Chapter 81
Ye Qingjiu put the lock around the necks of the two treasures.

"Go, thank you grandma~"

The two babies hugged Mama Ye's legs happily, "Grandma, Nuonuo likes your gift very much, thank you grandma~"

"Yan Yan also likes it very much." After Yan Yan finished speaking, he looked at Mother Ye's box again, with a preoccupied look, "Grandma, do you have any gifts for Papa and Mama?"

It was said that Ye Qingjiu was in a bad mood, "Only children want gifts, adults don't need gifts."

Mother Ye looked at Yanyan, squatted down, her gaze was extraordinarily gentle, "Why do you want to give Baba a gift?"

Yan Yan thought for a while, and looked at grandma seriously, "It should be because Papa said, we are a family, and a family should be neat and tidy."

The whole family should be neat and tidy. This sentence was inserted into Mother Ye's heart like a needle. She used to have a family too.

Mother Ye touched Yan Yan's immature face lovingly, "You're so good."

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Cheng, "I didn't expect you to be able to educate the two children so well."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and took out a box from the box, opened the box, and inside were all kinds of toys, a total of twelve pieces.

Represents every year since their separation.

Mother Ye hesitated for a moment, holding a white teddy bear, "Jiujiu, this is a gift from your mother for your birthday in the first year of junior high school."

After speaking, he took out a small mirror, "This is the second year of junior high school, girls at that time were the most beautiful, so mom bought this for you."

She kept talking about that year when she was a freshman, "This pair of crystal shoes is a coming-of-age gift I want to give you. At that time, my wine should be very beautiful..."

Ye Qingjiu looked at his mother's pretended smile, his vision gradually blurred.

For so many years, she has never received her gift, and even the greetings are pitiful.

She always thought that she didn't love herself, but if she didn't, why did she give her a gift.Why every year.

Big tears fell from her eyes, and she sobbed in a strong nasal voice, "Then why didn't you give it to me, why couldn't you give it to me in person."

Since she loves her, why doesn't she show up when she needs her.

Seeing her daughter so sad, Mother Ye couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng hurriedly pulled up the two babies, "Mom, Qingjiu, you two talk first, I'll take them back to sleep."

He knew they needed time.

Seeing Ma Ma crying, the two babies followed Jiang Cheng into the house reluctantly.

Nuonuo puffed her face, "Papa, why is Ma Ma crying?"

Yan Yan was also very disturbed, "Papa, did grandma bully Mama?"

Jiang Cheng held the two treasures in his arms, and said softly, "Ma Ma is acting like a baby with grandma, just like Nuonuo and Yanyan are acting like a baby with Ma Ma."

Yan Yan looked up at him, puzzled, "Why is Ma Ma crying and acting like a baby?"

Because I couldn't get what I asked for, because I had nowhere to vent my grievances, and because I was at a loss.

But how should this be explained to the child?

Jiang Cheng stroked his little head, "Because mom is also grandma's child, just like you crying and asking mom for Tangtang."

Nuonuo thought for a while, "Then mom wants to ask grandma what she wants."

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, with a helpless expression, "Mom wants grandma's love."

The two babies nodded half-understood, "Understood, Baba~"

Looking at the two immature faces, Jiang Cheng smiled, "So, let's return our mother to her mother today, shall we?"

"Okay." The two babies said in unison.

"Good boy, go to bed!"


In the living room, Ye Qingjiu was already in tears.

She looked at Mother Ye, "You said you love me, but why are you always rejecting me, not letting me see you, not letting me find you..."

Zhang Ma stood aside and looked at Ye Qingjiu with a distressed look on her face. She was also very clear about what happened back then, it was Father Ye who used the property of the Ye family as a condition to keep Mother Ye from seeing Ye Qingjiu.

As long as she doesn't see Ye Qingjiu, she will be the only heir of the Ye family.

This is a secret that can't be told. Every big family has secrets that can't be told, and the Ye family is no exception.

Mama Zhang looked at Ye Qingjiu with a loving face, "Son, madam really loves you, she often asks me to send her your photos, I save them to see when I miss you."

Mother Ye looked at her child with tears streaming from her eyes, "It's because I haven't fulfilled the duty of being a mother for so many years. I thought that after a long time, you will get used to the life without a mother..."

"I'm not used to it. Over the years, I've never been used to it!" Ye Qingjiu cried and ran back to the house.

She didn't understand why her mother was so cold.

Madam Zhang said helplessly to Mrs. Ye, "Madam, it's getting late, you should rest first and give her some time."

"Oh." Mother Ye nodded.

Jiang Cheng heard the commotion outside, looked down at the two sleeping children, and walked out quietly.

The lights in the living room were still on, but no one was there, and the surroundings were silent.

Jiang Cheng walked to the box of gifts left by Mother Ye, and sighed.

Carrying the box into Ye Qingjiu's room.

Ye Qingjiu was lying on the bed, sobbing like a child covering the quilt, his appearance was distressing.

Jiang Cheng put the box on the table and took out the letters one by one.

Walking to her side, eyes full of tenderness, "Daughter-in-law, don't you take a look?"

He hoped to untie her heart knot, he tried to open her heart knot with these letters.

"Why, why did you treat me like this!" Ye Qingjiu threw himself into his arms, tears streaming down Jiang Cheng's neck and into his clothes, icy cold.

He didn't speak, just hugged her like this.

As time passed by, Ye Qingjiu's crying gradually calmed down.

Jiang Cheng looked at her, "Actually, you love her very much, right?"

How could it not be love.

When she was young, every time she held a parent-teacher meeting and saw other people's mothers, she couldn't help thinking.

I did so well in the exam, if my mother was here, would I give her my beloved teddy bear?

Or criticize her for not trying hard enough.

She pursed her lips and said nothing.

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "In fact, a person's life is very short. Children grow up gradually, and parents grow old."

"Do you have to wait until they are not around before you are willing to forgive? Obviously you are also eager to get your mother's love, why do you reject people for thousands of miles? You are just punishing yourself."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu raised his head, his eyes were foggy and helpless, "So, what should I do instead?"

"Read Mom's letter and try to understand her, okay?"

"it is good……"

Jiang Cheng accompanied her, reading from the first letter.

My baby, today is your 13th birthday, and my mother was not by your side. I heard from Zhang Ma that you really want to like the little bear. My mother gave you the little bear, hoping that it can grow up with you all the time.

 Thanks to Broken Bridge Misty Rain for the 6666 book coins!

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(End of this chapter)

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