Chapter 64 Come to the house as a guest

The two babies sat in the shopping cart, looking around curiously. They seldom come to the supermarket, and they are extremely curious about the dazzling array of products here.

There are a lot of snacks in the food area, Nuo Nuo is drooling looking at it, she pointed to a box of candy, eyes flickering, looking up at Jiang Cheng with her small face, "Papa, can I buy this?"

Jiang Cheng touched her head, "Of course."

After speaking, he picked up the candy and put it in the shopping cart, "I'll be home in a while, how about eating with Yanyan?"

Nuonuo hugged the candy box, very happy, "Crab Crab Baba~"

Say something to this little mouth, with a look of can't wait, "Papa, can I eat now?"

Ye Qingjiu frowned looking at such a big box of candy, "Children will develop tooth decay if they eat candy."

Seeing that his mother's face was not good, Yan Yan hurriedly hid the candy box behind his back, as if afraid of being snatched away by her.

Nuonuo looked at her mother's face and begged, "Mom, can I just have one box~"

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, "It doesn't seem right, it's for your own good not to let you eat candy!"

"Ma Ma~" Nuonuo lowered her head, pursed her mouth aggrievedly, and looked like she was about to cry.

Yan Yan also had a serious expression on his face, desperately hiding the candy box behind his back.

It looks pathetic.Jiang Cheng couldn't help feeling distressed, he smiled at these two treasures, "Just buy one box, let's eat one every day, okay~"

"But Ma Ma..." When Nuonuo spoke, her eyes were filled with tears, and she felt that they were about to fall.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Ye Qingjiu, "Didn't we often eat candy when we were young, and we've grown up so much anyway."

"But eating sugar will not only cause tooth decay, but also make the brain stupid. This is what experts say." Ye Qingjiu is still worried.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "What did the experts say? Then you ask him if his children have never eaten candy since they were young. Besides, we also eat candy when we are young. Why didn't you become stupid? Didn't you just keep doing it?" President?"

Ye Qingjiu: "But..."

"Don't be so, when you laugh, you should always hear your parents say that I am not doing it for your own good. This sentence, I don't need to say this feeling, you should understand it."

That's right, I'm not doing it for your own good. For this sentence, I don't know how many times I cried under the covers. How could she bear the heart that her child is like her.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the two treasures, "Each person can only eat one a day, you can't eat more, remember?"

Seeing that Ma Ma finally agreed, the two babies were very happy, and nodded quickly, "I know Ma Ma~"

The family went to the supermarket to buy a lot of things, and when they returned home, Jiang Cheng was carrying a bag full of them.

The two babies couldn't wait to open the candy box when they came out of the supermarket, and each ate a piece, jumping happily.

Looking at their cute looks, Jiang Cheng told them, "Run slowly, don't fall down."

The more he talked about the two babies, the more he ran vigorously, Ye Qingjiu felt a little helpless, "I won't take you out next time I'm naughty."

Her tone was not very strong, but when Ma Ma said that she would not take them with her, the two children felt aggrieved in an instant.

Nuonuo pretended to admit his mistake, "Ma Ma, Nuonuo will be good."

Yanyan was about to cry, "Yanyan will never run away again, Mama, please don't leave me~"

Ye Qingjiu didn't expect that this sentence would make the child so sad, and he was a little at a loss.

Seeing that the babies were about to cry, Jiang Cheng hurriedly stepped forward and patted their heads, "I'm talking nonsense, why didn't I take you with me, we are a family, of course we have to be neat and tidy." .”

Nuonuo raised her small face, "Really?"

Jiang Cheng kissed her, "Really, the four of us will always be together, and Baba Mama will take you with me no matter where I am."

Ye Qingjiu looked at his back and felt a real feeling in his heart, it turns out that this is what a home should feel like.

When they got home, the two babies went to see Page.

Ye Qingjiu turned on the TV for them.

Jiang Cheng carried his things to the house to cook, and was squatting on the fish when Ye Qingjiu's voice came to mind behind him, "By the way, I said last time that I wanted to invite Xu Zhe to my house for dinner, why don't you call him and ask him if he wants to come?" ~"

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, as if he said that casually last time.

Unexpectedly, my daughter-in-law still remembered it, so she couldn't help sighing, "Daughter-in-law, you have a really good memory."

Ye Qingjiu smiled, "Because he is your friend."

It should be because he is Jiang Cheng's friend, so I should treat him well, and Jiang Cheng taught her this.

Jiang Cheng gave her a thumbs up with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind~"


When Jiang Cheng called Xu Zhe, he happened to have not eaten yet, Xu Zhe didn't refuse, got in the car and went to the lake villa.

Sheng Xinyan came very early, and when she came, the two babies still looked at Page again.

It was Ye Qingjiu who opened the door for her, Sheng Xinyan glanced into the room, "Where's your husband?"

Ye Qingjiu shook his head helplessly, and said teasingly: "Look, I don't need me now, we don't want to chat anymore, just ask him when you come in."

Sheng Xinyan grinned, "Green wine is the best, okay, I'll treat you to a hot pot~"

After speaking, he changed his shoes and went to the kitchen to see that Jiang Chengfan was almost done and was cleaning up the kitchen.

With a smile on his face, he squeezed over, "Hey, brother is busy? How can I let my brother do such a small thing by himself."

After speaking, he rolled up his sleeves as if he was going to do a big job.

Jiang Cheng glanced at her, and teased, "Wink! Work hard, and I'll help you with the outline later!"

Sheng Xinyan's face was full of joy, "Brother, rest first, I'll boil water and make tea right away!"

The two were talking when Jiang Cheng's cell phone rang.

Take it out and see that Xu Zhe hit it.

It is estimated that this kid is probably lost.


"Brother Cheng, your neighborhood is too big, it's already catching up with 4A-level scenic spots!"

"Where are you? I'll go out to pick you up." Jiang Cheng said and walked out.

He looked at Xu Zhe within two steps, and waved hurriedly, "Here, here!"

Xu Zhe looked back and saw that it was Jiang Cheng, with a look of envy on his face, "Brother Cheng, this neighborhood is too big, the environment is so amazing, I even walked out of Khan."

Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, let's go quickly, the meal is almost ready, and my wife and best friend are here today."

As soon as Xu Zhe heard that he had a girlfriend, he immediately became energetic, "Does he look as good as my sister-in-law?"

"Are you here for dinner or a date?"

Ye Qingjiu was aloof and cold, with a beautiful face, but it was written all over his face that strangers should not approach him.

Sheng Xinyan belongs to that kind of passionate cookie, she is cute and cute, and she has a sweet mouth.

Jiang Cheng led Xu Zhe into the door. The two babies were watching cartoons. When they saw their father brought an uncle back, they immediately rolled off the sofa with a grunt.

Greeted politely, "Hello, Uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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