Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 30 The Marriage Proposal Video Is On the Trending Search

Chapter 30 Marriage Proposal Video is Hot Searched (please bookmark, please recommend tickets)
Ye Qingjiu glanced at him, "Aren't I pretty now?"

Jiang Cheng hurriedly changed his words, "No, no, my wife is the most beautiful in the world! Ye Da is beautiful!"

"Can you have a positive shape?"

"Yes, then I wish you a full house of children and grandchildren, and endless succession~"

Ye Qingjiu: "!!!"

Seeing Ye Qingjiu's speechless appearance, Jiang Cheng chuckled.

Ye Qingjiu ate the food stall and drank a small glass of beer, feeling extremely satisfied.

Ye Qing had a smile on his mouth, "Jiang Cheng, thank you."

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Why are you being polite to my husband!"

She took another sip of beer, "Today is Friday, let's get the license on Monday."

After all, the children are already three years old, and it will be the start of school in September, so there is no delay.

"Okay, no problem~" Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Ding, a familiar voice came to mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the task of bringing a family of three to eat food stalls, reward. [Concentration in doing things, persistence]"

Note: Concentration, do anything, you can concentrate all your attention.

Persistence, that is, to do anything, as long as the host is willing, it can double the time.

When Jiang Cheng heard this reward, he burst out laughing with a "puchi". This reward is a bit interesting.

After eating the food stalls, the family of four went home.

The two babies hugged Jiang Cheng as usual, asking his father to put him to sleep.

Jiang Cheng took them to wash up and told stories for another half an hour.

The two babies just fell asleep.

After the children fell asleep, he quietly got out of bed and went to Ye Qingjiu's room.

Ye Qingjiu just took a shower, wrapped in a white bath towel, her hair was so wet that she hadn't had time to dry it yet.

Seeing Jiang Cheng come in suddenly, he was startled, "You, why did you come in."

Needless to say, don't try the reward you just got!
The system has worked so hard, he can't help the wall with mud.

Jiang Cheng smiled badly, and hugged Ye Qingjiu in his arms, "Daughter-in-law, you are so pretty."

A pleasant light fragrance poured into Jiang Cheng's nose, it was so sweet and sweet that one couldn't help but want to taste it.

However, he did so, without waiting for Ye Qingjiu to react, he kissed her directly along the base of her ear.

A whole numbness feeling along the ears and extending like the whole body.

After Ye Qingjiu lost his mind for a moment, he came back to his senses.

"You, what are you doing!"

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile on his face, "Daughter-in-law, we have all obtained the certificate, why are you so shy?"

What is he talking about!

I didn't even get a certificate, how could I do this! ! !

So unreserved!
The more he thought about it, the faster the blush on Ye Qingjiu's face spread.

Seeing Ye Qingjiu's nervous appearance, Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, why are you so shy?"

After finishing speaking, he took another two steps towards her, Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng who was slowly approaching him with a mocking face.

What is he doing!
The tense skin tightened, and he backed involuntarily, until his entire back was pressed against the wall, and then he stopped.

"You, don't come here!"

Jiang Cheng leaned on the wall with one hand, and looked down at her playfully, "Well, then you have to reward me."

Ye Qingjiu looked up at him, "How much do you want?"

Jiang Cheng: "..."

I really deserve to be a good hand in business, let me talk about money with you at this juncture.

"When a man asks a woman for a reward, it's usually a kiss. How can it be money? What are you thinking in your little head!" Jiang Cheng felt helpless.

Ye Qingjiu realized that he had said the wrong thing, and felt guilty, "I, I..."

Jiang Chenghe pointed to his face, "Kiss me!"

Ye Qingjiu didn't know where the courage came from, he pursed his lips, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Jiang Cheng's face.

The soft touch of the lips spread across the face, that feeling is amazing...

"Your proud leap, the leaf that I perch on..." Ye Qingjiu suddenly remembered the sound of the bell.

She lowered her head hastily, "I, I, I'll answer the phone."

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Okay, good night then~"


Ye Qingjiu agreed.

She glanced at the incoming call reminder, it was Manager Luo.

"What's the matter?" Ye Qingjiu picked up the phone.

Manager Luo's cautious voice came from the phone,

"Hey, Mr. Ye, sorry to bother you so late, I just discovered a game with great potential. This game has just been released for a day. Without any advertisements and promotion, the coverage has reached 100 Thousands of people."

You know, a game, without any commercial promotion or advertising effect, has as many as 100 million players in one day, which is really outrageous.

Not only outrageous, it is simply unbelievable.

So Manager Luo didn't dare to waste time, and still called Ye Qingjiu at such a late hour.

Ye Qingjiu was a little surprised when she heard this statistic. Over the years, she has never seen a game that had more than [-] players on the day it was released.

And it's still this kind of game without marketing or advertising.

Her tone was light, "Are you sure you read it right?"

"Boss Ye, you are absolutely right!"

"Game name, what's it called?"

Manager Luo said excitedly, "Glory of the King! I just tried it with the mentality of trying it out, but I didn't expect to be unable to get out after playing it. I played for almost two hours before I knew it."

Manager Luo belongs to the department, and his team has also developed many games.

There is no shortage of ones that were once all the rage.

He can be deeply involved in it and cannot extricate himself, it seems that this game is indeed not to be underestimated.

Ye Qingjiu thought for a while, "I see, is there anything else?"

"No, no, Mr. Ye, do you want us to buy the copyright of this game, and let our company promote and operate it?"

After all, 100 million players were online at the same time that day, which was an unprecedented spectacle. Manager Luo didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"It's too late today, come to my office tomorrow and talk about it."

"Alright Mr. Ye!" After speaking, Manager Luo hung up the phone.

Ye Qingjiu hung up the phone, opened the notebook on the table, searched for King of Glory, and was going to try it out to see how it felt.

With a phantom coming to Summoner Canyon, she silently chose Daji.

Little vixen, who doesn't love it.

Although she doesn't know how to do it, she is all newbies, and no one is better than anyone else.

There are five mages in the game, and they are having a lot of fun playing against the opposite side.

Ye Qingjiu managed to fix him, he couldn't be more happy.

Just then, the phone rang again.

She really didn't want to answer it. After all, she was playing right up there. After checking the call, it was Assistant Si Qingqing.

Then he reluctantly picked up the phone, "What's the matter?"

Si Qingqing's panicked voice came from over there, "Ye, Mr. Ye, I don't know who posted the video of your marriage proposal today on the Internet, and now the Internet is full of news about the well-known beauty entrepreneur Ye Qingjiu being proposed by a mysterious man." , has been on the hot search..."

(End of this chapter)

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