Chapter 66 Kindergarten Activities
Xu Zhe nodded fiercely, "Brother Cheng, I will definitely do a good job!"

Jiang Cheng patted his arm, "Let's go, let's eat."

When the two of them came out, Sheng Xinyan had already eaten the second bowl of rice. There was nothing she could do. The rice cooked by Jiang Cheng was really delicious, full of color, flavor and taste. She also wanted to eat less to control her weight, but her stomach refused.

After dinner, Xu Zhe left excitedly. Now that he can work in a big company like Tengxing, he has to get a decent outfit.

Sheng Xinyan took out her notebook and pen from her bag, and was ready to listen to the lecture.

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to start telling the following story again. He sat on the sofa, sometimes excited and sometimes sad and indignant. In short, he told the story for more than three hours before he could completely explain the story clearly.

Like last time, I brought Sheng Xinyan's notebook over.

Passed over the plot of each place, changed the inappropriate places, and then returned it to her.

"Okay, that's it. Don't ask me to tell you stories from now on. Only Xu Zhe, my buddy, is full of stories. Next time you want to look for him, you look for him."

Sheng Xinyan didn't do it, she pouted, "No, I'll come to you next time, and now I've only written more than 8 words, and you don't even know how many reminders there are every day."

After finishing talking, I went home with a smile on my face.

As soon as Sheng Xinyan went out, Jiang Cheng heard a ding in his head.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of sharing the worries of his wife and girlfriends, and reward [God-level art] skills."

art?draw?What dog skills!
Jiang Cheng couldn't help complaining in his heart.

System: Art is design, painting is aesthetics, it is a science, not just painting!
Jiang Cheng: Good guy, Mei has learned a subject of literature?

System: Uneducated, it's scary!

The next day is Saturday, to participate in the parent-child activities organized by the school.

The two babies were not calm when they got up in the morning, and they ran around the house with bare feet. Jiang Cheng chased after them, "Why don't you wear shoes?"

Seeing that his father was about to catch up, Nuonuo giggled and ran while laughing, "I'm going to participate in an event today, Dad hurry up and call Mama~"

Yan Yan was also hidden on the side of the coffee table, "We won't wear shoes if we don't get numb~"

Although the two little guys are chubby, they run very nimbly. Jiang Cheng is really afraid that if they run too fast, there will be some bumps and bumps.

He had no choice but to compromise, and he smiled helplessly, "Okay, Dad, go and wake up Mom, and you can sit on the sofa for me right away, don't run around, do you hear me?"

"Okay Baba~" the two babies agreed in unison, and climbed onto the sofa.

Jiang Cheng turned around and went into Ye Qingjiu's room, she stayed up late last night to read the materials, she will be sleeping soundly.

There was no expression on a beautiful face, and her lips were pink and tender. Jiang Cheng couldn't help pecking her on the mouth, "Daughter-in-law, it's time to get up~"

Ye Qingjiu opened his eyes and saw Jiang Cheng staring at him with peach eyes, a little shy, "I hate it~"

It should be because he just woke up, and when he speaks, he has a nasal sound, which is soft and sticky, which sounds nice.

Jiang Cheng's heart seemed to be slightly scratched by something, he raised his eyebrows, and said in a mocking tone, "Hate it? Do you want to try something even more annoying..."

"don't want……"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng's hand had already reached in to tickle her.

Ye Qingjiu had no choice but to hide, begging for mercy while hiding, "I was wrong, I was wrong, don't scratch me..."

The two babies heard their mother's laughter, hurriedly climbed off the sofa and ran in,

"Mama, there is another parent-child event today, don't be late~" Nuonuo blinked her innocent eyes.

"Get up, Mama, we're leaving."

The two babies crawled beside the bed, their little feet dangling, they were so cute.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two babies helplessly, "I don't wear shoes, why don't I like wearing shoes so much!"

The two little guys quickly climbed onto the bed, their fleshy little feet lifted up and swayed.

"Papa, look if it's dirty~"

"Yanyan's feet must be cleaner than sister's~"

Jiang Cheng looked at the two cuties, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he picked up the two babies with one left hand and the other with the right, "Go, wash your feet!"

Ye Qingjiu changed into sportswear, waited for the two babies to come out, changed them one by one, and the family of four set off towards the school.

When I went out, I found that the weather was not very good. It was rainy in Sichuan, and the weather was always gray.

When we arrived at the gate of the school, it was obvious that the dark clouds were lower, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

Nuonuo and Yanyan didn't care about the weather. They took the hands of their parents and happily walked towards the playground.

Today was considered a small in-person event, only Nuonuo and Yanyan were in the same class, just to get acquainted with each other, so all the students from the small class came.

Holding a bunch of photos in his hand, Teacher Zhou stood on the playground and waited,

Seeing Ye Qingjiu and his family coming, he hastily dug out the school life photos of Nuonuo and Yanyan and handed them over.

The family of four sat down on the grass and looked through the photos, showing them eating, playing the piano, drawing, and doing sports.

Ye Qingjiu stared at the photo for a long time, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became deeper and deeper.

After a while, all the parents arrived. Mr. Zhou clapped his hands and picked up the infinite microphone.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the parents for their cooperation, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in the personal activities of Class One. Next, let's make a group of games."

clap clap.

The parents applauded in unison.

"First of all, our first game is to run with leggings. The family is bound together to see which family is the first."

When Mr. Zhou spoke, it seemed that as soon as the talisman reached and the sound fell, it began to rain. Although the rain was not heavy, many parents began to protest.

"Mr. Zhou, it's raining. Why don't we change places? It doesn't matter if adults get caught in the rain. The children will catch a cold."

Teacher Zhou looked at the teacher next to him, the two of them discussed it, and then picked up the microphone, "Well, let's go to the art building, there is a lot of space, and we can play some indoor games."

As soon as she finished speaking, all the parents couldn't wait to head towards the art building.

Jiang Cheng is more familiar with it, after all, he went there once last time.

The family of four walked quickly.

After entering the building, Teacher Zhou picked up the microphone again, "How about this, the original leggings run can't run now, how about we beat the drums and pass the flowers, and the family will perform for everyone, okay?"

As soon as the voice fell, the children cheered, "Okay~"


“I like drumming and passing flowers the most~”

Teacher Zhou walked to the side and brought a team drum over. This one is small in size and the sound is just right.

She handed a small toy to a child, and then turned her back, "Pay attention, I'm going to start."

"Boom boom boom boom." The drum sounded.

Everyone began to pass the toys, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

Just when it fell into Nuonuo's hand, the sound of the drum suddenly stopped.

Teacher Zhou turned around and saw Nuonuo holding a toy in his hand, with warm eyes, "Kid Jiang Nuonuo, what show are you going to perform?"

 What can I say, thank you for not abandoning me

  Thank you all~

  Pen refill~

  Love mud cute~
(End of this chapter)

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