Chapter 69 3D Animation
Ye Qingjiu was looking down at the documents when he saw Jiang Cheng coming in, put down the pen in his hand, and looked concerned, "What's wrong? Is the project department not satisfied? Is the office too small? Or, is there not enough people? "

She had been worried this morning that the project department was established too hastily, which made Jiang Cheng not satisfied.

Seeing her nervous face, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but smile, his eyes seemed to be hiding stars.

"Daughter-in-law, I am very satisfied. I came here to tell you that since I have taken over, should I communicate with the planning department?"

The planning department is in charge of drawing, so Jiang Cheng naturally has to communicate with the planning department.

Hearing that Jiang Cheng wanted to find the planning department, Ye Qingjiu picked up the phone, dialed the assistant's landline, and said in a calm tone, "Call Li Wei over and ask him to bring the picture!"

"Alright Mr. Ye."

The assistant hung up the phone and went to the planning department, and brought Li Wei back after a while.

Seeing Jiang Cheng, Li Wei nodded as a greeting.

Only then did he look at Ye Qingjiu, "President, you are looking for me."

Ye Qingjiu showed no expression, "Have you finished editing the picture? Today is already Monday."

The last time she said that the picture was handed over to her on Friday, it was already a few days late.

Hearing about the picture, Li Wei swallowed, "Five alternatives have already been produced."

After speaking, he handed over the picture.

Ye Qingjiu looked carefully, and obviously none of them satisfied him.

"Li Wei, do you only care about the quantity and not the quality? If you can't get three, you can give five, or if you can't five, you can give eight?"

Seeing that Ye Qingjiu was a little angry, Li Wei nodded slightly, "Boss Ye, this picture has been carefully edited. I'm afraid you won't be satisfied, so I made two new copies."


Shouldn't they be redone!

Ye Qingjiu sank his face, looked at Li Wei coldly, "Is there anything I can modify about that broken picture?"

"What did you change? The red background was replaced by a black background. Is this also called a revision? This is how a department with more than [-] people handles things? I think your department is too idle. Rusty!"

After being scolded, Li Wei was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe out.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu who was full of anger, picked up the blueprint on the table, and looked at it carefully. Let's take a closer look at it. It's not good, but it's not bad either.

All in all, nothing special.

King of Glory is originally a multiplayer game, so many heroes are put together, it is difficult for people to see what characteristics he has.

It would be no problem to put it in an ordinary company, but if it was put in Tengxing, it would only be scolded.

Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and thought for a moment.

"I think the effect of 3D animation as an advertisement is definitely better than these pictures."

Compared with animation, drawings are rigid and vivid, while others are vivid.

Compared with ordinary animation, 3D animation is more three-dimensional and more realistic.

Although the price is not the same, but the effect of 3D animation must be the best.

Li Wei looked at him hesitantly, "Mr. Jiang, 3D animation is good, but it is impossible to complete it in less than half a month now."

"Don't talk about 3D animation, you can't even do animation."

Ye Qingjiu's original plan was to quickly promote the packaging and launch it on the market.

But it takes at least a month for an ordinary animation to come out, even if you work overtime, you will definitely not be able to make an animation.

Let alone 3D animation.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Well, I'll do the animation. For the story, you first collect the information of all the characters by hand, then sort it out and hand it to me tomorrow."

Li Wei looked helpless, "Mr. Jiang, this is not a joke. We can't keep up with the work in one department. You can't do it alone."

In general, the animation short film production cycle is divided into three steps.

[-]. It takes about one to five days to collect ideas.

Second, the specific implementation and division of labor will take another two to three days.

[-]. Post-production takes the longest time, at most half a month. After these are completed, it needs to be confirmed again, which can be completed within a week.

Now that Jiang Cheng is going to do 3D, more computer production is needed in the later stage.

It cannot be blamed for Li Wei's disbelief, this is simply impossible.

Jiang Cheng looked at Li Wei's embarrassed face, and patted his arm, "That's the matter, let's go."

"This..." Li Wei still hesitated.

What is this!

With a high salary, I can't do anything. I really don't know why I invited them here.

The more Ye Qingjiu thought about it, the angrier he became, he gave him a blank look, and urged: "Hurry up!"

Seeing that Ye Qingjiu was about to get angry again, Li Wei hurriedly backed out.

If Jiang Cheng wants to do this, just do it. In short, he said that he would never believe that one person can make an animation video well by himself.

Li Wei left the office.

Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng worriedly, "Are you really good at it?"

Although it sounds like a small thing to make 3D animation videos, there are so many of them that only those who have done it will know.

Although the technology is advanced now, at least one picture is required for an action, and it takes a lot of time to make it.

A 5-minute short film requires thousands of pictures. In a multi-hero game like the king, at least two heroes must appear in each picture.

This is something you can't be lazy about.

It is difficult for normal people to draw thousands of pictures in a week without eating or drinking.

Jiang Cheng smiled at her, "Don't worry, you just have to wait and see the finished product."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng returned to the project team.

Sheng Xinyan's novels have become more and more popular in the past two days, and she is dizzy with typing every day. Thinking about the sunny day today, she plans to go to Tengxing to have lunch with Ye Qingjiu.

It was already noon when we arrived at Tengxing.

She picked up the phone and called Ye Qingjiu, "Jiujiu, come down, I'm here to find you for lunch~"

"You wait for me downstairs, Jiang Cheng and I will go down later."

Hearing that Jiang Cheng was there, Sheng Xinyan couldn't be more different, "Are you two so inseparable?"

Ye Qingjiu looked helpless, "Fuck you, the glory of the king will be packaged and launched soon, Jiang Cheng is here to work!"

"Once this game is put on the market, it is estimated to earn at least tens of billions. You, Ye Qingjiu, are so ruthless!"

Ye Qingjiu had black lines on his face, "Wait downstairs! You're the only one who talks too much!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out the door of the CEO's office, ready to find Jiang Cheng.

Seeing that it was noon, Jiang Cheng also came out, and the two arrived at the elevator in a tacit understanding.

The three of them randomly found a restaurant with a good environment downstairs.

Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng worriedly, "Well, do you have enough manpower?"

To be honest, he never doubted Jiang Cheng's strength, but, after all, time was running out.

She was afraid.

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile, "Don't worry, there are enough people."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Sheng Xinyan, "By the way, great writer, come up with a story for me."


Sheng Xinyan's mind froze, Jiang Cheng was very good at telling stories.

Can you use yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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