Chapter 82
second letter

My baby, today is your 14th birthday, do you have acne now, my daughter is always the most beautiful, learn to be confident.

Third letter

My baby, today is your 15th birthday. I don’t know if there is a boy who will write you a love letter. There is nothing wrong with falling in love, but you have to learn to protect yourself. Mom supports you.


Ninth letter

My baby, today is your birthday. I heard that you have become a mother. My mother hopes that you will learn to be strong and not be like your mother.

Seeing this, Ye Qingjiu already burst into tears.

She cried to her mother's door.

"Mom, mom, open the door!"

Mother Ye was sitting in front of the table and weeping. It wasn't that she wanted to see her child, it was just that Father Ye had an agreement with her back then.

She will never see Ye Qingjiu again in this life, Ye Qingjiu must be the sole heir of the Ye family property.

For this agreement, she has endured for so many years.

She thought that if she had property, she would have no worries about food and clothing, and would be happy. For her happiness, she never disturbed her and dared not touch her life.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that what her daughter really needs is a mother.

Hearing her daughter's cry, Mama Ye rushed to the door.

The two hugged each other, crying like rain.

Jiang Cheng looked at them, "Um, I'll go back and see the kids, you guys talk slowly."

After he finished speaking, he turned back to the room.


Early the next morning, Jiang Cheng got up and made breakfast as usual, because his mother-in-law was there, so he deliberately made more.

Four fried eggs, five bowls of spinach porridge, cold cucumber, and one cold spinach!
The mother and daughter talked all night last night, and got up very late today.

When he woke up, Jiang Cheng was already having breakfast with his two babies.

When the two babies saw Mother Ye greeting politely, Nuonuo spoke first, "Good morning, grandma~"

Yan Yan also put down the small spoon, "Grandma, good morning~"

Mother Ye looked at these two babies and smiled, "Okay, how about going shopping with grandma today?"

When they heard that they were about to go out, the two babies looked at Ye Qingjiu with uncertain eyes, "Where is Baba Mama, we will be there~"

Although Ye Qingjiu slept very late, he looked very good today. The mother and daughter chatted all night, and all the knots in their hearts were untied.

She looked at the two babies with a full smile, "Of course Baba Mama is going, the five of us will go together."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang Cheng, "Honey, let's go together."

Although it's been so long since she got the certificate, Ye Qingjiu seldom calls her husband, but when she calls like this, she's not used to it, "I, I'll listen to you!"

After the family ate breakfast, Ye Qingjiu and Mother Ye got tired of being together.

Jiang Cheng asked Teacher Zhou for leave and let the two babies stay at home. After all, Mama Ye rarely came back, so he hoped that the two babies could spend more time with grandma.

At noon, I specially made foreign flavors.

Steak, foie gras, cheese and lobster pizza.

When it's done, go to the living room and call them for dinner.

Ye Qingjiu held his mother's hand reluctantly to let go, all the way to the restaurant, pointed to the steak on the table, "Mom, try it and see if you get used to it."

After all, Jiang Cheng is still good at Z national cuisine, and he really has never tried this outsider's food.

Mother Ye was a little surprised, "How did you do this? Mom is not a foreigner. Of course, the food at home is better."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Mom, why don't we eat dumplings tonight?"

Mother Ye smiled, "Okay, I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time."

After she finished speaking, she took a bite of the steak, "Well~ not bad, not bad, it tastes good."

At first, I thought that Jiang Cheng was from country Z after all, and the cooking must not be as delicious as country M. Unexpectedly, she was amazed at the first bite, and the fresh and tender taste was simply unforgettable.

Jiang Cheng cut the steaks for the two babies and put them on their dinner plates.

"Mom, try something else."

Mother Ye inserted another small piece of foie gras, and instantly her eyes lit up, "Wow, I've never eaten such delicious foie gras, how did you make it, it's so delicious."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "It's just as long as you like it, I just cook it casually, and I don't know what you like."

Good guy, even the people of country F can't make such delicious foie gras, her son-in-law actually said that he made it casually, it's unbelievable.

"I finally know why my family likes you. The cooking is so delicious, it's no wonder you don't like it." Mother Ye joked.

"Mom~" Ye Qingjiu looked shy.

"Look, she's still shy, exactly the same as when she was a child."

The family had dinner and went shopping in the afternoon.

Mother Ye is very temperamental. Although she is over half a hundred, she can tell at a glance that she was definitely a beauty when she was young.

Both mother and daughter felt this kind of natural nobility, Jiang Cheng looked at them and couldn't help sighing how powerful the genes were.

Mother Ye pulled Ye Qingjiu and said that she would also buy clothes for her, trying to make up for the guilt of so many years.

Ye Qingjiu also has a stubborn temper, she won't let her mother take the money, she even wants to buy clothes for her mother.

The two women spoke to each other and became the most beautiful scenery in the shopping mall.

Jiang Cheng smiled and walked to the front desk, took out a black card, "I'll just buy it."

The waiter took the card and swiped it on the POS machine, then handed the card to Jiang Cheng, "Sir, the total is [-]."

Jiang Cheng nodded.

The two were still struggling to pay the bill, but when they looked back, Jiang Cheng had already bought the bill.

Standing where I am, I can't laugh or cry.

Mother Ye went to children's clothing again and bought two sets of clothes for the two babies.

bought some toys.

Of course, Jiang Cheng rushed to pay the money in the end.

When he returned home, the trunk was full, and Jiang Cheng understood that women's shopping was scary.

Ye Qingjiu is a typical person who doesn't usually go shopping, and can buy clothes for three years.

The two babies fell asleep on the way after shopping for a day.

When they got home, Jiang Cheng and Ye Qingjiu carefully put the two sleeping little guys on the bed.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu, "Daughter-in-law, sit with mom for a while, I'll make dumplings."

Turning around to leave after speaking, Ye Qingjiu grabbed him with a sincere face, "My husband, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have taken that step."

Jiang Cheng knew that she would talk about her relationship with her mother.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be so polite with me. Okay, I'll make dumpling stuffing. Let's have dumplings tonight."

Ye Qingjiu looked at him, "I'll be with you, even though I don't know how to do it, I can learn."

Jiang Cheng looked at her serious face and smiled, "Okay, let's go together."

The two entered the kitchen, Jiang Cheng threw the meat into the blender, beat it into minced meat, and then sprinkled some soy sauce, salt, pepper and so on.

Ye Qingjiu is also not good at getting started, so he had to think about the meeting.

She took a stainless steel basin and scooped several bowls of flour with a bowl.

Added some water and started kneading the dough.

(End of this chapter)

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