Chapter 70 Who Says I'm Sick?
Jiang Cheng teased, "I'll give you a chance to show off and see if you improve."

Sheng Xinyan pouted, "Tell me, what kind of story do you want?"

"I'm going to make a 3D animation for Glory of Kings, do you have any good ideas?"

Isn't it just that the cripple met the crutch and asked the right person?

Speaking of these historical figures, Sheng Xinyan couldn't be more familiar with them.

I have been a representative of history class since I was a child, the kind with extremely serious partial subjects, one hundred in history, twenty in geography...

Sheng Xinyan looked at Jiang Cheng firmly, "Can you give Li Xin a close-up, I just want a close-up."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "No problem."

He has no idea about it, as long as it's a good story, it's fine.

When Li Xin was mentioned, Sheng Xinyan straightened her body and became serious, "Li Xin is the son of the prince who was deposed by Wu Zetian. After the prince lost power, he left the capital Chang'an."

"Because of this, he hates the current imperial power, but he also has deep feelings for his own country."

"So, after wandering all the way, he still came to the Great Wall, joined the Great Wall Guard Army, guarded the Great Wall, and took up arms to defend his own country."

"On the positive side, he is a great hero who defends the country, but on the negative side, he is eager to regain what belongs to him, his throne, his glory, and everything about him. I think he is very real and brave, so I strongly request a close-up !"

Jiang Cheng didn't expect this girl to have two brushes, so he nodded meaningfully, "Not bad, do you have any more?"

Sheng Xinyan thought for a while, "Baili keeps the promise, Baili Xuan Ce, it can also be a very good story, the brother asked the younger brother to wait for him at the same place, the younger brother did it, but the older brother didn't come back, just waited at the same place stupidly His younger brother was taken away by bandits. Later, because of self-blame, he changed his name to Shou Yue, reminding himself that he must keep the promise. He spent a long time in frustration, but he finally found his younger brother. , with a happy ending."

Good guy, I didn't see it, I know a lot, and what I said is quite reasonable.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Okay, your story has been requisitioned by me, I seem to have the inspiration to make 3D animation."

Sheng Xinyan seemed to be talking, what Wu Zetian, King Lanling, before she could speak, Jiang Cheng seemed to remember something, and hurriedly shouted to the waiter in front, "Brother, please, less oil and less spicy, My daughter-in-law has a bad stomach."

The waiter turned around and looked at him with a smile, "Okay sir."

Sheng Xinyan: "..."

After eating, Jiang Cheng couldn't wait to go back to his group.

Xu Zhe was still inputting the code seriously, Jiang Cheng patted him, "Stop, I'll make the picture, you make the animation!"

Xu Zhe looked at him with an incredulous look on his face, "Huh? You make pictures, and I make animations?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, it's still the 3D one."

Xu Zhe thought for a while, but still felt that something was wrong, "I have no problem with post-production. The key is, are you sure you can draw?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "I won't tell you about a hammer."

After finishing speaking, turn on the computer and start drawing. Not to mention the aesthetics, it seems to be quite useful.

Whether it is painting, design, or even color matching, Jiang Cheng is able to handle it with ease, as if these things are innate.

There is no need to think at all, just pick up a pen and come.

After 4 minutes, the first picture came out.

Xu Zhe looked at Li Xin on his computer, and was stunned, "I'll go, Brother Cheng, you can do it?"

His voice was so loud that everyone in the office stopped their work and couldn't help looking at them.

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "You can't keep your voice down!"

Xu Zhe glanced around and subconsciously covered his mouth, "Okay, Brother Cheng, when did you learn art again?"

Good guy, he can cook, he is handsome, he can take care of children, he can fight, and now he can even draw?
Is this a person?

This is a god!
Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows with a smug expression, "Probably when you were crazy about looking for a partner, and you never turned back for love."

Xu Zhe had a loveless expression on his face, "From today on, I'm abstaining from pornography. I'll be in a hurry with whoever introduces me to a girlfriend!"

He wants to work hard, than!study!rush!It is impossible for Jingguan Gang and Hechao.

However, my buddies are so good, so I can't be inferior!
He sat down and exited the current interface, "Brother Cheng, send me the picture! Don't say anything, just stop!"

Jiang Cheng looked at his brother, who looked like he had changed his mind and changed his past, and couldn't help but sneered.

Then continue to immerse yourself in drawing.

Since Jiang Cheng came to Tengxing today, Ye Qingjiu's heart has been on the project department, Jiang Cheng's team.

It had only been an hour since we met, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing.

And I was afraid that I would just go to see him so openly, which would attract criticism. After all, this is a company, and thousands of pairs of eyes are looking at me.

After much deliberation, I decided to catch him, whether to go to see him or not, it's God's will!
She tore a piece of paper, one said to go, the other said not to go.

Shaking it in a pair of light-white hands, sprinkled it on the table, and then religiously chose one.

She opened the note carefully, and seeing that the writing on the note was not cleared, she felt unhappy all of a sudden.

It must be that I didn't catch it well just now, let's do it again.

Thinking about it, she picked up the two balls of paper on the table and shook them.

Picked one up and opened it.

Emmmm, why don't you go.

Forget it if you don't let me go, let's go to the bathroom.

Thinking about it, Ye Qingjiu walked out of the office.

Jiang Cheng's group office was changing the bathroom just on the way, and once he came and went, he happened to see him twice.


So all afternoon, people on the 14th floor were whispering, "Did Mr. Ye have a bad stomach today?"

"Who knows, I ran seven or eight times in one afternoon, so I didn't even dare to look at my phone!"

They were all sitting on the desks outside, but once this Ye Qingjiu came out, everyone was worried.

I usually come out twice at most, but today is good, I ran seven or eight times in one afternoon, it was really terrible!
Jiang Cheng was sitting in front of the computer engrossed in drawing, completely oblivious to Ye Qingjiu wandering around all afternoon.

Until Xu Zhe who was next to him couldn't see anymore, he patted him, "Brother Jiang, I see my sister-in-law has gone to the bathroom seven or eight times in one afternoon, she must be sick, right?"

Hearing that Ye Qingjiu was sick, Jiang Cheng's hand on the mouse paused.

There was a flash of tension in the eyes, no way, it was fine at noon, why are you sick now?

Sure enough, I can't eat the food outside, and if I don't pay attention to it, I will have enteritis!

He stood up, "I'll go and have a look, hurry up and do it."

After speaking, he left the office door and went to the president's office.

Ye Qingjiu was thinking about whether to go to the bathroom again, when he saw Jiang Cheng open the door and walk in.

(End of this chapter)

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