Chapter 1 The CEO is actually her?

Parallel world, Chuancheng.

A city that has just rained is exceptionally clean.

Standing in front of the [-]-story tall building of Tengxing Group, Jiang Cheng called him a good guy in his heart.

The big company is really different. He came across from the earth. He was originally one of the few hackers on the earth.

Who would have thought that upon waking up, he would become an ordinary freshman in a parallel world, traveling without warning.

In terms of family, his parents are ordinary workers, but in terms of relationship, he is impeccable as an only child.

Jiang Cheng slowly accepted the reality. Every day he was a dog in college for four years. Now that he graduated, he wanted to find a decent job to save his parents from worrying.

He came to the twelfth floor and waited silently in the corridor with a hundred or so interviewees.

After an unknown amount of time, a buddy in a suit next to him approached, "Brother, are you here for the interview too?"

Jiang Cheng nodded and said nothing, no interview, so he came to pay the phone bill?
"I graduated from MIT, how about you?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Big Z!"

Hearing Z University, the man in the suit showed contempt on his face, a second-year institution, and there is no comparison with him at all.

His tone was much colder, "I thought all those who came to Tengxing were from 985 and 211. I didn't expect the threshold to be so low."

Before Jiang Cheng could speak, a cold voice came from the interview office, "Jiang Cheng, Wu Fan, Wang Yu, Ma Fei, Zhou Lei, Chen Jie..."

Jiang Cheng walked in, and there were more than [-] computers neatly placed inside. Manager Lu from the IT department was in charge of the interview.

Manager Lu looked at them with no expression on his face. "There is a small game program in the computer. Whoever cracks his program within an hour will have the opportunity to have a second round of interviews."

Hearing this, the people around were not calm anymore, "Good guy, big companies are different, this interview is just like an exam!"

"I've heard people say before that it's not easy to get into Tengxing."

Jiang Cheng quickly sat down amidst the discussions.

Looking at a string of numbers on the computer, he typed quickly on the keyboard.

Five minutes later, Manager Lu's computer showed that the NO.5 machine had been cracked successfully.

He squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the clean boy in white T in front of No.20 machine.

"what's your name?"

Jiang Cheng looked at him with no expression on his face, "Jiang Cheng!"

Manager Lu nodded approvingly.

This kid can actually decipher the program within 5 minutes, he is a talent.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and at the end of the interview, a red screen suddenly appeared on everyone's computer.

However, above the dazzling red was a bunch of garbled characters, and at the same time, all the servers in the building were paralyzed.

In an instant, the whole Tengxing boiled up, and the sound of inquiries and footsteps became one.

A staff member ran outside the door with a nervous expression on his face, "Manager, our network has been attacked."

Manager Lu was stunned, "Notice everyone not to be silent as a system without authorization, everyone must cooperate with the security department!"

At this time, the security department also began to continuously detect and repair, but found that the data value of the firewall continued to decline.

Then, the systems of more than [-] departments were invaded one after another.

At this moment, Manager Lu's phone rang, showing the number of the president's office.

"Boss Ye..." He was a little nervous.

The president's extremely cold voice came from over there, "If the company's network cannot return to its original state within half an hour, you should resign!"

beep beep...

Right now, several popular mobile games launched by Tengxing have just launched, and the system is under intense testing.

This kind of thing happening at this time will undoubtedly have a huge impact on Tengxing.

Lu Jing kicked the phone into his pocket, his back covered in cold sweat.

The only hope right now is for the security department to fix the firewall as soon as possible.

In less than a minute, panicked footsteps sounded outside the door, "Manager Lu, our system can't be repaired, what should we do?"

What, can't fix it? ? ?

Manager Lu's mind went blank.

What can he do!
After such a big incident happened, once Teng Xing was brought into the limelight by public opinion, it might not be a matter of resignation.

He thought for a while, and finally his eyes fell on the interviewer who was looking at the audience. Right now, he can only gamble, "Everyone follow me."

Hearing the sound, everyone stood up silently.


In the security department.

Everyone sat in front of the computer with serious expressions and hurriedly.

With a sullen face, Manager Lu pointed to the dozen or so spare computers behind, "You guys should join in too."

"Oh, good."

"Yes, Manager Lu."

All the interviewees sat down properly and began to concentrate on repairing the firewall.

As long as the firewall is repaired, the other party will not be able to attack. This is the safest way, there is no one.

Only Jiang Cheng sat in front of the computer and clicked on the map, silently searching for the other party's location.

He knows that the only way to defend effectively is to attack. In online battles, there are only winners and losers, and there is no even match.

Only by catching the other party by surprise can you have a chance to breathe.

When everyone was busy repairing the firewall, Jiang Cheng found another way without hesitation.

A single-handedly entered the opponent's network, and broke through the opponent's defense at the fastest speed, forcing the opponent to be busy with repairs, directly reducing the pressure on the defense.

The moment Jiang Cheng stopped, the system light changed from red to green.

Strong cheers and applause broke out in the entire security room.

Manager Lu stood behind Jiang Cheng, more excited than surprised.

Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise I am afraid that my job will be lost.

This kid is really good!

While secretly rejoicing, the door of the safe room was suddenly opened.

A woman wearing a haute couture suit and a suspender skirt with dazzling white skin walked in slowly.

The black suspender skirt perfectly outlines her monstrous figure.

On her fair and small face, a pair of zircon-like eyes seemed to hide vast stars.

The slender eyelashes cast a shadow under the eyes, and when they were raised and closed, there was a slight sense of oppression, and the whole person was full of aura.

That's right, she is the CEO of Tengxing, Ye Qingjiu.

"Mr. Ye, you're here." Lu Jing squeezed the sweat in his hands and nodded slightly.

Hearing President Ye, Jiang Cheng turned around curiously.

After a while, the four eyes met.

Surprised, stunned.

The expression on Jiang Cheng's face instantly became complicated, "It's you?!"

In his freshman year, he had just traveled through time.

When I came out of the bar with a few buddies, I saw two men on the side of the road pestering this girl, obviously plotting something wrong.

Jiang Cheng snatched her away without saying a word, and after a closer look, the girl looked like a fairy descending from the earth, she was astonishing as heaven.

However, she was so drunk, Jiang Cheng asked for a full 10 minutes, but couldn't figure out where she lived.

After the wind blew for 10 minutes, Jiang Cheng felt that it was blowing down, and his stamina was about to come up.

Had to take people to the hotel.


When he opened his eyes the next morning, she was gone.

Nothing was left except a smear of bright red on the bed.

I saw her again after four years, but I didn't expect that she was the president of Tengxing?

Then, a mechanized voice sounded in my mind.

[The Almighty Dad system is being bound...]

[System binding successful...]

system?Almighty Dad?
As an old internet bug, the hero is no stranger to this term.

It's just that the system doesn't seem quite right.

Jiang Cheng: System, are you sure you are the Almighty Dad?It's not some gods, immortals, or koi.


The system avoided his straightforward question.

[As long as the host completes the tasks issued by the system, he can get generous rewards. 】

[System task: Find the host's pair of dragon and phoenix twins and get approval, and go home with Ye Qingjiu.Reward god-level cooking skills, and a mysterious space]

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment.


Ye Qingjiu didn't expect that the two of them would meet again in this way, after a moment of astonishment, she quickly recovered.

Glancing at Manager Lu, the tails of her beautiful eyes lifted, "Come over here."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

 Novice author group number 1051548671
  Welcome to the pit

(End of this chapter)

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