Chapter 88 Grandpa's Show Off
Upstairs, Jiang Cheng and his grandfather were in full swing. At first, he was worried that the old man was getting old, and he might be an old revolutionary, so he was more or less tempered.

Unexpectedly, the old man has no airs at all, he is completely humbly asking for advice and accepting humbly.

As for Jiang Cheng, he let go of pointing, "I think, when writing this character, it's just such a twist..."

"Oh, I didn't realize that you know calligraphy so well at such a young age. Come on, come with me to the Calligraphy Association tomorrow, and let some bad old men see it!"

Grandpa can't wait to take this grandson-in-law to the Calligraphy Association to show off!
"Don't don't, grandpa, I just write casually, Calligraphy Association, I really can't do it."

"What can't be done! Some bad old man's writing is not as good as mine. If I say you can do it, you can do it!"


The two babies played in grandma's vegetable garden all afternoon, digging the soil for a while, and finishing the small game of cooking for a while. They are so cute.

Nuonuo played the role of mother, with her little hands in her hands, with a proud face, "I have a bad stomach, so I can't eat too spicy!"

Yanyan pretended to be papa, "No problem, I'm a super chef!"

Nuonuo pointed to the tomatoes in the vegetable patch, "I want to eat one!"

Yan Yan is like a little adult, "That's not okay, you have a bad stomach, you can't eat raw."

After lunch, the family sat on the sofa and chatted.

Grandpa Ye held a teacup and looked at Jiang Cheng solemnly, "To be honest, Qingjiu has been right since she was a child. No one can stop her from what she decides. She brought you in front of us today. It means that she definitely recognizes you, and we, as elders, naturally support you."

Grandma Ye nodded, "Yes, we definitely support it, but unfortunately, her father failed to catch up with your wedding." Thinking of her son, Grandma Ye felt sad.

"My poor sake, I have been taking care of my child all these years without my father's support." Speaking of this, Grandma Ye couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

She is a rural woman, and she can't help with the company's affairs.

My health is not good, I get sick every now and then, and I can't help Sake take care of the children. The old man is in good health, but he is an old revolutionary after all.

It is also not easy to participate in the company's affairs. The two old people feel unspeakably guilty about whether they can help or not.

Seeing the grandmother crying, the two sensible babies hurriedly climbed onto the grandmother's lap, "Grandma, don't cry, mom said it's not pretty if you cry."

Grandma Ye touched the heads of the two babies, "They are both good children of grandma."

Grandpa also felt uncomfortable, but he is a man after all, and he is not good at expressing emotions. He said angrily: "Okay, okay, the children come here rarely, what are you doing?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang Cheng, "What do you think about the wedding?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu, "What do you think?"

I think?Isn't this kind of thing mentioned by men? He asked himself, if he said it, would he be considered too proactive!
Jiang Cheng saw her coy, maybe she was at her grandparents' house.

I had no choice but to say "mind reading!"

He needs to know what she thinks.


"Although our family's conditions are mediocre, as long as Sake follows me, I will definitely not let her suffer a little bit, and my parents also like her very much. If you have no objections, I would like to book until New Year's Day."

Grandpa nodded, "We have no objections, as long as you are willing."

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu, "Daughter-in-law, do you have any opinions?"

Ye Qingjiu smiled, "I have no objection."

After setting the date, the two returned home with the children.

After Jiang Cheng left, Grandpa returned upstairs with the teacup, looking at the picture Jiang Cheng left for him, it was precious no matter how you looked at it.

So he rolled it up carefully, got in the car and went to the Calligraphy Association. He is an old director of the Calligraphy Association.

As soon as I got out of the car, I ran into Lao Zhang, who is also a director of the Calligraphy Association. When he saw Lao Ye coming, he came up to say hello with a smile, "Hey, what are you holding in your arms?"

Grandpa Ye patted it like a baby, with a proud face, "This is a good thing, I won't tell you first, let's go in and talk about it."

Lao Zhang gave him a disdainful glance, "It's still a secret."

After speaking, the two entered the gate of the association.

Seeing that everyone was here, Grandpa Ye cleared his throat, "While everyone is here, let's see how my baby is doing."

Grandpa Ye has always called himself an old man in the Calligraphy Association, and there are very few things that can catch his eyes.

Where did he get the things, everyone couldn't help but come together to look curiously.

He unfolded a piece of wine written by Jiang Cheng and flattened it on the table.

Looking at the powerful and sophisticated font on the paper, Lao Zhang was full of praise, "This is the character of a literati! Look at this strength, this style of writing!"

"As expected of Lao Ye, if you don't take out something for ten years, it's a treasure once you take it!"

"If you don't make a song, you're done. It's a blockbuster."

Hearing everyone's compliments, Lao Ye seemed to feel beautiful in his heart.

"To tell you the truth, this word was written by my grandson-in-law. How about it? It's amazing!"

Lao Zhang looked at him cheerfully, "Your grandson-in-law didn't buy it with money just to win you over?"

When Grandpa Ye heard this, his face turned dark immediately, "Fuck you, my grandson-in-law wrote it to me on the spot, you thought they were all like your grandson-in-law, who bought calligraphy and paintings to deceive the elderly, and the deception was discovered! "

Last time, Lao Zhang's grandson-in-law did not know where he got a pair of calligraphy and painting, and said that he wrote it himself, and gave it to Lao Zhang.

Later, where did Lao Zhang show off, he almost laughed everyone's teeth out.

Lao Zhang glanced at Lao Ye, "Okay, okay, my grandson-in-law is amazing, I won't tell you anymore, I'm getting old, go out for a walk and exercise, go to me!"

Lao Ye looked smug, "Walk slowly, I won't see you off~"

As soon as Lao Zhang went out, everyone began to look at Jiang Cheng's words again. Some of them were serious, and they took a magnifying glass to study them.

The more I researched, the more I discovered that Jiang Cheng's writing seemed casual, but in fact he was secretly accumulating strength.

I couldn't help sighing, "Lao Ye, the best, the best, this word can be framed for observation!"

"Yes, Lao Ye, does your son-in-law want to come to our Calligraphy Association? This kind of talent cannot be lost."

"If you learn good calligraphy at a young age, you will have a bright future. Talent, talent!"

Hearing everyone's praise, Grandpa Ye felt beautiful in his heart.

"I'll see this kid later, I have to catch him and let him join our Calligraphy Association!"


Inside the villa.

A family of five sat at the dining table and had dinner, Mother Ye put down her chopsticks, and Jiang Cheng, who was full of thoughts, said, "Son, I think our two families should meet before the wedding, after all, we will be a family in the future, what do you think? "

 Guys, have you all gone out to play today?
  I'm so boring alone~

(End of this chapter)

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