Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 31 The viral video, on the hot search

Chapter 31 The viral video, on the hot search (please collect, please recommend tickets)

She was able to become the president of Tengxing at a young age, holding 60.00% of Tengxing's shares in one hand, it can be said that she is in charge of the life and death of Tengxing.

In addition, she has an outstanding natural temperament, and she was once interviewed by the Financial Channel, and she is a well-known local figure in Sichuan City.

As long as the video of her proposal is posted on the Internet, it will definitely cause quite a commotion.

Ye Qingjiu frowned, "How could this happen?"

Si Qingqing was also at a loss, "Ye, Mr. Ye, I don't know, maybe some employee was too emotional, or passed it on to her boyfriend, family, or friends, and finally got hung up. On the Internet..."

It seems that they haven't dealt with them for a long time, and dared to gossip about their private affairs, Ye Qingjiu's tone was a little cold, "I see."

"Then what should we do, Mr. Ye?"

"What should I do, let me have a look first!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Looking at the King of Glory on the computer, I suddenly lost my mind.

She clicked on Weibo, and sure enough, her video was posted on the homepage.

The title is set as, a well-known beauty entrepreneur is proposed by a mysterious man, is it true love or hype.

Ye Qingjiu patiently clicked on the article, which clearly stated:

According to an insider, around six o'clock today, an unknown mysterious man made a romantic proposal to the famous female entrepreneur Ye Qingjiu in the Tengxing office building.

Just a few days ago, Tengxing launched two mobile games. At this time, it is not known whether it is hype or true love to propose to a female entrepreneur.

If you want to know the result, please continue to pay attention.


After reading the entire article, she pushed her hands and sat in a chair with a serious expression.

Just because she is the president of Tengxing and the representative of Tengxing, her marriage proposal will be considered hype?

Does she need hype?It is better to speculate in stocks if you have that leisure time!

What an excuse!

Thinking about it, she closed the computer heavily.


Jiang Cheng returned to the house, remembering the kiss just now, and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

He simply turned on the computer and took a look at his King of Glory game. After all, it was released on the first day, and he was somewhat curious.

Good guy, open at one o'clock, the number of online users is 130 million.

There are so many people in the parallel world, there is no advertisement or promotion, and there are millions of people trying to play.

This King of Glory itself is a mobile game, using a computer, after all, is not as convenient as a mobile phone, how can the computer effect be so good in such a short period of time?

His plan was to start a mobile game slowly after a month, when the growth trend of the number of players stabilized.

I didn't expect the response to be so enthusiastic after it was launched on the first day. It seems that the mobile game has to be made in advance.

However, making mobile games is not as easy as computer games. No matter what, you have to make an app.

He looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, it's better to go to bed first, after all, this matter cannot be rushed out.

He went to bed, covered the two babies with a thin blanket, and then closed his eyes...

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Qingjiu was soundly asleep when a sudden mobile phone rang beside the bed.

A snow-white arm stretched out from under the quilt, and weakly pulled the phone in.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, now that game has reached 150 million online users, we can't wait for Mr. Ye."

Ye Qingjiu was woken up from his sleep, and he was inevitably a little irritable, "What's the rush! Which game toy in the company doesn't exceed a million dollars, keep watching!"

After being yelled at by her, Manager Luo on the other end of the phone shuddered, "Okay, okay Mr. Ye."

After talking on the phone, Manager Luo, who was sitting in front of the desk, was facing the computer, and played the game of Glory of Kings again.

This game is really fun, five-on-five team battles.

There are many types of heroes, and there is more room for free play.

At the same time, Youchen Group and Mulin Group also discovered the glory of the king whose data has been soaring.

The research and development department of Youchen Group has received a call from the president, asking them to try to see if they can make a similar product.

And in Lin Mu's office, he was already making a data analysis table for the glory of the king.


Nuonuo and Yanyan are two little babies, probably due to the twins, as soon as one wakes up, the other will be fine too.

The two babies sat on the bed stretching their waists, and the movement woke Jiang Cheng up.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was awake, Nuonuo rubbed his eyes, squeezed out a sweet smile, and crawled onto his face and kissed him "baji".

Yan Yan also kissed on the left cheek.

Being kissed by two cute and soft little things like this, Jiang Cheng felt warm in his heart.

"Are you two hungry, let's get up and drink milk~" Jiang Cheng looked at the two babies tenderly.

"Okay~" Hearing the milk, the two babies immediately regained their spirits and immediately climbed out of the bed.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two meatballs with a smile, "Old rules, brush your teeth first!"

"Oh, you can spit water again~"

"Yanyan likes to spit water the most~"

The two babies cheered and ran towards the bathroom.

After the three of them brushed their teeth, Jiang Cheng brought feeding bottles, gave each feeding bottle two hundred milliliters of water, and added five scoops of milk powder, and mixed them well before giving them to the two babies.

The two babies were sitting on the sofa, drinking from the bottle with relish.

Jiang Cheng was about to wash his face when he heard his own phone call from inside the room.

Before he could answer the phone, Xu Zhe's voice came from over there, "Brother Cheng, is that you on the Internet?"

Xu Zhe and Jiang Cheng both majored in computer science and lived in the same dormitory, so there is nothing to say about their good relationship.

Jiang Cheng was taken aback. Could it be that he didn't look at the computer all morning, and the game has become popular enough to start a human flesh producer?

Thinking of this, he was a little excited, "You mean the glory of the king?"

"What is Glory of the King? I'm talking about the video of the proposal. Haven't you watched it? It's been trending on Weibo now. The comments below are overwhelming. A mysterious man proposed to a well-known female entrepreneur."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng was completely taken aback, he was actually the top trending searcher?

Seeing that Jiang Cheng didn't speak, Xu Zhe seemed to understand something.

I could feel his envy over the phone, "Brother Cheng, you can do it. Last week, you said you would go to Tengxing to apply for a job. I didn't expect to win the president directly in this week! But, this President Ye Demei is also a wealthy family, but after all, those two children are not your own, if this aunt knows, can she agree?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! You are not your own!"

"Brother Cheng, I'm doing this for your own good, a kind reminder, don't make personal attacks, my mother took the risk of giving birth back then to give birth to me, and our family still has the only-child certificate!"

Xu Zhe's tone is full of pride that I am my own!
"It's a long story, and I can't explain it clearly. In short, there is only one central idea. The wife is mine, and the child is mine!" Jiang Cheng said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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