Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 204 Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Chapter 204 Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

This is too embarrassing.

Ye Qingjiu managed to force a smile, but he didn't come to respond hastily.

Xiao Zhao walked over with a concerned face, lifted Ye Qingjiu's arm, and walked towards the sofa, "Boss Ye, you have been here for six months, you have to be careful."

Ye Qingjiu looked down at his stomach.

Who told her it was six months?

Why is it only six months?
Don't they look at their stomachs?
"Um, me."

Before she finished speaking, Wu Nannan began to boast, "Boss Ye is in such a good figure, he has not had a stomach at all in the past six months, not unlike me, who had a baby last year, and the belly is so big that he can't even see his shoes."

Ye Qingjiu looked helpless, "Who told you that I have been here for six months? President Jiang said that?"

She gritted her teeth with anger.

This Jiang Cheng, who said she was pregnant, even said that she was six months old.

What is he going to do?

Hearing this, several people were stunned, "Not six months? Who said Mr. Ye has been six months?"

This afternoon, the matter of Ye Qingjiu's pregnancy was like a blockbuster, passed from person to person, and there were too many people involved in the discussion.

As for who said that Ye Qingjiu is six months old.

It seems to have said it all, but I really don't know who said it first.

"Let me just say, how could Mr. Ye's stomach last for six months? It seems like it's only two months at most."

"Yes, yes, it's really scary."

Jiang Cheng had just arrived at the door with his two children.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw several people standing in the living room smiling, while Ye Qingjiu was sitting on the sofa with an ugly expression.

He stared blankly at the few people, "Xiao Zhao? Why are you here?"

"Let's take a look at Mr. Ye."

"Yeah, just to express my heart."

"That's right, Mr. Ye usually takes good care of us, and we can't help you with giving birth, so come and see Mr. Ye."

Jiang Cheng; "..."

So what do you want to help?

Before he could say anything, there was another melodious doorbell.

Mama Zhang hurried to open the door.

Open it and see, good guy, Si Qingqing, Manager Luo and Xu Zhe.

When the three of them entered the door and saw Wu Nannan, they were surprised, "What a coincidence, you are here too?"

"Yes, let's see Mr. Ye."

"Oh, we are also here to see Mr. Ye."

After the three of them finished speaking, they put the large and small bags in their hands on the ground.

Seeing so many people, Ye Qingjiu's face turned purple like an eggplant, good guy, watching monkeys in the park is not so lively.

She looked at Zhang Ma, "Zhang Ma, make some tea for everyone."

After all, when people come, they cannot be driven out directly.

She flirted with Jiang Cheng, "Come with me."

After speaking, he returned to the bedroom.

Jiang Cheng frowned.

Hiss, it's over!

The two of them entered the bedroom, "Daughter-in-law, listen to my explanation, and I will tell Si Qingqing that you are alone, and I haven't told you for six months. I really didn't do this!"

Ye Qingjiu sat on the bed, raised the end of her beautiful eyes, "Do you mean that Qingqing told everyone about me for six months? She was with me every day, how could she say such a thing?"

"Daughter-in-law, it's really not me." Jiang Cheng didn't know who said it for the past six months.

It's hard to tell right now.

He looked at Ye Qingjiu, "Daughter-in-law, you said so many people are at home, what should we do?"

Ye Qingjiu glared at him, "Of course I let them go back, are they still staying here?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law's angry look, Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing.

He came over and lightly poked Ye Qingjiu's shoulder, "Daughter-in-law, if you let someone live in you, he won't live in you. Don't worry, those who can come to see you today are either smart or really like you." .”

Jiang Cheng was very clear about currying favor with the leader.

In his eyes, Wu Nannan was just here to curry favor with the leader, and there was nothing controversial about it.

But Si Qingqing and Lao Luo Xuzhe, these three people really came to see Ye Qingjiu.

"Then what do you say?" Ye Qingjiu looked at him

"What I mean is, why don't we treat everyone to a meal? Since they are all here, no matter if they are true or false, they can't let them come for nothing."

"Didn't you always hope to have a good relationship with your colleagues in the company?
To say that Ye Qingjiu doesn't quite agree with the first sentence, but she does agree with the latter sentence.

She does wish she had a better relationship with them.

She nodded, "Then let's go out to eat."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Okay."

After discussing with each other, the two went out. The two small groups were being besieged by the uncles and aunts in the office.

After all, the two babies are so cute.

Now rub this one on your head, and touch that one on your head.

The two babies were almost fainted by them.

Seeing Mom and Dad came out, Nuonuo pouted and said, "Mom, I'm going to find grandma first."

Yan Yan also nodded frantically, "Mom, I'm going to find my grandma too."

Before Ye Qingjiu nodded, the two characters ran towards the end of the corridor.

They don't want to stay here and continue to be rubbed on the head.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the backs of the two meatballs running away, and turned to face everyone, "Well, let's go out and have a meal together."

"I don't think there is any need for Mr. Ye, you should stop walking around when you are pregnant with this child."

"Yes, Mr. Ye, we just came to see you."

"That's right, I also think Mr. Ye, you'd better rest at home."

Wu Nannan and the others originally wanted to visit and express their affection.

No one really wants to have dinner with Ye Qingjiu.

Hearing what she said, she began to use the banner of Ye Qingjiu's good to refuse.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "It doesn't matter, then you guys go back first."

"Yeah, then the rest of us will leave first." Wu Nannan was ready to run away after speaking.

Xiao Zhao and Lao Li also followed, "Then Mr. Ye, you must take care of yourself."

After speaking, he looked at Si Qingqing again.

The three of them, Si Qingqing, just came over, and they haven't spoken yet, so she doesn't want to leave.

She smiled, "I still have something to look for, so you go first."

Seeing that Si Qingqing had no intention of leaving, Xiao Zhao and the others left first.

Now she, Lao Luo, and Xu Zhe were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

Lao Luo looked at Ye Qingjiu, "Mr. Ye, congratulations, you have a second child so soon."

Si Qingqing glared at Lao Luo, "Congratulations, women suffer the most when they are pregnant. Ye Zi was pregnant last time. It sounds like she has such a big belly that it is difficult to walk. She has to stay in the office every day, and sometimes she eats every bite of food a day." No, I feel distressed just looking at it!"

Speaking of feeling sorry for Ye Qingjiu, Si Qingqing was serious.

She doesn't care about children or not, she only cares about Ye Qingjiu's body.

Xu Zhe was not happy when he heard this, "I don't think you take our brother Cheng seriously. Can he watch Mr. Ye work so hard? Didn't you come to Tengxing to work today?"

Jiang Cheng saw that more than half of the people had already left.

Those who stayed were all related, and smiled, "Why don't you eat at home today, and I'll make it for everyone, how about it?"

Hearing that Jiang Cheng was going to cook himself, Si Qingqing and Xu Zhe were excited.

"Mr. Jiang, would you like some spicy chicken?"

"Brother Cheng, prepare the braised pork!"

Speaking of eating, Si Qingqing also thought of one thing, that is cherries.

The cherries are so delicious, Jiang Cheng's family happened to fall today, I don't know if there are any more.

"Mr. Jiang, do you have cherries at home?"


Jiang Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

"Yes, you can chat with Mr. Ye well, and I will wash the fruit for you!"

After speaking, he entered the kitchen, locked the door, and entered the space. The cherries in the good guy's space have piled up.

If it is put down, the Lingtian will be completely covered.

Jiang Cheng thought about it, went out to find a few cardboard boxes, and packed a box full of cherries for each of them.

Only then did he leave the space and open the kitchen door.

"Xu Zhe, come here."

Xu Zhe is currently calling Sheng Xinyan to ask her to come over for dinner.

After the internal incident last time, the two went directly to Xu Zhe's house that night and got together that night.

Early the next morning, Sheng Xinyan thought that the relationship could be ended.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zhe is really not a scumbag, but treats her better.

So the two are together.

Hearing Jiang Cheng calling himself, Xu Zhe replied, "Here we come." He hung up the phone.

Turned into the kitchen.

Seeing several big boxes on the ground, Xu Zhe was startled, "Brother, what is this?"

Jiang Cheng clapped his hands, what else could it be, he worked so hard to pretend to be a cherry.

"Cherries, one box per person, move them out."

"Good guy." Xu Zhe sighed, bent down and walked out with the box in his arms.

Si Qingqing also looked curious when she saw the box, "What is this?"

Xu Zhe gave her a white look, "The cherries given by Brother Cheng are one box for each person, now you will be lucky."

Hearing that it was cherries, Si Qingqing almost bent over with a smile. This is really great. With so many cherries, I can eat them for a week!
Manager Luo remembered that the last time he went to team building, Jiang Cheng's cherries tasted really good.

He was also very happy at the moment, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

Take this box back and give it to my daughter-in-law, they must like it very much.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two of them and smiled, "Okay, I'll cook."

Several people were sitting on the sofa talking and laughing, chatting about work and the future development of the company.

Half an hour later, Jiang Cheng's meal was finally ready.

Sheng Xinyan is also here.

Everyone came to the table together, and Jiang Cheng cooked very quickly. In a short time, all the braised pork, lion's head, braised octopus, and spicy chicken nuggets were all ready.

Si Qingqing's eyes lit up seeing so many delicious dishes, "Wow, Mr. Jiang, your cooking skills are really good."

Manager Luo also nodded. The color of the dish and the knife workmanship seemed particularly appetizing.

"No wonder we were able to coax Mr. Ye to conceive a second child so quickly."

When Sheng Xinyan first came in, the meal was already on the table.

She still doesn't know about Ye Qingjiu's pregnancy.

Hearing that Ye Qingjiu was pregnant, he touched his stomach subconsciously.

"Qingjiu, were you pregnant last month?"

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Yes, it was last month."

With this sentence, Sheng Xinyan's heart skipped a beat. She was with Xu Zhe last month, and she didn't do anything about it.

Isn't she pregnant too?

Seeing her covering her belly with her hands, Xu Zhe smiled in fear, "Okay, don't worry, it's not that easy to get pregnant, if you really have one, we'll give birth! I'll support you."

Hearing this, Sheng Xinyan punched Xu Zhe with a punch, "Fuck your crow's mouth."

She finally got a boyfriend, and the world between the two of them is not enough, so she doesn't want children.

Thinking about Ye Qingjiu's appearance after giving birth, she couldn't help being afraid of having a child.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the two of them, "Yo, are you together so soon?"

Sheng Xinyan hugged Xu Zhe generously, "Yes, we are together. I am not like someone who dares not admit to anything and likes to sneak around. I am so aboveboard!"

A few people ate and chatted for a while, and it was already late when they went back.

Sheng Xinyan drove back to Xu Zhe's residence with Xu Zhe.

The more I thought about it along the way, the more I couldn't help feeling anxious.

She doesn't seem to have menstruation this month, so it's unlikely that both of them are pregnant.

The more I thought about it, the less nervous I felt, and I drove the car to the door of a pharmacy.

Xu Zhe looked at her differently, "What are we doing here?"

Sheng Xinyan pursed her lips, "Go, buy test strips!"

"Oh, then you go." Xu Zhe smiled slightly.

"Go!" Sheng Xinyan stared at him with determination.

Dog thing, I put him to sleep, is it too much to ask him to buy a test strip?
Hearing this, Xu Zhe's eyes widened as if struck by lightning, "Huh?"

"Honey, I'm a man, do you think it's appropriate for you to let an old man buy this thing?"

"To go or not?" Sheng Xinyan raised her chin and looked at him coldly.

Who told him not to take measures?

Live it!

No punishment, no long memory!
Seeing the determination on her face, Xu Zhe gritted his teeth, "Grandma, I'll go!"

After speaking, he opened the car door and walked out.

When I entered the pharmacy, I really felt that the thief did not escape.

It's more exciting than a thief!

The clerk of the pharmacy was a good-looking young lady. When she saw Xu Zhe coming in, she looked enthusiastic, "Sir, what medicine do you want?"

Xu Zhe's pharynx was drooling, "I don't buy medicine."

Hearing this, the young lady looked confused, "If you don't buy medicine, what would you buy?"

Xu Zhe wanted to die, "I, I bought test strips, just to test for pregnancy."

Heaven and earth conscience.

Xu Zhe really wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide.

It's really embarrassing.

"Oh, you bought it for your wife?" The young lady walked inside with a smile after she finished speaking.

He came out with a small pink box and handed it to Xu Zhe, "28."

Xu Zhe scanned the QR code and ran out quickly.

It wasn't until I got into the car that I breathed a sigh of relief.

So exciting.

Sheng Xinyan couldn't help laughing when she saw Xu Zhe's face was flushed and she was holding a test strip in her hand. She snatched the test strip from Xu Zhe's hand.

"It's almost there."

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and went back to Xu Zhe's rental house.

As soon as the two of them entered, Sheng Xinyan went to the bathroom.

She had to test it immediately to feel at ease.

Xu Zhe poured a glass of water and turned on the TV, and picked out a good movie to watch.

After not watching for 5 minutes, I heard an astonishing scream erupting from the bathroom.

He threw the remote control and rushed into the bathroom, "What's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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