Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 95 A Veteran Driver With 5 Years of Driving Experience

Chapter 95 A Veteran Driver With Five Years of Driving Experience
Nuonuo and Yanyan had never been out of the house before, and the two babies looked outside curiously along the way. Nuonuo pointed to the lush green woods and said curiously: "Wow, Ma Ma, the trees over there are so tall!"

Ye Qingjiu kissed his daughter's cute little face lightly, and said softly, "That forest must have been old for a long time, and no one has pruned it, so it grows very lush."

As the mother and daughter were talking, the car reached the entrance of the tunnel, and the moment it entered the tunnel, it suddenly became dark.

The two babies were visibly frightened by the sudden darkness.

Yan Yan pulled Ye Qingjiu's hand nervously, "Ma Ma, why can our car drive over from the bottom of the mountain?"

Ye Qingjiu put his arms around him, and patted him a few times as comfort, "This is a tunnel, the fastest way dug by the tunnel people from the bottom of the mountain."

Nuonuo looked at her curiously, "Ma Ma, will there be big bad wolves on the mountain?"

Children's brains are really endless.

Ye Qingjiu patiently explained, "Emm, there should be some."

After getting a positive answer from their mother, the two babies became even more curious.

Yanyan opened his eyes wide and looked at her, "Mama, will Big Bad Wolf's papa Mama brush his teeth and wash his feet?"

"Yes, does the big bad wolf want to wash his feet?"

Nuonuo also looked at her mother seriously, waiting for her negative answer.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the two innocent children, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She thought for a while, then nodded solemnly, "Yes!"

Received an affirmative answer, Nuonuo was obviously disappointed,
"I don't believe it, Ma Ma, you lied to me, the big bad wolf runs on the ground every day, his feet are so dirty, don't you have to wash them all the time?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing while listening to the conversation between the mother and son. The children's questions were really cute.

He said: "Who told them not to wear shoes, if they don't wear shoes, they have to wash their feet~"

After hearing what their father said, the two babies pouted and lowered their heads.

Ye Qingjiu touched their little heads, "So do you two want to wear shoes from now on?"



After driving on the highway for three hours, the car finally stopped at a gas station.

Ye Qingjiu was worried about Jiang Cheng's fatigue driving, so he asked her to drive the next section of the route.

Jiang Cheng took out the spiritual spring water he brought with him and drank it, "It's okay, I can do it."

He is a person with a spiritual spring, he is not tired, let alone four hours, it is not a problem to drive all night.

Ye Qingjiu looked worried, "Let me do it, we'll change the driving so that you can take a rest, driving while fatigued is very dangerous."

"Yeah, you can let the green wine open." The mother-in-law was also worried about him, after all, there are five members of a family.In case something happens...

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu hesitantly, "Mom and I will accompany the child behind, can you drive alone?"

"What's wrong, I'm a five-year-old driver!" Ye Qingjiu retorted,
"It's just that you go and tell them about the consequences of the big bad wolf not wearing shoes."

As she was talking, she suddenly smiled, and the corners of her bright red lips raised slightly, showing an indescribably good-looking look.

Jiang Cheng licked his mouth involuntarily, "Okay, then I'll tell them a story."

After resting for a while, the car continued on the road. After the story was told, the two little guys fell asleep in the car, and Jiang Cheng was still peeling apples for them.

Looking back, the two babies had fallen asleep obediently sitting on the seats.

Mother Ye was worried that they would catch a cold, so she was gently covering the two babies with a blanket.

Jiang Cheng handed over the apple, "Mom, eat an apple."

Mother Ye took the apple and smiled, "Thank you."

An hour later, the car finally got off the highway and started heading towards Ye Qingjiu's grandmother's small village.

The road at the beginning is still an asphalt road, but the more you drive to the back, the more difficult it is to walk. All the roads are dirt roads, which are extremely uneven.

The intersection is very narrow, the road is difficult to walk, and the big cars on the opposite side are also waiting to pass by here.

Walking to a narrow turning, there was still a traffic jam.

As soon as the car in front passed by, the big car on the opposite side rushed over and blocked Ye Qingjiu.

It was her first time driving this kind of road, and she was a little nervous.

I wanted to try to move to the side, but I was afraid that if I moved, I moved to the small puddle next to it. The puddle was not deep, but it was by no means shallow. It was just half the height of a wheel by visual inspection.

This is embarrassing.

Seeing that Ye Qingjiu was still not moving, the cart on the opposite side honked its horn.

Jiang Cheng glanced outside, "How about I come."

he comes?

Just now he said that he is a veteran driver, Ye Qingjiu didn't want to show his timidity.

She looked determined, "No, I will do it myself."

After speaking, I put the reverse gear on and turned the steering wheel. Who knew that the driver behind me was not happy with the movement just now.

He also started honking loudly.

Ye Qingjiu has one head and two big ones.

Looking at Jiang Cheng helplessly, "Either you come."

I have to admit that Jiang Cheng's technique is indeed better than his own.

Jiang Cheng was about to get out of the car. He opened the door and saw that there was a puddle next to it. It was so long from the front of the car to reverse the parking space. In the afternoon, his shoes must be soaked in water, and he might even wet his trouser legs.

He thought for a while, "Daughter-in-law, why don't you stick your head out."

Ye Qingjiu looked confused, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, be obedient and stick your head out."

Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng's determined face, and stuck his head out by accident.

The driver of the big car on the opposite side was anxious, and when he realized that the car was actually a female driver, he immediately understood.

Silently reversed the car for a distance.

Ye Qingjiu tapped the accelerator and passed the intersection smoothly.

She never figured out why the car on the opposite side suddenly gave way.

Do you know yourself?Although she is the president of Tengxing, she has been interviewed several times, but she is not familiar to the whole people.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, so I couldn't help but said, "Honey, why does he get out of the way when you stick your head out?"

Jiang Cheng let out a "puchi" laugh, with a teasing tone,

"Daughter-in-law, you may not know it. Generally, male drivers are afraid of female drivers, especially you, who are extremely handsome and have five years of driving experience!"


Ye Qingjiu's eyes widened, and he looked back at him shyly, "You are laughing at me!"

Jiang Cheng smiled brightly, "No, no, I don't, my wife is the best..."

"You're just kidding me!"

"No, no, how is it possible."

The two of you said something to each other.

Mother Ye couldn't help laughing seeing the friendly appearance of the two.

She looked at Jiang Cheng, "I didn't see that you are quite smart, you can come up with such an idea."

Female drivers are generally timid, and they are indeed slightly inferior to male drivers, especially for such emergencies, Mother Ye understands this truth very well.

Hearing her mother praise Jiang Cheng, Ye Qing was so drunk, she pouted and acted like a spoiled child, "Mom, you still speak for him~"

Jiang Cheng looked ashamed, "Mom, don't praise me, if you praise Qingjiu, you should be jealous."

Ye Qingjiu snorted, "I won't be jealous of you."

 Thanks to APOCALYPSE for the 1666 book currency and monthly pass

  Thank you for the sunken 1666 book coins and monthly tickets

  Thank you for the monthly pass of Qiaodu

  Thank you for the monthly ticket
  Thanks everyone, thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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