Chapter 96 Wow, This Place Is Awesome
After a section of mountain road, finally arrived at grandpa and grandma's house, Ye Qingjiu stopped the car.

Nuonuo and Yanyan also woke up.

Jiang Cheng touched the back of the two babies' heads and saw that they were not sweating, so he opened the car door with confidence, "Let's go, let's go down and have a look~"

The two babies were sleepy, blinking their small eyes, and then slowly sat up, their heads drooping.

After getting out of the car, Mother Ye stretched out her arms to hug the babies, "Come here quickly, grandma, grandma will carry you out of the car."

Hearing this, the two babies climbed down from their seats, and Mother Ye carefully hugged Yanyan down, and then turned around to hug Nuonuo.

The two babies got off the ground, looked around, and immediately regained their spirits.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and there are actually butterflies.

White and yellow butterflies are flying around each other.

Not far away is a small stream, flowing slowly from the mountain stream.

Ye Qingjiu has been working intensively, and when he rarely has a day off, he stays at home, most of the time he goes out to go shopping with his girlfriends.

I rarely go out, and seeing such a beautiful scenery, I couldn't help sighing, "No wonder grandpa and grandma come here when they don't live in the city. It's so beautiful."

Mother Ye smiled, "Yeah, your grandpa and grandma just liked the scenery here. It's nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city when you're old."

"Let's go, let's go in, otherwise grandpa and grandma will be in a hurry."

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, both mother and daughter nodded and headed towards the Ye family's yard.

The two babies still wanted to catch butterflies, so Jiang Cheng hugged the two babies, "I'm playing in a while, let's go see grandma and grandpa first!"


Ye Qingjiu's grandfather was cleaning the yard, when he heard the knock on the door, he hurried over to open the door.

"Yueyue? Why are you still have green wine." Mama Ye's name is Zhang Yue, and Yueyue is her nickname.

Grandpa is already 70 years old, he is not as lively as Grandpa Ye's, he looks a bit old-fashioned.

"Dad, I will bring the children back to see you. This is Jiang Cheng, Jiujiu's husband."

Hearing what Zhang Yue said, Grandpa looked at Jiang Cheng's face, not to mention, this grandson-in-law is really a good-looking talent.

He nodded in satisfaction, "Come on, let's talk first."

After entering the yard, Mother Ye asked curiously, "Dad, where is my mother?"

Hearing this, Grandpa shook his head, "I haven't been in a good mood recently, and I slept for most of the day."

After speaking, he looked at Ye Qingjiu and Jiang Cheng, "Sit down, sit down, grandpa will pour you some water."

Nuonuo and Yanyan were all focused on the butterflies outside, and they leaned on Jiang Cheng, looking aggrieved.

Nuonuo even had puddles of water in her eyes, feeling like they were about to fall in the next second, and looked like she was about to cry at any time, "Papa, why don't you take us to catch butterflies."

Yan Yan also looked at him sullenly, "Papa, we will be good, just 10 minutes, okay~"

Jiang Cheng looked at the two treasures, his heart almost broke.

Seeing the grievances of the two babies, Mother Ye felt that someone had pinched her heart.

Before Jiang Cheng could speak, he hurriedly said: "Anyway, grandma is still resting now, it doesn't matter if the children want to play for a while."

Jiang Cheng rubbed the heads of the two babies, "Go and thank grandma."

"Thank you grandma~"

"Grandma, Nuonuo wants to give you bobo~"

Seeing the cute appearance of these two babies, Mother Ye giggled.

"Go ahead and be safe."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng took the two treasures out the door, passed by the yard, and saw a net in the corner, a one-meter-long wooden stick, just for the two treasures to catch butterflies.

He copied the net and left the yard.

The two babies ran excitedly while cheering.

Jiang Cheng was sweating profusely after chasing after him, "Be careful of the stones under your feet, don't touch them."

Yan Yan agreed without looking back, "Understood, Baba~"

After finishing speaking, he ran towards the distance with small steps, and the butterfly just now had already disappeared.

I searched for the two treasures for a long time but couldn't find them. I was extremely disappointed.

Nuonuo immediately curled her mouth, and was about to cry, Jiang Cheng hurriedly comforted, "Nuo Nuo, be good, don't cry~"

After speaking, he pointed to the creek over there, "There are no butterflies and other things. Look over there. Daddy will take you to catch fish, okay?"

Hearing about catching fish, Nuonuo's eyes lit up in an instant. Just now he had a bitter face and was about to cry, but now he is smiling brightly.

"Papa, Nuonuo likes to catch fish."

Yan Yan also clapped his little hands, "Yan Yan also wants to catch fish~"

Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly, "Come on, let's catch fish!"

After speaking, he took the two babies and walked towards the creek just now.

When he got out of the car just now, he just took a cursory glance, but now standing in front of him, Jiang Cheng realized that it was not a creek at all.

The water inside should look clear and shallow, but it is actually not that shallow, at least one meter deep.

If the children want to go down, it will definitely not work.

He thought for a while, "Let me go further, the front should be shallower."

"Okay!" The two babies said in unison.

Then he walked forward bouncing along the dirt road next to him.

After walking a certain distance, I finally found a relatively shallow place.

But because the water is shallow, there are only a few small fish fry in it, as long as a big cover's thumb.

Fortunately, the two babies didn't mind, and Nuonuo jumped up excitedly, "Papa, Papa, quickly help me take off my shoes, I want to go down!"

Nuonuo is still not good at taking off her shoes, and often needs help from adults.

When Jiang Cheng was still helping her take off her shoes, Yan Yan had already skillfully removed the shoes and the little socks.

Jiang Cheng rolled up the trouser legs for the two babies, and then put the two children in the water, the water just covered the calves.

The two babies had a great time.

Jiang Cheng was watching from the side, taking a look at the surrounding scenery.

Just looking at it, I found a very beautiful plant growing in the soil by the stream, with small white and purple flowers, very beautiful.

I walked in and saw, good guy, it turned out to be a pinellia.

Pinellia is a kind of medicinal material, which is not expensive, but there are many fakes on the market now, and it is not easy to buy real ones.

Seeing that it bloomed beautifully, Jiang Cheng simply dug it out, carefully put it in his pocket, and planned to plant it in the space when he went to sleep at night.

Originally thought that the two treasures were just catching fish for fun, but unexpectedly, Yan Yan actually caught a small fish.

He was so happy that he held the fish and shouted loudly, "Papa, come and see."

Nuonuo was also very excited, "Papa, brother caught a fish~"

Jiang Cheng walked over with a smile, he touched Yan Yan's head, "Baby, it's awesome!"

After being praised by his father, the child looked arrogant, "Papa, can I take it home if I want to?"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Baby, look at it is so small, doesn't it look like our cute little Yanyan?"

Yanyan looked down at Xiaoyu, and suddenly pouted, "Papa also has Papa and Mama."

 Thanks for the 200 book coins that are a little far away!

  Thanks to Apocalypse for the 100 book coins!

  Thanks to Ambitiom for the monthly pass!
  Bow, refill~
(End of this chapter)

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