Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 144 Let's go shopping together~

Chapter 144 Let's go shopping~

After speaking, Ye Qingjiu turned around and wanted to slip away.

Run away after teasing?

How is it possible, she wants to let him know that there is a price to be paid for teasing others.

Jiang Cheng grabbed her, and the longing in his eyes ignited, "When you do things, you have to start and finish."

His voice was very nice, low and soft, and Ye Qingjiu's heart tightened unconsciously as he held Ye Qingjiu in his arms.

God, this is the office, what is he going to do.

Jiang Cheng never has any rules in doing things, it all depends on his mood, he will not really want to be here.

Just thinking about Ye Qingjiu already blushed and heart beat.

Her beautiful eyebrows were dyed a layer of bright red, "This, this is not good."

There have been a lot of things going on recently, and Jiang Cheng hasn't teased his wife for a long time, seeing her like this, his blood spurted instantly.

He raised his eyebrows, with evil eyes in his eyes, "Why is it not good? I think it's good."

The heat of his words lingered in his ears.

In an instant, Ye Qingjiu's body tensed up, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Nervous, excited, and a little eager.

But reason told her, no! ! !
Absolutely not! ! !
This is the company, where she works, if anyone sees it, then she really should die.

"You, let me go." There was no confidence in her voice.

Jiang Cheng knew where Ye Qingjiu's scale was. He knew very well that although her daughter-in-law dressed very avant-garde and fashionable, she was always a conservative person in her bones.

"Then, call out to Brother, and I'll let you go after calling out."

What is this requirement?
Ye Qingjiu is the only child, and among the younger generation of the Ye family, she is the only one who is the oldest.

I have never called anyone else my brother.

She blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled, and she bit her attractive red lips unconsciously, with an extremely hesitant expression.

Her beauty retreated from Jiang Cheng's forbearance with a little click.

His throat rolled, "If you don't call me, I will regret it."

He gasped.

"Brother." Ye Qingjiu's voice was very small and soft, it sounded soft and cute, and also had a bit of charm.

It's so terrible.

I couldn't take it anymore! ! !

Jiang Cheng regretted it a little, why did he find himself guilty?

Ye Qingjiu looked up at him, "Is it okay now?"

The blood vessels on Jiang Cheng's face almost burst, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Jiang Cheng let go of his hand, opened the door and walked out quickly.

"Crack." The door was locked.

Ye Qingjiu stared blankly at the dark red wooden door inside.

Did he just go to the bathroom?

Why did you go again?

Zhang Bin and Liu Jing have been together since the day before the bonfire party.

The two of them had been busy for a whole day, so they finally went to the balcony to have a private conversation.

The balcony door was suddenly pulled open.

Liu Jing hurriedly jumped out of Zhang Bin's arms, her face full of reluctance.

Jiang Cheng didn't pay attention at all, and took out the cigarette in his pocket, hoping to calm down his mood.

The two of them lost all mood because of Jiang Cheng's sudden upset.

The point is that he still doesn't know when he will leave, so after hesitating for a while, Zhang Bin took Liu Jing's hand and walked out from behind the exhaust fan.

"Brother Cheng, smoke."

Jiang Cheng turned his head and saw Zhang Bin and Liu Jing who looked unhappy, and instantly understood what was going on.

He must have disturbed the two of them being intimate.

He smiled awkwardly, "What a coincidence."

Liu Jing nodded and went back to the office.

Zhang Bin smiled, "So you still smoke."

Jiang Cheng distributed one to Zhang Bin, "You also have one."

Zhang Bin took the cigarette in his hand with a smile, put it in his mouth and lit it.

With the smoke, it seems that the topic has been opened at once.

"Brother Cheng, Ye is always a good woman, you have to cherish it."

Jiang Cheng was amused by Zhang Bin's serious expression, and he took a drag on his cigarette, "How do you say it?"

"How to put it this way, in short, although President Ye always has a face on the surface and often scolds others, but in fact she has a very good heart."

Zhang Bin also took a puff of the cigarette, and the smoke was lingering.

"Let's just talk about me. My family's conditions are not good. I'm from the countryside. When I came to Tengxing to apply for a job, my younger brother was going to college. Although I don't study well, my younger brother is really promising. He got a B university. "

"The family in Neihui is very difficult, and to be honest, I don't have a high degree of education. When I came here, I was always worried that Tengxing would not want me. Later, I didn't expect that I was admitted unexpectedly."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "That must be because of your ability."

"Hey, in terms of ability, the few people with me are about the same as me, and I'm not the best. Maybe Mr. Ye thinks that since everyone is about the same, it's better to choose the one who needs the most help, so he chose me. .”

"And Mr. Ye directly gave me 5 yuan to let my brother go to college. In short, I am very grateful to her. My parents are both from the countryside. They really face the loess and their backs to the sky. They rely on farming to earn money. It is hard work. I confessed myself, and my younger brother was also confessed, I feel really sorry."

Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay, it's over, you're fine now, aren't you?"

Zhang Bin smiled, "Yeah, it's better now, I bought a car, and I'm going to take out a loan to buy a house next month. Liu Jing and I will pay it back together."

Return together?

Jiang Cheng smiled, "It's alright, boy, did Miss Ren agree to marry you?"

Zhang Bin also laughed, "If you don't agree, you can't repay the mortgage together."

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Cheng found out that not only Zhang Bin, but also Manager Luo.

Back then, Ye Qingjiu had just taken office, and his heart was extremely unstable for a while.

That is, during a period of time, Manager Luo's father owed a lot of debts, and was chased by people every day. Lao Luo had no choice but to buy a car and a house.

But still not enough.Manager Luo's father is old, and people know that they can't get money from him.

Just come to Manager Duluo every day, for a while, he dare not take the big road every day, anyway, it is quite miserable.

Later, it was Ye Qingjiu who gave 200 million to understand this matter.

So every time Ye Qingjiu gets angry? Manager Luo, he never says no to Boss Ye.

The two chatted until almost five o'clock, and then they said goodbye, and Jiang Cheng went to the kindergarten to pick up the two babies.

All the way he was thinking about what Ye Qingjiu went through when he first took office.

The more I think about it, the more distressed I become.

Alone, pregnant with a child, facing the turmoil in the company, I really don't know how she survived.

When we arrived at the kindergarten, the time was just right, and the children all came out, one by one getting into the arms of their parents.

Nuo Nuo Yanyan was looking around for Jiang Cheng on his little feet.

Seeing him walking towards the door, the expressions on the faces of the two babies changed from anxiety to joy in an instant.

He rushed over with his calf, Jiang Cheng hurriedly squatted down to hug them.

The impulsive force of the internal stock made Jiang Cheng's whole body move backwards.

He hurriedly supported the ground with his hand, and then he barely supported it.

Teacher Zhou walked over with a smile, "You two are naughty~"

Nuonuo didn't care, hugging Jiang Cheng's face was about to pop.

The two treasures kissed him on the face each, and then it stopped.

Jiang Cheng picked up the two children, "Teacher Zhou laughed."

Teacher Zhou looked at him with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, tomorrow is Saturday, don't forget the school performance on Sunday."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded.


At noon the next day, after lunch, Sheng Xinyan called Ye Qingjiu, "Hey, Jiujiu, this weekend, the casting is off for a day, do you want to go shopping~"

Ye Qingjiu was sitting on the sofa watching the children practicing the piano, when he heard that Sheng Xinyan asked her to go shopping, his heart moved.

Recently, my nerves have been a little tense, and I really want to go out for a walk.

But when I heard the sound of the piano, I was a little shaken. After all, the two babies will participate in the school performance tomorrow, and this is their first performance on stage.

Jiang Cheng looked at her hesitant expression and patted her head, "Go, I'm at home."

"Can you?" Ye Qingjiu looked at him uncertainly.

"What's wrong with this, let's go."

With Jiang Cheng's affirmation, Ye Qingjiu's eyes jumped with joy, "Then I'll go for a while and be back soon."

Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Come on."

Ye Qingjiu pressed his thin lips to his face.

! ! ! !
Jiang Cheng's mind went blank.

The blood spurts extremely fast.

After a while, Ye Qingjiu moved away his soft and thin lips, looked at Jiang Cheng shyly, "Thank you."

What is she doing?
This girl, is she so active!

Do you know the consequences of kissing yourself?
Ye Qingjiu himself couldn't explain why he kissed him, all he knew was that she wanted it so much at that moment, and then she did it.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's fiery eyes now, he felt a little embarrassed.

"You, why are you looking at me like that!" She tried hard to control her nervousness.

Thinking silently in his heart, Ye Qingjiu, don't be shy anymore, he is your husband, what are you afraid of when you kiss him.

Jiang Cheng swallowed, his eyes fixed on her delicate lips.

In the next second, he kissed her desperately.

He's a man, a normal man, and he has desires.

"Crack." The phone fell to the ground.

Sheng Xinyan's voice came from the phone, "Jiujiu, talk!"


After a while, Ye Qingjiu pushed Jiang Cheng away and looked at him angrily, "You bit me?!"

Jiang Cheng looked at her angry little face and smiled helplessly.

Did he bite?

Sheng Xinyan on the phone finally understood after listening for a long time.

They can show their affection on the phone. After all, these two people don't have the slightest scruples?

She hung up the phone and called again, "Ye Qingjiu, I really can't stand you now, hurry up and see you at the old place!"

After that, I hung up the phone.

Hearing Sheng Xinyan's voice, Jiang Cheng burst out laughing, "Okay, okay, go quickly."

"Well, then you look after them."

After speaking, Ye Qingjiu tidied up briefly, and then drove towards the pedestrian street.

The entrance of Ce shopping mall.

Sheng Xinyan wore this black suspender dress, her slender legs were particularly eye-catching.

Ye Qingjiu saw her and walked over unhurriedly.

As soon as the two met, Sheng Xinyan began to complain, "It's different for people with husbands, they can take the time to do something else when they answer the phone."

"Nonsense! You obviously didn't do anything!" Ye Qingjiu pulled a face.

(End of this chapter)

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