cold light flickered in the cold dragon's eyes, "This dragon will never be a mount for a human race, so you should die~"

"There are also dragons in the starry sky. I can be imprisoned by you. The road to the starry sky is opened. Let me go away?"

"Also!" Su Ran agreed without hesitation.

"Roar~" The silver-white flood dragon instantly disappeared into a flash of silver light, fell into the mountains of the small world, and began to fall asleep.

If he hadn't felt the breath of the dragon carp just now, he wouldn't have woken up, and would have just slept soundly, waiting for the day when the Starry Sky Road opens and he regains his freedom to leave Earth Star.

Anyway, it's impossible for Su Ran to kill him. After all, he has the memory of that human being, so Su Ran won't touch half of his hair because of emotion or reason.

But there is also a premise, that is, I am not allowed to touch a hair of the human race, otherwise, no matter how much I let him remember an emotion, he will be skinned and boned, and made into a dragon meat soup.

"Senior brother, is that guy making trouble again?" Mu Yanran stepped out.

"I just woke up, I'm just a little angry, and it's okay to make trouble!" Su Ran smiled.

"By the way, are there any other Wuhan University students here? The star trial is about to start, don't say you're not ready yet."

"The notice has been issued!" Mu Yanran nodded slightly, and then said: "The rest of the students of Wuhan University are not weak, they have both the realm of the gods and the realm of the gods, and even found several special physiques."

"Is that so?" Su Ran's eyes flickered.

The two chatted for a while, Mu Yanran just left the small world, she is not as leisurely as Su Ran.

Not only do I have to practice, but I also have to deal with the affairs of Wuhan University. I am usually busy. This time I entered the small world because of the trial.

Mu Yanran, who was leaving, was holding a starlight condensed key in her hand. All the matters of the trial site were handled by her. As for the matters of entertaining other Wuhan University, Ming Chang would naturally handle them!

After the arrangement was made, Su Ran felt that she didn't need to show up.

Next, in the remaining year, I will attack the ninth realm of martial arts, the Primordial Realm, and the space storm brought by Kuiper will be a little weaker.

Now the power of the space storm inside and the power to form space rifts are already very weak. As long as you are careful and if your luck is not too bad, the cosmic beings above the eighth level can pass through.

In the originally estimated three years, there may be at most one year remaining, the space storm in the Kuiper belt will be completely wiped out, and the earth and stars will be completely exposed in the starry sky.

Although this has no effect on his plan, although the earth star martial art is developing rapidly, there are really not many high-level warriors.

It can be said that there are only a few students of Longting Martial Arts University who are warriors above the level of spiritual power, and among the students of other martial arts universities in the Great Xia, there are only students of the level of spiritual power.

Given another year, they would at most reach the Disha Realm. They would definitely not be able to reach the Heavenly Gang Realm, and neither would the students in Longting Wu Dali!
Therefore, the next action needs to be a little bit quicker, so that the students can improve their strength as soon as possible.

Moreover, the strength must be improved, and there must be no sequelae that affect their foundation, so as not to affect the future. The students in the top [-] list, in Su Ran's view, are all the seeds of the martial arts myth.

Losing one is an unacceptable loss, and we must not make a big one because of a small loss.

At the gate of Wuhan University, more than a hundred lights flickered, and figures stepped out of the white light, and their eyes instantly fell on the huge school gate.

A huge plaque hangs on the door, writing: Longting Martial Arts University
"The vitality of heaven and earth is so strong, it is several times stronger than the concentration of vitality in the first city!" A student inhaled lightly, and the vitality of heaven and earth entered his body, and the blood in his body was circulating violently.

With such a cultivation environment, as long as he is given a little more time, it will be enough for him to open another divine treasure!

It's a pity that everyone is here as guests now, where there is no time to practice, they can only walk into Wuhan University with the teacher.

"All you see are warriors, and there are not many quasi-martialists. Is there such a big gap?"

"Not to mention, I saw several psychic powers. It seems that someone is fighting on the battle platform in the void."

"That's Wuhan University's top 56 list. The top [-] are all supernatural."

"Top three. Earth Fiend Realm!!!"

“Recommended ticket!!!”

 Recommended ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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