Chapter 202 This is the second child?
Boss Wang's complexion gradually turned ugly, Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "Have you thought about it now? Either give me the Meijia company, or life imprisonment, choose yourself."

Originally, he wanted to give Jiang Cheng a bad reputation, but he didn't expect to lead himself into the gutter.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "I'll give you a week, and if I don't receive the transfer contract from Meijia after a week, we'll see you in court."

After speaking, he turned and left the office door.

Seeing Jiang Cheng go out, Boss Wang finally couldn't hold back anymore, and spread out on the sofa.

The secretary was terrified, and hurried forward to help him, "Mr. Wang, how are you doing, Mr. Wang?"

Mr. Wang's face is pale, what can he do, his company is about to disappear!

When Boss Wang came home at night, his wife Wu Meijia saw his ugly face and couldn't help being curious, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say that you're going to make a lot of money soon? How can you still be so virtuous?"

These words are like stabbing Boss Wang in the heart.

He also wanted to make a lot of money, but he didn't make enough money, so he might have to lose the entire Meijia company.

It hurts to think about it.

"Hey, it's over." Boss Wang looked desperate.

Wu Meijia looked at him, "Why is it over? You said it!"

Boss Wang gritted his teeth and told the whole story.

It was said that Wu Meijia was completely desperate. She is the legal person of Meijia Company. Doesn't this mean that she lost her company?
This Wang Zongyao is simply a bastard!

"That won't work, I want to give him Yuan'an for you, the Mei family is mine!"

I didn't expect my wife to be this kind of person. When Meijia was founded, she didn't pay a penny, but she used her name as a legal person. Now something happened, she has such an attitude?

"Yuan'an is much bigger than Meijia, are you trying to pay me to death?"

"What does it matter to me whether you pay or not? I only care about Meijia! Meijia is absolutely impossible to give to anyone! I don't agree!"

Wu Meijia was also in a hurry.

After following him for so many years, I finally got such a company. Although I have a name, I am also a legal person.

That has legal effect.

She will never give away Meijia Company.

Boss Wang couldn't have imagined that his wife was such a person even if he killed him, and his voice trembled with anger.

"Wu Meijia, Wu Meijia, why didn't I realize that you are this kind of person? Everyone said that I was pushed by everyone, but I didn't expect that before I fell, you should push me first. You can!"

"I don't care, anyway, the Meijia company cannot be given away to others!" Wu Meijia said with a determined face.

In less than 10 minutes, Wu Meijia had already figured it out. She married Wang Yaozong because she was bald and got money from him.

Now, after finally holding a company in her hands, even if Wang Yaozong went to jail, she would never hand it over.

And once Wang Yaozong is imprisoned, Yuan'an Company is also his own.

When the time comes, the two companies will be sold together, and they will have hundreds of millions of assets when they change hands. From then on, they will have no worries about eating and drinking.

Boss Wang pointed at her nose, "Okay, my surname is Wu, do you think you can't do anything if you don't give it to me? Don't forget, even if the company is yours, it is also property after marriage, and half of it is mine. Now I'm going to sue for divorce, when you cry!"

Hearing this, Wu Meijia lost her mind for a while.

She didn't have a high degree of education, let alone culture.

No, he can't lose the company by himself.

Thinking about it, Wu Meijia called the company's lawyer, but unfortunately the lawyer said the same thing as Boss Wang.

Now Wu Mei's family has nothing to do.

Had to sign the transfer contract.

The day after the transfer contract was signed, Boss Wang asked a lawyer to draft a divorce agreement.

In the end, Wu Meijia only received 2000 million yuan in compensation.

A month later, Jiang Cheng got up and made breakfast as usual. The two babies lived with Mama Ye recently, and they were very attached to grandma. The person who picks them up every day changed from Jiang Cheng to Mama Ye.

After the three of them got up, they went to the table to eat breakfast.

Mother Ye found out that Ye Qingjiu hadn't woken up yet, so she couldn't help but be concerned: "Jiang Cheng, why hasn't this Qingjiu up yet, how come I can sleep more and more these days."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng smiled, "Mom, didn't the seasons change recently? People are lazy when they change seasons, so it's fine. Let her sleep for a while."

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Mother Ye smiled.

My son-in-law loves my daughter the most and always protects her.

"I have to get up and eat something, she didn't eat much last night."

Jiang Cheng has been busy with the robot work recently, so he came back very late, and Ye Qingjiu had already fallen asleep after coming back last night.

Didn't know she didn't have much dinner.

No, she has a bad stomach.

Jiang Cheng thought about it, got up and went to Ye Qingjiu's room.

He called her up.

After entering the house, Ye Qingjiu was still sleeping.

She looks stunning with her eyes closed and her long lashes.

Jiang Cheng kissed her, "Slacker, wake up~"

Hearing the shout, Ye Qingjiu turned over, "No, I still want to sleep for a while."

She is always so cute.

Jiang Cheng touched her head, "No, get up and eat breakfast!"

"No!" Ye Qingjiu didn't even lift his eyelids.

Recently, I don't know why she is always sleepy, and she doesn't want to eat at all, she really just wants to sleep.

What can I do?

Jiang Cheng saw that she was determined not to get up.

I had no choice but to drag him up from the bed.

"Daughter-in-law, are you sick? How about I help you feel the pulse."

He also felt that his daughter-in-law's state was really not right.

Ye Qingjiu didn't refuse, and stretched out his slender and fair arms, "Hey, look."

Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to feel his pulse.

The pulse condition was extremely strong, but the position below was still beating.

He widened his eyes and looked at Ye Qingjiu with surprise, "Daughter-in-law, get ready!"

Ye Qingjiu looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face, "What preparations?"

"Daughter-in-law, you are going to be a mother!" Jiang Cheng was a little incoherent with excitement at the moment.

But it doesn't affect Ye Qingjiu's judgment!

It looks like it's over! ! !

No, I clearly took security measures this month.

She shook her head, recalling carefully.

Is it?
Once in a hotel? ??
Now she is completely messed up.

"Is that how the second child came?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, hurry up and eat something, let's go to the hospital!"

Ye Qingjiu sat on the bed for 10 minutes.

Finally accepted the reality.

After all, the two children have grown up now, and they can live in a world of two. Why did the third child come out again?

Who is to make sense of this.

Jiang Cheng looked at him from the side, seeing that she still didn't show any signs of getting up.

He stretched out his hand and pulled him up, "You are two people now, you must eat! After eating, let's go to the hospital!"

To be honest, Jiang Cheng didn't know what to do, although Neitian himself didn't drink, but Ye Qingjiu did.

For the safety of the child, this hospital must still be visited.

The two went to the restaurant.

Seeing her daughter's complexion, Mother Ye couldn't help becoming worried, "I said Qingjiu, why is your face so ugly, are you sick?"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng was happy, "Mom, isn't this sick? Didn't you guys keep urging the second child? Now you have it!"

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Mother Ye was too excited.

Oh my god, her daughter actually had a second child.

Last time, I couldn't be by his side, this time, I must accompany her and accompany her into the delivery room.

Ye Qingjiu was a little embarrassed at the moment, she lowered her head, took a mouthful of vegetables and fed them into her mouth.

Before I swallowed it, I started to vomit uncontrollably.

It was really uncomfortable.

There was no such reaction last time either.

Why is there such a big reaction this time?

Seeing this, Mother Ye was very distressed, "Qingjiu, is there anything you want to eat? How about, how about mom making bamboo tube meat for you?"

Right now, the only thing she can think of that Ye Qingjiu likes to eat is bamboo tube meat.

But how can Ye Qingjiu eat it now?

She's almost dying of pain!

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu with a pale face and felt very distressed, "Daughter-in-law? Why don't we go to the hospital first and buy you a chicken when we come back, let's eat Geleshan spicy chicken."

Hearing Geleshan Spicy Chicken, Ye Qingjiu was shaken.

It's the love of her life.

Especially the chicken made by Jiang Cheng is simply amazing.

She nodded, "Okay then."

Seeing that she finally wanted something to eat again, Mother Ye breathed a sigh of relief. "Then go to the hospital quickly, I will send the child to the market to buy a fresh chicken."

Hearing this, the two nodded and went into the house, changed their clothes and headed towards the hospital.

Nuonuo looked at Yanyan, "You mean little brother or little sister?"

Yan Yan thought for a while, "I think younger brothers and sisters are fine. As long as they are healthy, I can help my mother take care of him."

Good guy, Mother Ye hasn't recovered from the surprise just now.

Hearing the words, I was really shocked.

Is this what a three-year-old child said?

This is too sensible.

Nuonuo thought for a while, "I still want a younger brother, so that I will have two men to protect me in the future."

Hearing this, Yan Yan smiled, "You think too much, you are the one who protects him."

After speaking, he climbed off the stool.

Leave a sentence "Grandma, I'm full, we should go to school." Just go to the shoe cabinet and pass on the shoes.

Mama Ye hurriedly agreed, "Mother Zhang, Mama Zhang quickly clear the table, I will send the children to school first."

After finishing speaking, he took the two children into the garage and drove the Alpha to Monris Kindergarten.

Here Ye Qingjiu and Jiang Cheng arrived at the hospital.

The two registered and waited for a long time.

Ye Qingjiu looked sickly, like a beaten eggplant with no energy.

There are quite a lot of people who came for the prenatal checkup today.

Next to him was a woman with a big belly.

It looked like it was five months old, and there were two little boys over five years old standing beside him.

Seeing Ye Qingjiu leaning on Jiang Cheng, he was very envious.

Couldn't help talking to Ye Qingjiu, "Are you here for the inspection too?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Yeah."

"Hey, I'm also here for the birth check. You can see that it's reincarnation. Reincarnation can give birth to anything. Unlike me, the first one gave birth to twins. If the second child is a boy, our family is really I can't live anymore, I have to buy three houses just to buy a house for my son!"

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu smiled, it was the first time she heard this statement.

I originally wanted to say that the daughter-in-law can also buy it, but after thinking about it, I still felt that it was wrong, so I said casually; "I am also a second child, but the first one is a twin, this time I dare not have a boy or a girl, it doesn't matter, as long as it is healthy."

I heard Ye Qingjiu say that he is a second child.

The women were utterly shocked.

This girl's belly feels like it would take a long time to eat a small watermelon, but she actually gave birth to twins?
The most important thing is that this is a second child, and her husband still loves her so much, holding hands now and asking if she wants to drink water.

I didn't have this kind of treatment when I was just married.

The more women think about it, the more sad they become.

They are all women, so good-looking, as expected, fate will favor them.

"No. 29 Ye Qingjiu!" A nurse's voice came from inside the hospital.

Jiang Cheng held Ye Qingjiu's hand and stood up.

The two walked inside.

The doctor is a woman, looking at Ye Qingjiu, "Gender, age!"

"Male, 23!" Before Ye Qingjiu could speak, Jiang Cheng replied, doctor, does Ye Qingjiu look like a man? "

Hearing the man, the doctor raised his head, "This is the obstetrics and gynecology department, why would a man come to see the doctor? Could it be that you are pregnant?"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng was not soft-spoken, "Then you know it's obstetrics and gynecology, why ask? Could it be that a man is pregnant?"

In a word, the interns inside laughed.

The old doctor's face is a little uncomfortable.

"Don't talk to me, when was your last menstrual period?"

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "The 1st of last month, this is the 10th of the second month."

The old doctor looked at him helplessly, "Are you pregnant or your wife?"

"Of course it's my wife!"

The doctor shook his head helplessly.

Hearing that Jiang Cheng remembered his daughter-in-law's menstrual days so clearly, the intern doctor was envious right now.

God, what kind of warm man is this, who actually remembers such things clearly.

It can be seen how much he cares about his wife.

"Okay, go lie down inside and have a B-ultrasound!" The old doctor grimaced.

Jiang Cheng didn't care either.

After the B-ultrasound, the results came out half an hour later.

The old doctor looked at the list, "At present, everything is normal, remember to come for a checkup every month in the future."

Although the doctor's attitude is not very good.

But hearing that everything is normal for the child, both of them are still very happy.

After getting into the car, Jiang Cheng hurriedly took out the spare blanket in the trunk.

Ye Qingjiu looked at him curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Why? Of course it's covered for you. It's winter now, and it's not good for children to be hot and cold!"

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he opened the car door.

Ye Qingjiu sat in, dumbfounded, and Jiang Cheng carefully covered her with a blanket.

Only then did the door close.

Get in the cab.

This is not over yet, they also turned on the air conditioner and heated the cushions.

That's when the fire started.

The warm air from the air conditioner blows out, which is very warm and comfortable.

When Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng, his eyes suddenly became moist.

She never thought that being pregnant and having her husband by her side would be such a happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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