Chapter 203 Maternity leave now?

When the two returned home, Mama Ye just stopped the car and came back with an old hen that had just been slaughtered.

Jiang Cheng stopped the car, and the two got out of the car and greeted with smiles, "Mom, you're back."

When Mother Ye saw Jiang Cheng, she hurriedly raised the chicken in her hand, "Look, the freshly slaughtered old hen must be nutritious to drink the soup!"

Ye Qingjiu looked at Mother Ye, "Mom, I've just been pregnant, and you've started to feed me old hens? According to this remedy, won't I be fed like a pig by you?"

Hearing this, Mother Ye smiled and patted her head, "What are you thinking, you are the key protection target now!"

After finishing speaking, he asked concerned; "By the way, I went to the hospital just now, what did the doctor say?"

Ye Qingjiu pursed his lips, "Hmph, it's really not me who is worried, your precious grandson is fine!"

Seeing Ye Qingjiu's cute appearance, Mother Ye couldn't help but patted her on the head, "Nonsense, you were born by me, I don't care about you, who do you care about?"

The three entered the room talking and laughing.

Jiang Cheng carried the chicken into the kitchen, dodged half of it, and went to the space to get some spiritual spring water.

Cut the meat into uniform pieces, add some goji berries and red dates, and cook them together in Lingquan.

Boil the soup and cut the other half into small pieces, heat up the oil and fry it in the pan, then add a little pepper and the fragrance will float out instantly.

Ye Qingjiu and his mother were sitting on the sofa.

Mother Ye looked at him, "Nuo Nuo Yanyan is very happy to know that you are pregnant. I think these two children are very sensible now."

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Nonuo and Yanyan are grown up now, they must be relatively sensible, but the little one in the stomach doesn't know if they are sensible or not."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng's face suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I don't know whether to be more like me or Jiang Cheng."

Seeing her yearning look, Mama Ye smiled, "Everyone is good-looking, Jiang Cheng is so handsome, he can do whatever he wants, look at his peach eyes, and that hair!"

"What about me? Why do you only praise him and not me, am I ugly?" Ye Qingjiu acted coquettishly.

Mother Ye looked at her lovingly, "You were born by me, so of course you are the prettiest."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu curled his lips, as if he was very dissatisfied with his mother's answer, "Is it because I was born by you that I look good?"

Mother Ye was so helpless.

She gave Ye Qingjiu a white look, this girl, don't you know what she looks like?

You don't have to ask your mother to praise it.

"Of course it's the prettiest one. Old Ye's family has given birth to such a beautiful girl in several lifetimes." After speaking, Ye's mother seemed to be lost in memory, "Speaking of which, it was your grandma who said this, when you were just full moon , your grandma came to see you, holding what you like very much."

"She said that among the members of the Ye family, only our Xiaoqingjiu looks the best."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu smiled.

"By the way, Sake, have you figured out what the baby's name is?"

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, "Mom is just pregnant, how can I think so much!"

Mother Ye smiled, "If you want me to say, the boy is called An An, and the girl is Ping Ping. Now that Jiang Cheng is so promising and you hold Teng Xing in your hand, the conditions are naturally beautiful. Even if the three children don't work all their lives , that can afford it, and I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, so I just want to be safe.”

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Okay, you can call it whatever your mother says."

The mother and daughter chatted, Jiang Cheng's chicken was out of the pan, and the Geleshan spicy chicken was really delicious.

There is also half a pot of chicken soup, which is golden in color and has a fragrance, which makes people's appetite greatly increased by smelling it.

Jiang Cheng put the dishes on the table, then turned around and went back to the kitchen to fill up the rice before walking out.

"Come and taste it, you must be starving since you haven't eaten in the morning."

Seeing the concern of the son-in-law for his daughter, Mama Ye, the mother-in-law, was really happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Come on, let's eat."

The rice cooked by Jiang Cheng is absolutely delicious.

Ye Qingjiu didn't have much appetite at first, but now he has already eaten two bowls of rice.

Even Mama Ye ate a little too much.

A pot of rice was eaten by three people directly.

After dinner, Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng, "Can I go to work now?"

Hearing that he was going to work, Jiang Cheng shook his head solemnly, "That's no good, you are pregnant now, you can take maternity leave!"

produce what?
Ye Qingjiu's eyes widened.

Fortunately, the company is owned by itself. If Jiang Cheng owned it, he would be able to pay for it. Every year, there would be [-] to [-] employees on real estate leave. Originally, they were only allowed to take the last month before childbirth and the five months after childbirth.

Jiang Cheng is good, he will be released for a year.

What a kind boss.

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, "Are you the president or am I?"

Jiang Cheng looked disapproving, "You are, what's the matter?"

"Then I'm going to inform you that I'm going to work now, what do you think is the problem?"

Jiang Cheng touched his head with an innocent face, "But you are my wife? I don't agree with you, what's the problem with you going to work?"

Hearing this, Ye Qing had a meal.

"Good job, Jiang Cheng!"

He bullies people!

But why do I feel so sweet.

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "Okay, you rest at home, I will help you with today's class, from now on I will take you to Tengxing three days a week, you can choose to go for two days, or not go for one day. "

"Leave all your work to me!"

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu fell into thought, "But you will be very busy then, right?"

After all, Tengxing also has a lot of things to deal with, and the end of the year is coming soon, and she still wants to wait until the end of the year to put the game of Douluo Dalu on the market.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that during the Chinese New Year holiday, the traffic of the game will rise sharply.

Jiang Cheng lifted it up, "Hey, it's time to rest, go to sleep. I'll go to Tengxing to see it now."

Ye Qingjiu looked worried, "Then you must remember to go to the technical department to see how the game is progressing."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Don't worry."

After speaking, he took off his apron and walked out.

After getting into the car, Jiang Cheng went straight to Tengxing.

Si Qingqing was sitting on a co-worker's seat eating a cake, when she saw Jiang Cheng coming, she was startled.

"Jiang, President Jiang, why are you here? Where is President Ye?"

She still has a few project cooperation letters that Ye Qingjiu needs to sign.

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a slight smile, stepped forward two steps and leaned next to her ear, "I have good news for you, Mr. Ye is pregnant!"

After finishing speaking, she pushed back, "So now I will handle all her work."

Hearing that Mr. Ye was pregnant, Si Qingqing's eyes widened in surprise, "My God!"

Jiang Cheng blinked and motioned her to shut up.

Only then did he walk in the direction of the president's office.

Si Qingqing followed behind, and there was a shock, a shock.

Oh my god, her President Ye is actually pregnant.

It's too soon, everyone said to hug two in three years, but Mr. Ye is planning to hug three before the wedding.

Is this going to marry Jiang Cheng with three children?
Jiang Cheng entered the office and sat on Ye Qingjiu's seat, "Bring me everything you need to sign, and I'll just sign it, and call Manager Luo and Xu Zhe over, I need to find them!"

Si Qingqing nodded.

Turned around and walked out.

While walking towards Manager Luo's office, he couldn't help but think about Mr. Ye's wedding scene.

While walking, he accidentally bumped into a female colleague.

"Sorry, sorry." Si Qingqing quickly apologized.

Seeing that it was Si Qingqing, the other party smiled helplessly, "Qingqing, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel out of your mind?"

She thought that Si Qingqing was broken in love, so reckless.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Ye is pregnant!" Si Qingqing seemed to have discovered a new world, and she didn't know who to tell.

When a colleague asked her this question, she hurriedly revealed the secret.


The colleague's eyes widened, "Really?"

President Ye is pregnant?Pregnant before the wedding?

Doesn't this already have two babies?How did you get pregnant again so soon?

"No, I have to tell Lao Li about this, our devil is actually pregnant!"

Ye Qingjiu has always advocated that career should be the most important thing in the company, especially women, if they don't strengthen themselves, they will easily be eliminated by society.

In fact, what she said at the time was true.

It's a pity that time has passed, and her current professionalism has been slowly taken up by Jiang Cheng.

After all, a person has only one heart.

If there is too much of one thing, the other will naturally be slowly squeezed out.

Now she can no longer be compared with the iron-blooded devil at that time.

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful and you will always know how to get angry!"

Colleagues still care about Mr. Ye's anger, she only knows that if she doesn't speak out about such explosive news, she will be suffocated to death.

"Don't worry, I'll tell Lao Li alone, go and do your work." After speaking, he walked towards Lao Li's office.

Si Qingqing shook her head and went to Lao Luo's office.

"Old Luo, Mr. Jiang called you to the office."

Lao Luo was browsing the news on the computer, and when he heard Mr. Jiang, he made a difference, "Mr. Jiang is here, shouldn't he be a morning gift again?"

Si Qingqing blinked, "Boss Ye is pregnant and resting at home."

Hearing Si Qingqing's words, everyone in the office lost their composure.

Oh my god, Mr. Ye is pregnant?

Lao Luo was also stunned, and she became pregnant without a trace, Jiang Cheng, this kid can do it!
"Okay, I'll go right away."

After receiving Lao Luo's affirmative answer, Si Qingqing went to Xu Zhe's office again, and said the same thing again.

Ten minutes later Xu Zhe and Lao Luo hid in Jiang Cheng's office.

Lao Luo looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile, "Yes, the speed is fast enough."

Xu Zhe sat directly on the sofa, "Okay, Brother Cheng, I really have you! Sharpshooter, this is it."

Jiang Cheng frowned and didn't understand what was going on, the co-author was Si Qingqing with such a big mouth.

I really can't tell her anything.

If Sake knew about this, he would be ashamed to face others again.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two of them, "It's fine for you two to know, don't talk nonsense when you go out."

He had no idea that Tengxing's entire office had exploded right now.

"God, do you know Mr. Ye is pregnant, this is the rhythm of having a second child."

"When did Mr. Ye get pregnant? It's too soon."

"They're all on maternity leave, and it will take half a year anyway."

"I didn't notice it. When I saw Mrs. Ye yesterday, she didn't have a full stomach. How come it's been six months?"

"Don't rich people show their pregnancy? I'm really envious!"

Several high-level people who usually come here have gathered in the same office.

Xiao Zhao, the financial manager, looked at the director of the administrative office, "Hey, Lao Li, you said Mr. Ye is pregnant, should we go and see him tomorrow?"

Lao Li nodded, "That's for sure, when will human feelings manifest? Isn't it now?"

Wu Nannan next to him also looked reasonable, "Yes, I think I have to go and see Mr. Ye, otherwise, I don't think tomorrow will happen. After get off work, let's go directly to the big supermarket across the street to buy something. "

"Then go directly to Mr. Ye's house."


Several people hit it off.

Jiang Cheng was still in the office discussing Douluo games with Lao Luo Xu Zhe.

He looked at Xu Zhe seriously, "I think the graphics are the most important thing in games. No matter how good the game is, as long as the graphics are disgusting, it's half over!"

Xu Zhe nodded. He felt that what Jiang Cheng said was right, "But the picture has always been directly handed over to the art team, and none of us will do it. It has always been what others draw."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng glanced at Lao Luo, "Manager Luo, last time the king was transferred from your team, I remember Xiao Liu is good, why don't you try to second him to the art team? Discuss with more people one time."

After all, Xiao Liu knows both games and drawing, so he is indeed a talent.

Lao Luo nodded, "Okay, no problem!"

After the meeting, Jiang Cheng read through the documents that Si Qingqing just reported one by one, signed them, and then drove to pick up the two children.

Wu Nannan and the others went to the supermarket after work to buy good things.

As soon as six o'clock arrived, I drove directly to the lake center villa.

It turned out that when Ye Qingjiu was not feeling well, Zeng Jin and the others went to Huxin Garden to work for a few days, temporarily working.

So I am still very familiar with the road to Huxin Garden.

Several people fell directly downstairs and rang the doorbell.

Zhang Ma looked at the time, and it should be Jiang Cheng who came back, so she didn't ask any further questions, and opened the door directly.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm the manager of Tengxing Operations Department." Wu Nannan was the first to introduce.

"Auntie, I'm from the Finance Department."

"And me, I'm in the administrative department."

Mama Zhang looked at these three people a little puzzled, but they were Teng Xing's people after all, so she let them in.

"Miss, someone is looking for you."

Ye Qingjiu was chatting with his mother in the bedroom, when he heard someone looking for him, he looked at the door curiously, "Who is looking for me?"

Mama Ye raised her chin, "You'll know if you go and have a look."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu put on his shoes and walked out.

Wu Nannan and Xiao Zhao were so excited when they saw Mr. Ye came out, "Mr. Ye, I heard that you are pregnant and will be at home for a long vacation. We came here to see you."

After speaking, he put the fruit milk he just bought on the ground.

Ye Qingjiu's eyelids twitched.

Is this how the co-author Jiang Cheng went to the company to announce?

Tell the whole company you're on maternity leave?
(End of this chapter)

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