Chapter 143 Preparation for Acquisition
Some people's warnings may be useful, but some people only know what pain is after being beaten.

Chen Shaolun just got home when he received a call from Secretary Li, "What's the matter!"

His tone was very bad.

"Chen Dong, the video of the four-vehicle collision on the Yangtze River Bridge has become explosive news!" Secretary Li's voice was flustered.

This video has been viewed by tens of millions of people, and the popularity is still rising!

There has always been a special magic in videos about this kind of security issue, and if you just click on one, you will get thousands of likes.

So Chen Shaolun was brought to the forefront this time.

Chen Shaolun frowned, his daughter ran away in a fit of anger, and she is still missing, and he was hit by a hot search for no reason.

Obviously he has already lost money, so what else is there to say about this matter?
Why can't you let yourself go!
He said in a low voice, weakly, "What do the comments say?"

"The comment area is messed up, and now someone is actually asking for a strict investigation of our tax issues!"

Hearing this, Chen Shaolun's eyes were tearing apart, the tax, once he checked the tax, he would be finished.

"Buy this trending search! You have to buy it for me no matter how much you spend!"

He's going crazy, wanting to check his taxes.

Youchen is a big taxpayer, and the tax paid every year is millions or even 500 million. How could Chen Shaolun watch such a huge amount being taken away by others.

Naturally, I found a way to operate it, and many companies have done this.

Now that someone actually proposed this, an Internet giant suddenly felt the deep horror of the Internet.

"Buy it, you have to buy it for me, let the author delete it! Delete it immediately!"

"Okay, I understand Mr. Chen."

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Li started to buy the video.

She found out the publisher's phone number and dialed it without hesitation, "Hello, please make a price for the internal video."

Secretary Li spoke straightforwardly.

"Video? Do you mean you want to buy an internal video?" The other party was a woman, and her voice sounded thin.

Originally, I randomly recorded a video on the road and posted it on the short video website.

I didn't expect it to become popular, let alone sell it for money.

She nervously looked at her husband who was eating noodles, moved the phone away and whispered: "This person said that she wants to buy a video, 50!"

When the husband heard it, his pupils dilated instantly, 50.

It only cost 20 to 50 to buy a car by myself. Doesn’t that mean that there is still extra money after repaying the loan?
"Really?" the man asked softly.

The woman nodded desperately.

"50, how about 50, if possible, we will send you the money immediately." Seeing that the other party did not speak, Secretary Li became a little anxious.

The woman lost her attention and stared at her husband eagerly, waiting for him to speak.

The man hadn't recovered from the shock yet, his face was full of bewilderment.

Seeing that her husband didn't speak, the woman hesitated, "50..."

Secretary Li wanted to buy the video right away, but when she saw that she was silent, she raised the price, "60!"

Did you raise the price without saying anything?

It seems that this video can sell even higher.

The woman hesitated for a moment, uncertain: "Only... 60?"

Secretary Li gritted his teeth, "70!"

Oh my god, it's already 70 yuan. It's about to fall from the sky. The woman's jaw is about to fall out of surprise.

"80! 80 can't be more, if possible, I'll pay right away!"

"Okay, 80, then I will delete the video when I receive the money, that's okay." The woman asked.

"Send me the account number, it's this phone number."

"it is good."

After speaking, Secretary Li hung up the phone, and 3 minutes later, he received a text message with a bank account number written on it.

Secretary Li immediately took it to the Finance Department and ordered them to transfer the money immediately.

Ten minutes later, the woman received the money, and she was shocked when she saw the text message on her phone, "Husband, six zeros."

After speaking, he handed over the phone, and the man took it and counted it carefully, "8...123456, that's right, it's six zeros, it's really 80."

Both of them confirmed that it was indeed 80, so they deleted the internal video.

Si Qingqing was sitting at home laughing at the comments, when suddenly the phone screen went gray, showing the video to be deleted.

She looked puzzled, how did this get deleted.

She hurriedly called Ye Qingjiu, "Hey Mr. Ye, the internal video was deleted by the publisher!"

Ye Qingjiu was sitting on the sofa playing Rubik's Cube with two babies, when he heard that the video was deleted, he couldn't help but frowned, "Deleted?"

"Well, I was reading the comments, and suddenly it was grayed out, and everything disappeared."

Ye Qingjiu said lightly, "Okay, I understand."

After all, buying videos and buying popular searches is not a strange thing in their circle.

It's not surprising that everyone buys it after a few hot searches by the boss.

But the black heat search that Chen Shaolun bought is gone, Ye Qingjiu is still a pity.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng looked at her curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Chen Shaolun deleted the hot search video." Ye Qingjiu's eyelashes trembled, and his red lips were extraordinarily glamorous.

deleted?That's not okay!

Jiang Cheng hadn't seen enough of the good shows, he thought for a while and went back to the house, and after turning on the computer, he directly found the publisher's information.

Then he directly hacked the published transportation record, and found the video she deleted in the recycle bin.

Save it on your computer.

Then I registered a new account, and once again, I sent this video out.

Cool down?does not exist!
Since you like making black material for Teng Xing so much, let you stay on the black hot search for a few more days and taste the taste of being hacked!

Secretary Li breathed a sigh of relief, just after he got home and clicked on the short video software, he saw another one copied by Jiang Cheng.


Who did this!
She quickly took out her phone and called the publisher, "Did you sell the video to someone else?"

The woman inside was puzzled, "No, since I bought it for you, why would I sell it to someone else?"

"Then why did it appear on the website again?" Secretary Li's tone was not very good.

After all, she spent 80 yuan to solve the problem. Now that the problem is not solved and the money is gone, how should she explain to Chen Shaolun!
"Then I know so, I did delete it." The woman felt that Secretary Li had regretted it, and wanted to take the opportunity to get the money back, so her tone became bad.

"I spend money to solve problems, not to..."

Before she finished speaking, the man's husband snatched the phone,

"Have you ever played the video? I posted it. Others can save my video! Who stopped it after they saved it and then posted it. You should go find the person who posted the video. It's useless to find us!"

After speaking, the man hung up the phone with a "snap".

"Daughter-in-law, don't pay attention to her. This kind of person just wants to lie to you to delete the video and ask for the money back. If you just block her, the 80 will be refunded no matter what."

The woman nodded, "Yes!"

Secretary Li was going crazy. The first one was deleted and the second one appeared, and the second one was deleted and there was a third one. Could it be that everyone gave 80 yuan?

This is simply robbery.

She called Chen Shaolun, "Chen, Mr. Chen, another internal video appeared on the Internet, this time it was not posted by the same person."

Chen Shaolun was sweating profusely while sitting on the sofa, why this matter is endless, why can't he let him go!
"Go and buy it!" Chen Shaolun frowned.

"Chairman, it is not a problem that can be solved by buying a video now. As long as someone saves this video, it can continue to be uploaded. If this is the case, we will not be able to buy it all."

Secretary Li is completely helpless now, she can't think of any better idea, "What should I do, Chairman."

"Since you can't buy it, then hack it."

My God, how did the matter develop to this point? Secretary Li's heart ached when he heard Chen Shaolun's words.

"This is illegal, Mr. Chen. If the other party sues and the J side files a case for investigation, they will be found out and sent to jail."

"Then tell me, what else can I do! Tell Xiaozhao to hack the software directly!"

Oh my God, this is too risky, Secretary Li's heart ached, "No way, Mr. Chen, that's too risky. Once we find out, Xiao Zhao will go to jail."

Chen Shaolun said in despair, "Then tell me what to do, if someone really reports tax issues, I will go to jail!"

From Chen Shaolun's tone, he was completely flustered, and Secretary Li calmed down, "President Chen, don't worry, I'll think of a way, first check to see how many people have posted this video. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shaolun was in extremely bad condition.

He sat on the sofa with his head bowed deeply.

Everything is caused by my daughter going to participate in Tengxing's live broadcast.

Damn Jiang Cheng, it seems that he is always making trouble with himself!

the phone is ringing.

It's from the finance department.

Chen Shaolun answered the phone, "Hello."

"Chen Dong, the stock market has completely collapsed!!!" The voice on the phone sounded like it was going crazy, "The only way right now is to inject funds."

"How many?"

"[-] million! If you want to leverage, you need at least [-] million." Financial Xiao Wang reported.

[-] million?[-] million today, [-] million tomorrow, I run a bank?
Just spent [-] million to buy the land, which is already Youchen's last cash flow, if you want to use the money, you can only find a bank loan.

Which bank can lend him so much?

As far as the current situation is concerned, let alone 500 million, [-] million is difficult!

"Chen Shaolun was completely desperate, "Then let him collapse, let him collapse. "

After finishing speaking, Chen Shaolun hung up the phone.

Go to hell, go to hell.


Three days later, the local financial channel broadcast a piece of news.

I saw the hostess speaking in a gentle manner, "According to the investigation of relevant departments, Chen Shaolun, a well-known entrepreneur in our city, was sentenced to eight years in prison for tax evasion in his subsidiary Chenyou Group, so he jumped off the Yangtze River Bridge. Once again, we appeal to the people of the whole country, It is everyone's responsibility to be a taxpayer and strive to be a glorious taxpayer."

Ye Qingjiu watched the broadcast on the computer, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy.

She looked at Jiang Cheng, "Well, Chen Shaolun died like this, and I don't know what Youchen should do."

Congratulations to the host for completing the task of sharing worries for his wife, and reward Youchen Group with 50.00% of the shares.

Jiang Cheng: ...Do you want to do this, or not give it earlier?
System: The host didn't complete the task ahead of time.

Jiang Cheng: Where is the remaining 50.00% of the shares?

System: In Chen Mengting's hands, the host can buy it. After all, Youchen is about to go bankrupt.


Jiang Cheng was speechless, he was about to go bankrupt, why would you do it to me, I am not a junk collector!
The equity agreement is in the space, and the host can check it at any time.


What is this system going to do.

Thinking about it, Jiang Cheng stood up, looked at Ye Qingjiu with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, I'm going to the bathroom."

Ye Qingjiu gave him a helpless look, "You don't need to tell me about such things."

Why are you like a child, you have to report everything.

Jiang Cheng went to the bathroom, closed the door, and then entered the space.

Sure enough, there is a shareholding agreement somewhere.

Holding the equity agreement, Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, why don't we buy half of the equity.

It's not easy to do things half and half, so I took all the shares so that I can give it to my daughter-in-law as a gift.

Thinking of Jiang Cheng, he returned to the president's office with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, I want to buy the equity of Youchen."

Ye Qingjiu frowned, to be honest, although Youchen was investigated once, he paid back tens of millions of taxes.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if it is exaggerated, there are still many places where it can make a profit. With Youchen's customer information alone, if it is acquired, it can continue to develop, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

Ye Qingjiu frowned, "Then you don't want to talk to Chen Mengting? The child's father just died, isn't that too good? Besides, what if he plans to become the chairman himself?"

Her own father also passed away early, and she knew the pain of not having a father. Although Chen Mengting is Chen Shaolun's daughter, the child is innocent.

She has never done anything unfavorable to Teng Xing or Ye Qingjiu.

Seeing Ye Qingjiu's sympathy, Jiang Cheng patted her head,
"You have to know that not everyone is born with leadership talent like you. Chen Mengting is only sixteen or seventeen years old. She is not yet an adult, so she can't deal with the intrigues in the mall."

Hearing this, the sparkle in Ye Qingjiu's eyes flickered, her dark red mouth pursed high, her voice was soft and cute, "I can't deal with the intrigues in the mall either."

! ! ! ! !


His daughter-in-law can act like a baby! ! !

Jiang Chengxin was about to melt.

"You, don't you still have me?" Jiang Cheng swallowed, and unconsciously loosened his neckline.

This girl is really terribly seductive.

He really wants to...

The corners of Ye Qingjiu's lips twitched, and a pair of Ruifeng eyes smiled, "Just kidding, I'm Ye Qingjiu, there's nothing I can't handle!"

"I'll leave it to you to buy Youchen~"


She is acting like a baby again!
Jiang Cheng's heart itched unbearably at being teased by her, and his eyes were fixed on her.

Seeing his burning eyes, Ye Qingjiu's heart felt a little restless for a moment.

She knew what that aggressive look in his eyes meant.

Every time, every time he looked at himself like this.

"Damn, me, I'll go to the bathroom first." After speaking, she stood up in a panic.

 Thanks to A pocalypse for the 1666 book coin and monthly pass

  Thank you for the monthly pass that I have been waiting for for six years
  Thank you for stepping into the reincarnation of the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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