Chapter 71 Love really goes both ways!
Can't help being secretly happy, sure enough?
She knew that he must miss herself too!
Love really is a two-way street.

Ye Qingjiu stroked the hair behind his ears, with a smug look on his face, and a little arrogant, "Why did you come in?"

Waiting eagerly for Jiang Cheng's soft and tender words, daughter-in-law~ I miss you.

Jiang Cheng touched her head, "It's okay, no fever."


Ye Qingjiu stared at him with wide eyes.

What is he saying?
What does he mean! ! !
Jiang Cheng smiled, "Why such an expression, I heard that you are sick, I came to see you."


Ye Qingjiu suppressed his embarrassment, "Who said I was sick?"

Jiang Cheng pointed to the door, "Everyone is talking, they are all worried about you. When I came here just now, I heard them whispering."

This is too embarrassing, is there anything more embarrassing than this!

Don't work hard and stare at what you are doing!
Ye Qingjiu rested her forehead with one hand, now she really wanted to be quiet.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, Jiang Cheng was even more worried, "Did you suffer from enteritis? You went to the bathroom so many times in one afternoon, do you want me to accompany you to the hospital? Don't hold back."


Which pot does not open which pot.

That girl doesn't want to lose face?What's more, Ye Qingjiu, the president of Tengxing, is aloof!
"Guess, I'll pick up the kids today, work hard, don't be distracted..."

After speaking, Ye Qingjiu left the office with his bag in hand.

She ran all the way to the parking lot, and she didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she got into the car.

It's so embarrassing!

In the office, Xu Zhe stretched his waist, looked at Jiang Cheng who was still immersed in drawing, and couldn't help admiring him, "Brother Cheng, you are so good at drawing, why don't we have a meal and rest? It's past eight o'clock?"

Jiang Cheng didn't turn his head back, he still dragged the mouse with one hand, and started to draw.

"I don't rest. If you are tired, you can take a rest."

Xu Zhe looked at Jiang Cheng who was so focused, with a bitter expression on his face, "Brother Cheng, it's past eight o'clock, and you have been sitting in this position for four hours, you are not tired."

"It's eight o'clock?" Jiang Cheng heard Xu Zhe say it was five o'clock, and hurriedly checked the time.

I thought of the two babies waiting for me to go home with tears in my eyes.

Jiang Cheng couldn't do it anymore, he stood up abruptly, "Okay, that's it for today, go home first, and continue in the evening!"

After speaking, he turned off the computer.

After leaving the Tengxing Building, it was already dark. On a midsummer night, there were stars, bright but not dazzling. In short, it was beautiful!
After walking a few steps, he saw a familiar car parked on the side of the road, and his pair of babies were bouncing around under the street lights.

Ye Qingjiu was wearing a long light yellow dress, leaning on the front of the car and telling with a smile, "Be careful, don't get knocked."

Her long hair hangs down, and when the breeze blows, it rises slightly, giving her a different kind of smell.

When the two babies saw Jiang Cheng, they all jumped towards him with their hands tied.

After all, Yanyan is a boy, tougher, and obviously faster than Nuonuo, he threw himself into Jiang Cheng's arms, "Baba, Mama said that you are working overtime today and it is very hard, so we are here to pick you up."

Nuonuo also rushed forward, raised her chubby face, "Papa, Nuonuo misses you~"

Jiang Cheng kissed everyone on the head, then picked up the two babies, "Go, let's go home!"


When he got home, Ye Qingjiu took the two babies to take a bath, and went to bed early.

Jiang Cheng had been sitting by the computer and concentrating on drawing until the next morning, when there were still a dozen or so pictures left, he stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Then I went to the space to drink two cups of spiritual spring water, and then I felt refreshed.

He cooked some porridge and fried some eggs and put them on the table.

After Ye Qingjiu and the two babies got up, they ate some breakfast, and the family of four went out together.

When they arrived at Tengxing, Ye Qingjiu went into the president's office, and Jiang Cheng went back to his project team as usual.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xu Zhe sitting in front of the computer, yawning and making 3D production.

Looking at the dark circles under his eyelids, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but ask, "You didn't sleep last night?"

Xu Zhe nodded, yawned again and continued to drag the mouse in a pair of horizontal lines.

"You didn't go back all night, did you?"

Xu Zhe nodded, "It's okay, we are young, staying up overnight is nothing to worry about."

When he spoke he was old-fashioned, not at all youthful.

Looking at it, Jiang Cheng felt strange, he glanced at the other team members, and pulled Xu Zhe out.

Only then did the face sink, "What are you doing? You should go home and sleep with you. What are you doing so hard? Haven't you heard of death from overwork?"

Xu Zhe saw that Jiang Cheng's expression was not good, so he hurriedly explained, "Hey, I think what Brother Nei said yesterday was right, we have a little lower education, so we have to work harder, make things earlier, save money. He will say something later, to confuse you."

Cooperating with him, this buddy was afraid of losing his own person and making his face dark, so he stayed up all night like this.

Jiang Cheng patted Xu Zhe's shoulder, "Go back and rest."

Xu Zhe shook his head, "It's okay, I'll just lie down on the table and sleep for a while."

After a while, he has to hurry up and do the following work. Now he is asleep, and he sleeps for a whole day, which is too late.

Time is already tight, he can't sleep.

"Go back and sleep again! I'll give you a day off today!"

Xu Zhe was suffering like this, Jiang Cheng felt really uncomfortable.

Xu Zhe waved his hand, "Alright, leave me alone, I'll just lie down for a while."

After finishing speaking, he entered the room again listlessly, and sat back at the computer desk.

Jiang Cheng sighed, he knew that Xu Zhe was afraid that others would gossip about him, that's why he fought so hard, but he is an ordinary person, staying up late at night is definitely not enough.

Thinking that Jiang Cheng went back to the house to get the cup, found a place where no one washed it, and entered the space.

I took Xu Zhe a cup of spiritual spring water and put it on his table, "Drink some water early in the morning, it's good for your health!"

Xu Zhe nodded, picked up the cup and took a sip, followed, ton ton ton~
I drank it all in one go.

He looked at Jiang Cheng, "Brother Cheng, where did this water come from? It's sweet, and it's delicious when it's cold."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, and teased: "Nongfu Spring, have you never heard that Nongfu Sanquan is a bit sweet?"

Xu Zhe looked at him suspiciously, "Really?"

I have been drinking Nongfu Sanquan, the water is simply incomparable with this, it is too far behind.

This is definitely the best water he has ever drank since he grew up.

After drinking the water, Xu Zhe felt refreshed and much better.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face, and was about to come back to continue the post-production of the 3D animation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I looked in the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes disappeared.

 Everyone is cute, is Gao Tiantian tired?

  Do you want to give everyone a change of taste or something?

  Comments are welcome.

  More daily affection, or more pretending to slap your face.


(End of this chapter)

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