Chapter 65 Xu Zhe in installments

Nuonuo was wearing a princess dress with two braids. Her yellowish hair was thin and soft, like a Barbie doll.

Yan Yan was wearing jeans and a white half-sleeve, similar to Xu Zhe's.

Seeing these two babies, Xu Zhe's heart was about to melt, "My God, Brother Cheng, are these your pair of twins? This is too cute, no, I want to take a photo with them!"

Ye Qingjiu walked over with a smile, and before she could speak, Xu Zhe hurriedly said, "Hi sister-in-law, I haven't seen her for two days and she's still so pretty."

Nuonuo heard her uncle praise her mother, and pouted, "Uncle, Nuonuo is also very beautiful, look~"

After speaking, she lifted her little skirt and spun it around, she looked so cute.

Xu Zhe's heart was about to melt, "Nuo Nuo is also beautiful, and Nuo Nuo is the most beautiful."

Sheng Xinyan brought out the last dish, and took off her apron, "Chef Jiang, you were not here just now, I made the last pickled cucumber, let's eat it."

Ye Qingjiu glanced at Jiang Cheng with a smile, "Look, I've never been able to manipulate her."

Sheng Xinyan curled her lips, "You have never had a conscience. Last time you had a cold and a fever, didn't I come to your house to take care of you?"

A few people sat down, Jiang Cheng put the two treasures on the dining chair, and served them a meal, "Today, be obedient and eat by yourself, you know?"

The two babies nodded, and sensiblely picked up the training chopsticks.

Nuonuo pouted her bulging cheeks, with a proud face, "We ate by ourselves in the kindergarten, and the teacher even praised me~"

Seeing her sister's proud face, Yan Yan was a little unconvinced, "The teacher clearly praised me!"

"You're obviously a picky eater, but I eat the vegetables for you every time."

"Obviously you are a picky eater and like to steal my dishes~"

The two cute meatballs said something to each other, and the four adults beside them had already rolled their eyes with smiles.

Xu Zhe couldn't help but enviously said: "Brother Cheng, you asked me to come because you tricked me into giving birth to twins, this is too cute."

Jiang Cheng glared at him, "Eat! Even eating won't stop you from talking."

Sheng Xinyan couldn't wait. The last time I ate Jiang Cheng's cooking, I went to several five-star restaurants to find the taste, but unfortunately they were almost boring.

She picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish, "Talk first, I'll start eating."

After finishing speaking, he feasted on it.

Xu Zhe looked surprised, "Brother Cheng, how long has it been since I saw you, you know how to cook?"

After speaking, he also took a bite of the fish, and his eyes lit up instantly, "Good guy, this fish is absolutely perfect, it's tender and fresh, it's delicious in the world."

Then I thought of my girlfriend who broke up with me again, feeling a little lost, "You said that if I was half as good at cooking as you, wouldn't she also be able to break up with me?"

Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Where there is no grass in the end of the world, the east is not bright and the west is bright, brother, I want to open up."

A few people were having dinner when Jiang Cheng's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Manager Luo. There was a difference.

"Hello, Manager Luo."

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, it's like this. Mr. Ye asked me to set up a project team dedicated to the game of Glory of Kings. I'll send you the list of personnel for you to have a look."

"I'm in charge?"

"Yeah, President Ye didn't tell you, I thought you knew all about it."

"Okay, then you can send me..."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng hung up the phone, looked at Ye Qingjiu who was eating with his head down, "Daughter-in-law?"


"Manager Luo just called and said that Glory of Kings has set up a special project team, and I will be in charge?"

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Well, this game itself is made by you, I think no one is more suitable than you."

Xu Zhe just picked up a chicken wing and was about to stuff it into his mouth. When he heard this sentence, he was so scared that the chicken wing fell into the bowl, "Is the game made by Brother Cheng?"

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Yeah, didn't he tell you?"

Xu Zhe turned his head to look at Jiang Cheng, "Brother Cheng, don't sister-in-law say today that you plan to keep watching me?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Why did you contact me twice? The first time, you called me to play games. It was just the beginning, and there was no achievement yet. The second time, you called me to go and fight. What did I say? "

Xu Zhe touched his head, "That's right." After speaking, he couldn't help but sigh,

"Brother Cheng, you are too good. I am surprised by your culinary skills. Since you can still make such a popular game, it is really different from the same profession. No one wants me for a salary of [-] a month." , your shot is a game."

It's really lemon fruit under the lemon tree. The more Xu Zhe thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Look at you, you have no future. If you don't stay here, you have your own place. You can live in another unit!"

Xu Zhe looked at him as if he didn't understand the hardships of life, and retorted: "It's nice to say, who can keep me? After eating this meal, I might have to eat instant noodles tomorrow!" "

Eat instant noodles?
When Jiang Cheng heard this, he pulled Xu Zhe up, "Daughter-in-law, you eat first, and I will have a word with my brother."

Jiang Cheng was afraid that he would hurt his brother's self-esteem by saying that he had no money in front of Ye Qingjiu and Sheng Xinyan.

He simply pulled Xu Zhe into the bedroom, "It's so miserable, how did you get along?"

Xu Zhe looked bitter, "Don't mention it, I still had 1000 yuan, but the installment of Xiao Ai's mobile phone came that day, so I paid another [-] yuan. Now, I still have [-] yuan. What can I eat if I don't eat instant noodles."

Xu Zhe is the typical type of person who would go through fire and water for love. At the beginning, the girl who chased the girl decided to install Apple Twelve as a gift without saying anything. Now they have broken up and the loan has not been replaced yet.

It's pathetic enough when you think about it.

Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and decisively transferred 1 yuan to him.

Patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, I'll transfer [-] yuan to you, spend it first, let's talk about not enough."

"Don't, don't, I'm here to eat, not to beg, what's the matter?"

Last time at the police station, Jiang Cheng was the one who gave the money for the wounded person, so he didn't have the nerve to take money from that person.

You can't catch a person with wool.

Seeing his refusal on his face, Jiang Cheng was afraid that he would hurt his face if he was too tough, so he thought about it,

"How about this, why don't you go to Tengxing to work and set up a project team? It's impossible for me to stay there every day. You can help me with some simple technical problems when you go."

Speaking of Xu Zhe's technique, it's not top-notch, but it's still achievable.

Dealing with simple technical issues is absolutely doable.

He looked at Jiang Cheng and hesitated, "But I don't have a high degree of education. My second degree is 985. I'll go to 211. I'll let you know."

Xu Zhe is very grateful to Jiang Cheng, but he doesn't seem to be embarrassing Jiang Cheng because of himself, after all, the company does not belong to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng patted his arm, "Why are you awkward with me? What's wrong with the second copy? I also have the second copy. When I went to apply for the job, I passed it anyway. Don't worry, no one dares to say that you are not a word."

Xu Zhe listened to Jiang Cheng's words, and his heart fell back into his stomach.

"Brother Cheng, you are so kind to me." Xu Zhe was grateful besides being grateful.

"Let's not be so official, my brother. When my wallet was stolen, it wasn't because I ate your one-month meal card. Now you are in a bit of trouble, so of course I have to give you a hand."

(End of this chapter)

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