Chapter 2 Besieged by Twins
No one knew what kind of turmoil she had experienced in her heart.

Four years ago, she was set up by her opponent to expose her explosive scandal with two men at the same time, so that Teng Xing would be deeply involved in public opinion.

Just when she was desperate, it was Jiang Cheng who saved her.

Although some indescribable things happened to the latter two people, and they were also pregnant with a pair of twins.

But Ye Qingjiu never blamed him, in fact, when she found out that she was pregnant, she also thought about getting rid of the child.

But when the doctor told her that once the child was aborted, she might be infertile for life, and she couldn't help but flinch.

If the person that night was not Jiang Cheng, the consequences would be disastrous.


Scenes of the past flooded into his mind, Ye Qingjiu was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.

After entering the gate of the president's office, she sat at the huge desk with an ugly expression on her face.

"President." Manager Lu nodded slightly, looking nervous.

Ye Qingjiu's eyes dimmed, "What's going on!"

Manager Lu's palms were filled with cold sweat, "It was Youchen's fault. When Jiang Cheng was searching for the location, the coordinates showed that it was Youchen Building."

Ye Qingjiu raised his dim eyes, and his tone was mocking, "So you're saying that the talented students from more than 40 famous universities in Tengxing Network Security Office are no better than a fresh graduate with a second degree?"

Manager Lu broke out in a cold sweat, he swallowed, "President, CEO, that kid is indeed a genius, the first round of interviews,
A system that can only be cracked in an hour can be solved in 5 minutes. Even the people from the Computer Research Institute of M Country may not be able to do it at this speed! "

Hearing Manager Lu's affirmation, Ye Qingjiu's dark eyes lit up for a moment, the father of his child did not disappoint her.

"Jiang Cheng's monthly salary is fifty thousand!"

Hearing this, Manager Lu's eyes widened.

I only have more than 2 yuan. Although he is talented, he is just a fresh graduate. How can he be more than twice as much as himself?

Ye Qingjiu glanced at him lightly, "If your ability is as good as Jiang Cheng's, you'll pay fifty thousand."

Seeing Manager Lu's blushing face, Ye Qingjiu said calmly, "Go down."


Jiang Cheng stood in the corridor outside the security room, and was stunned for a while, but he couldn't get out of the astonishment just now.

Become a father yourself?
Or twins?

That one shot into the soul three years ago?

Why didn't she tell herself?

If the child is really his own, he will be responsible for whatever he says!
Although she is a high-ranking CEO, as long as she has the system in hand, she believes that she will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ye Qingjiu on the top of the snow mountain in a short time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng calmed down and prepared to go to the bathroom first.

Walking to the corner, before turning the corner, two meatballs bumped into his legs without warning.

When Jiang Cheng realized that he bumped into two children, he hurriedly lowered his head, "Kids, are you fascinated..."

But before he finished speaking, his face flushed red.

The two three-year-old babies looked up at him in unison.

The girl's yellow hair was combed into two braids, and she was wearing a red princess dress. She was soft and cute, and her big watery eyes were full of innocence.

Looking at Jiang Cheng is like looking in a mirror.

The boy next to him, his eyes are exactly the same as the Ye Qingjiu who just left, but his nose and mouth look more and more like himself!

If it wasn't for his own birth, Jiang Cheng would dare to live broadcast Chi Xiang!
The girl blinked and showed herself a row of baby teeth, "Uncle, you really look like my brother."

The boy pouted with an unhappy expression, "Obviously like a sister."

"Just like you!"

"like you!"

The two are arguing endlessly, and neither will budge.

A young assistant ran over in a panic from behind, and he lowered his head to look at the phone. God knows that the two babies could run away without a trace.

If Boss Ye finds out about this, he will have to peel off his skin, "Two living ancestors, why did you come here because you couldn't see it at a glance?"

She hugged the two children nervously, smiled apologetically at Jiang Cheng, "Thank you..."

When she saw Jiang Cheng's face, she was stunned.

Don't ask, just ask your father!

The moment Jiang Cheng saw the two babies, he knew that the children must be his own.

There is only one thought in his mind right now, he must find Ye Qingjiu, and ask him about everything he says!

"Where is the president's office?" Jiang Cheng looked serious.

The assistant swallowed his saliva looking at the three faces that were too similar, "I'll take you there..."

In the office, Ye Qingjiu held a pen in his white hand, thinking about Jiang Cheng while playing with it.

Now that the child is three years old, it's time to go to kindergarten, but this father's matter...

Thinking of this, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Her slender eyelashes trembled, "Come in!"

The assistant walked in with the two babies in her arms, "Ye, Mr. Ye."

Ye Qingjiu rolled his eyelids, "Why did you bring them here, didn't you ask you to take them to play for a while?"

Without waiting for the assistant to speak, the little girl felt as if she had discovered a new continent, she pointed at Jiang Cheng, "Look, Ma Ma, this uncle looks like a younger brother~"

Hearing this, the pen in Ye Qingjiu's hand paused for a moment.

With the next glance, she saw Jiang Cheng standing at the door, her delicate face raised, her eyes fell on the assistant's face, "You go out first."

The assistant realized that something was wrong, let out an "oh", put down the child and walked out quickly.

She has been in the company for two years and has never met Mr. Ye's husband. I heard that Mr. Ye has no husband at all!

Today's show, it must not be a large-scale confession scene, just thinking about it is exciting enough, the assistant gave a jolt and left quickly.

In the office, the chubby little boy ran to Ye Qingjiu's side, grabbed her leg, his face full of disbelief,
"Ma Ma, Ma Ma, this uncle is obviously like a sister."

"It's obviously like you!" The girl stood in front of the table, her arrogant little demeanor was exactly the same as Ye Qingjiu.

Looking at the two faces that were too similar, Jiang Cheng felt complicated beyond words, "This, this child is..."

Ye Qingjiu never dreamed that Jiang Cheng would bump into his two treasures.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Daughter Nuonuo has been smart since she was a child, and her IQ and EQ are far beyond half of her peers.

See mom so hesitant.

Before she could speak, Nuonuo opened her eyes wide, looking at Jiang Cheng with burning eyes, "It's Papa!"

There is a photo of this person in the mother's drawer, and he looks so similar to his younger brother, he must be the father!

Nuonuo rushed over instantly and stretched out her arms for a hug, "Papa, Nuonuo misses you."

Jiang Cheng was melted in an instant. After all, blood is thicker than water, and the relationship between parents and children cannot be replaced by any emotion.

He hugged his daughter, "Baby, Dad misses you too."

On the other hand, his son Yanyan didn't know whether it was fear or excitement, and he cried "wow" in Ye Qingjiu's arms.

Boys are always weaker in expression.

Seeing the child crying with a face full of bewilderment, Ye Qingjiu, who has always been cold and ruthless, instantly softened, "Speak well, don't cry."

"It's my child, right?" Jiang Cheng still wanted to confirm again.

Ye Qingjiu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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