Chapter 89 Put the Long Line (Please recommend a ticket)
Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, my parents also mean the same thing. They think you have raised such an excellent daughter, and now they are married to our family, and they want to thank you wholeheartedly."

Ye Qingjiu glanced at him secretly, tsk tsk tsk, his mouth is so sweet, no wonder he goes around trying to please people all day.

When Mother Ye heard this, she hurriedly said, "It's because your parents educated you well, you are so outstanding at such a young age."

Jiang Cheng smiled modestly, "How about this, let's go to my house for dinner the day after tomorrow, and meet my parents."

Considering that Qingjiu hasn't been to the company these days, he probably has a lot of things waiting for her.So I deliberately arranged the time for the day after tomorrow.

Mother Ye nodded, "Okay."


Early the next morning, Jiang Cheng and Ye Qingjiu sent the two babies to the kindergarten as usual.

He set off towards Tengxing.

After arriving at the company, Ye Qingjiu went back to the president's office, while Jiang Cheng went to his own group.

Xu Zhe was eating deep-fried dough sticks when he saw Jiang Cheng coming, and handed him the remaining stick with a smile, "Come here, it's just fried, it's still hot."

Jiang Cheng looked at him leisurely, "You're called bribing the leader, you know that."

After finishing speaking, he took a bite of the deep-fried dough stick in Xu Zhe's hand. Although he had already had breakfast in the morning, he didn't mind eating more.

Feeling a little dry, I took Xu Zhe's soy milk and drank a couple of sips.

Then put it back, "It's really sweet, put less sugar next time."

Xu Zhe glanced at him, "I didn't buy it for you, it's not bad if you have a stutter."

The two of them said a few words, Jiang Cheng was about to make himself a cup of tea, when he received Ye Qingjiu's WeChat and clicked on it, Husband, come here!
Yo ~
These days my husband calls me a little too frequently!

Wasn't this girl too shy to scream?
Tsk, sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is.

Jiang Cheng went to Ye Qingjiu's office with his head down.

Pushing open the door, Ye Qingjiu was sitting on the office chair, frowning at the notebook in front of him.

The little assistant stood beside her fearfully, as if worried that she would explode at any time.

Seeing her appearance, Jiang Cheng quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

With a bitter face, Ye Qingjiu turned the notebook in front of Jiang Cheng, and pushed it over, "Here~ take a look at this."

This is the homepage of a big website. Photos and videos of Jiang Cheng's singing competition in the ce mall are listed on the top searches.

Even Ye Qingjiu and the two treasures in the audience were photographed clearly.

There are also extremely vicious words underneath, real hammer!Tengxing is about to go bankrupt, and the president and his family make a living by performing arts.

Looking at the title, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This is called a real hammer?

This is called submissiveness in reality, and heavy blows on the Internet.

Isn't this obviously deliberately fanning the flames?

He scrolled through the comments below.

Sorghum Field: Do you hear his serious heavenly voice?Can't a busker go to a bar?The salary is higher than this, what a bunch of brain damage!
Wuji: Upstairs, I support you, but I think he’s going to participate in The Voice, he’s sure to win, the bar is a bit too condescending.

Jiuyue: It seems that Tengxing is about to collapse!Has the president participated in this kind of small activities outside the [-]th line?

Red Scarf: A typical design of selling people, selling miserably, taking the masses as fools, counting the days, Tengxing is going to reopen the king, it's disgusting to use cheap tricks.

I want to be quiet: add one upstairs, the whole family has started marketing, even children are not spared, rubbish parents!Boycott the king! ! !
Silence: So, these days, as long as you dare to think, anything can happen, but the president of Tengxing actually went out to sell people and designs, sorry we don't buy it!Boycott boycott!

With a cold snort, Jiang Cheng found the person who posted the message on the computer.

Then I searched for the address, and sure enough, the coordinates showed that it was near Chenyou Building again.

Hiss, it's really like a fly.

It's not lethal, but it's really annoying!
The purpose of Youchen doing this is nothing more than to delay the launch of King of Glory.

Now there is a lot of criticism on the Internet. Before getting good reviews, no one dares to launch a blockbuster game on the cusp of the storm. That is simply asking for a dead end.

Jiang Cheng looked at Si Qingqing, "Go and tell Manager Luo to contact the navy. No matter how much money it costs, the netizens must be one-sided. Do you understand? It must be cleaned up!"

Si Qingqing nodded, "Good Mr. Jiang."

When Ye Qingjiu heard about Shui Jun, his head grew dizzy, "It's not a problem if it goes on like this."

Jiang Cheng chuckled, "Next you will hold a high-level meeting and release fake news, that is, the game will be delayed for three months, and everyone must know!"

"Why?" Ye Qingjiu looked confused.

These days, everyone is working hard for this game.

In order to be on the market one day earlier.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "We must convince Li Zhong that the game is really delayed for three months, so as to ensure that Youchen has no other actions, otherwise they may continue to engage in these small actions."

Ye Qingjiu thought for a while, "Then, isn't there Wendong? Can't it be enough for him to convey it directly?"

Jiang Cheng has also thought about this issue, "Although only one Wendong has been exposed so far, there is no guarantee that better people who have not concealed themselves will pass on the news."

Instead of taking risks, it is better to take this opportunity to completely wipe out everything and completely prevent future troubles.

Ye Qingjiu felt that his words were not unreasonable, she thought about it,
"If we take measures for three months, Youchen will definitely not attack us within this week, and next week, that is, on October [-]st, it will be listed directly, and he will be caught off guard!"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Yes, besides, Youchen found out about this fake news, tell me, what will he do to Li Zhong, when he is considered an abandoned child by Youchen, we are afraid that we will not be able to deal with him at that time ."

Ye Qingjiu's eyes lit up after hearing Jiang Cheng's words, he didn't expect Jiang Cheng to be so cunning.

She is not good at intrigue and will always prove confrontation.

Therefore, he has suffered a lot in this regard, and now that Jiang Cheng is with him, it seems that there is nothing he cannot solve.


In the afternoon, Ye Qingjiu held a high-level meeting with a dark face and told everyone that the game has decided to postpone the release of the game for three months.

After the meeting, Jiang Cheng called Wendong to the office again and told him that this time, he asked to call Mr. Li one day later, not to mention the specific time, but to say that the meeting was held.

As long as Mr. Li asked him why he didn't say anything yesterday, it would prove that someone else must have reported it in advance, and there must be an inner ghost.

After everything was arranged, the two happily arrived at the underground parking lot, ready to drive to pick up the baby.

Ye Qingjiu is in a surprisingly good mood today, Youchen has always been on the inside side of making moves in the past.

I am often made one head and two big by him.

This time, not only can Chenyou get rid of his previous humiliation, but he can also bring out Mr. Li, killing two birds with one stone.

The more Ye Qingjiu thought about it, the more he couldn't help being happy.

 Thanks to Broken Bridge Misty Rain for the 588 book coins
  bow! ! !

  Pen refill~

(End of this chapter)

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