Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 97 My Brother Is an Old Chinese Medicine Doctor

Chapter 97 My Brother Is an Old Chinese Medicine Doctor

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, of course it has Papa and Mama, and maybe a sister and a younger sister."

Yanyan thought for a while, then suddenly squatted down, put the fish back into the water, and then said softly to the little fish, "Go and find your papa and mama, thank you for playing with me, I am very happy happy~”

Seeing his son being so caring, Jiang Cheng felt relieved, "He is really a good baby of Dad!"

"Take two treasures to catch fish, reward [Famous Doctor Skill]."

Jiang Cheng was curious: Famous doctor?Interesting, Chinese medicine or Western medicine?

System: Traditional Chinese Medicine! ! !
Chinese medicine is good, to be honest, it works the most.

Jiang Cheng only felt a wave of heat go away from all the acupuncture points on his body.

Then, countless Chinese medicine knowledge suddenly appeared in my mind, which flowed through my mind one after another like a flashlight.

The inner feeling is wonderful.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, went back to the stream, and played with the two babies for a while.

Feeling that it's almost time, I took the two babies out and put them on their babies and shoes.

Pulling one with the left hand and one with the right, bouncing back to Ye Qingjiu's grandmother's house.

Yan Yan wanted to share the joy of catching fish with Ma Ma, so he pushed open the door of the small courtyard and rushed in, "Ma Ma, where are you, Ma Ma?"

Nuonuo also followed Yanyan and ran wildly.

Jiang Cheng followed behind with a helpless expression on his face. The room was very big, the living room was just outside the door, and there were bedrooms in each of the four corners, each with a bathroom.

It still looks very grand, not at all like that kind of serious rural family.

The two babies searched the rooms one by one, and finally found Ye Qingjiu in the westernmost room.

She was sitting beside her grandmother's bed with Mama Ye, with a worried look on her face.

Seeing two babies, he quickly pulled them over, "Come here, this is grandma."

The two babies looked at the gray-haired old man lying on the bed, and called out sensiblely, "Hi, grandma."

Grandma looked at the two great-grandchildren with a friendly smile on her face, "Hey guys, come and let grandma have a look."

The two babies looked at me and I looked at you, and then they walked up to grandma.

Nuonuo's long eyelashes flickered, and she looked at her grandmother seriously, "Grandma, are you sick?"

The grandmother smiled, "Grandma is just dizzy and has low blood sugar, just take a rest and it will be fine."

Jiang Cheng walked in, looked at the vicissitudes of the grandmother, nodded, "Grandma is good."

Mother Ye hurriedly introduced to grandma, "Mom, this is Jiujiu's husband, Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Cheng smiled politely, "Yes, grandma, my name is Jiang Cheng."

When grandma heard that her grandson-in-law had arrived, she had to sit up and take a closer look at everything she said, "Come, help me."

After speaking, she pulled Mama Ye's arm and stood up.

Walking slowly to Jiang Cheng, "Son, are you hungry? Grandma cooks for you and the babies."

The grandson-in-law came to the house for the first time, and of course she, as an elder, had to cook a meal for the children.

Seeing grandma swaying in three steps, he hurriedly supported her, "Grandma, you rest, just tell me where the kitchen is, and I will cook."

Ye Qingjiu also stood up, "Yes, grandma, you and mom should have a good chat, we will cook together."

She had a good relationship with her grandmother when she was a child, and she used to secretly go to her grandmother's house to eat snacks.

Five cents a pack of spicy strips, only my grandma bought it for her in the whole family.

"Yes, Mom, let the children cook. You can rest for a while. Hypoglycemia occurs. It's not good." Mother Ye also advised her.

Grandma hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "That's fine, then I'll have a meal made by my granddaughter and grandson-in-law today."

Mother Ye was really worried that she would faint, so she hurriedly helped her back to the bed.

Ye Qingjiu took Jiang Cheng to the kitchen.

The kitchen is quite big and everything is readily available.

Jiang Cheng opened the refrigerator and looked, "Daughter-in-law, what does my grandmother like to eat?"

To be honest, Ye Qingjiu doesn't know what grandma likes to eat.

At that time, she was still very young, and she remembered that her grandma always made braised pork ribs for herself, big and big pork ribs.

Ye Qingjiu likes to eat the spare ribs made by his grandmother, every time he takes big bites, his grandmother always sits by the side and watches her eat with a smile.

It seems that as long as she eats it, she is happier than eating it herself.

She frowned, "Grandma should like to eat ribs, but are ribs suitable for the elderly?"

"Grandma is in her 70s, and she must have had several dentures installed. Will those bones break the teeth?"

The more Ye Qingjiu talked, the more he couldn't help worrying.

Jiang Cheng almost couldn't laugh out loud after hearing her answer, my God, her daughter-in-law is too cute.

Ye Qingjiu glared at him, "What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, "It's okay, isn't it just pork ribs, arrange it! Let it be stewed until it's bone-free, soft and fragrant, and the internal seeds that melt in your mouth must not take off grandma's teeth."

Ye Qingjiu nodded in satisfaction, "Well, it's not too bad, so what do you need me to do for you? I can peel onions and wash vegetables."

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "No need, I can do it by myself, go and chat with grandma."

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, "No!"

"Why?" Jiang Cheng looked curious.

Ye Qingjiu blinked, "Because grandma is accompanied by mother, but you have no one."

Oh my god, is this really the cold female president?Really?
Jiang Cheng was so moved, "Why don't you go and get me a chair here."

"Oh..." Ye Qingjiu nodded, walked to the living room, and obediently brought a chair over, "Here~ the chair you want."

Jiang Cheng supported her shoulders and pressed her on the chair, "Okay, then you can sit here and chat with me~"

Seeing his pretty smile, Ye Qingjiu's heart felt warm.

She smiled helplessly, "I can help you with something."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't, just sit down, if you're bored, play with your phone for a while, I'll be the best soon."

In fact, Ye Qingjiu's body is a bit unconvincing today, before the day before she wants to have an aunt, she will be extremely uncomfortable, and she can sleep very well.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng insisted on letting her rest, he didn't try to shirk it.

She looked at her phone, chatted with Si Qingqing on wechat, and asked about the company's situation.

Sitting on a chair with his head tilted, he fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up, she was shocked to find that Jiang Cheng was looking at her with a smile.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Jiang Cheng chuckled, "I wanted to carry you to bed to sleep, but I was hesitating if I touched you and woke you up, so you woke up."

Ye Qingjiu rubbed his eyes, "It's okay, just sleep for a while, there is no need to take a special rest."

After speaking, he glanced at the few dishes on the stove, and saw that he was almost ready.

Standing up, he took out the dishes and put them on the table, "Mom, grandpa and grandma, it's time to eat."

Hearing the meal, the two little ones rushed out of grandma's room almost immediately.

 Thanks to 8540...25 for the 100 book coins!

  Thank you for the monthly pass of Jiu'an Qingcheng!

(End of this chapter)

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