Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 98 Grandma's Strange Disease

Chapter 98 Grandma's Strange Disease

I was running and catching fish just now, but now I am starving.

Grandpa came out from the north side of the house when he heard that dinner was over. Just now he saw his daughter and granddaughter talking to his wife in whispers.

He didn't bother him, so he simply went back to the house and took a nap. Unexpectedly, he was woken up by his granddaughter to eat.

"Hey, it's rare for you two to come back once, why are you still cooking?"

Jiang Cheng came out of the kitchen with a few bowls of rice, "Grandpa, you cook first, there are still pork ribs in the pot, I'll serve them right away."

After speaking, he turned and went back to the kitchen.

After Jiang Cheng left, Grandpa gave Ye Qingjiu a thumbs up, and said mysteriously: "I think this kid is pretty good, he can cook, so I won't be able to embarrass your stomachs in the future."

After hearing what Grandpa said, Ye Qingjiu looked shy, "Grandpa~"

Grandpa saw that his granddaughter was shy, and showed his teeth, and laughed, "You are a big girl in her 20s, but she can't be as shy as she was when she was a child."

The two of them were talking, and Mother Ye helped grandma out, and she put grandma on the chair carefully, "Mom, you sit down first, and you will feel better after dinner."

Jiang Cheng came out with a big pot of steaming and fragrant pork ribs, "Come here, eat while it's hot."

One end of the ribs came out, and the room was filled with fragrance immediately.

The eyes of the two little guys stared straight, Nuonuo licked his little mouth with a longing look on his face, "Papa, Nuonuo wants to eat meat, hurry up and give it to Nuonuo."

Yanyan was so anxious that he almost stood up on the stool, "Papa, Yanyan also eats meat!"

Jiang Cheng looked at putting the ribs on the table, and smiled helplessly, "Yes, yes, how could you two be missing."

Seeing the exaggerated expressions of the two babies, both grandpa and grandma couldn't help laughing.

A family of seven sat at the dining table talking and laughing while eating.

Ye Qingjiu added a piece of pork ribs to grandma's bowl, full of tenderness,
"Grandma, you made ribs for me when I was young. Now, although I don't know how, I have found a husband who can cook. He can cook ribs for you."

Grandma looked at Ye Qingjiu lovingly, "Silly girl, grandma is already about her age, where can she eat this?"

After finishing speaking, I will pick out the ribs and give them to Mother Ye.

Seeing this, Ye Qingjiu hurriedly said: "Grandma, this is specially stewed by Jiang Cheng for you, just try it."

She believed in Jiang Cheng's strength, as long as he said grandma could eat, then it would be fine.

Grandma's eyes were a little moved, "Okay, let's try it, it's hard for my good granddaughter to remember grandma."

After speaking, he put the ribs to his mouth and took a bite.

It's really dragged to the bone, the flesh and bones that have been cooked have been separated. Grandma chewed it lightly, and it really melted in the mouth.

And the taste is extraordinarily delicious.

She has never eaten such delicious ribs.

Grandma ate a piece and praised it. She smiled, and the gap on her face deepened, "Well, not bad, old man, you can try it too."

Hearing this, grandpa also picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, "Well, it's delicious, this taste is really fragrant!"

According to my grandfather's memory, the most delicious meat in this life is a piece of meat that my mother stole from somewhere when he was famine when he was a child.

It's just a small piece, but the soup was cooked first, and the whole family drank some oily soup to relieve their cravings.

He was the only one who ate meat.

That taste is awesome!

Unexpectedly, the pork ribs served by Jiang Cheng today are even more delicious than that piece of meat.

Grandpa smashed it and said, "You are doing so well, did you learn to be a chef?"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Grandpa, I'm a computer student, that's computer."

Hearing this, Grandpa was surprised for a moment, then smiled with a vicissitudes of life, "You are quite versatile, so good!"

The grandma who was eating couldn't help but glared at the grandpa, "If you can't speak, don't talk, what is versatile? This is called an aspiring youth!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the two people's inappropriate praise.

After dinner, grandma was so sorry that she insisted on rushing to wash the dishes.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng and Ye Qingjiu refused to agree, grandma's face darkened,
"The two of you have already cooked, so why don't you be afraid to wash the dishes when you are a grandma!"

She felt that she was an elder, and the children came to her house to eat, and the meals were cooked by the children themselves. She didn't do anything, and she was really embarrassed.

Seeing that grandma was getting angry, the two of them had no choice but to stop insisting, "Then we'll take it, and you wash it, so it's okay." Jiang Cheng smiled.

Grandma nodded, "OK."

After finishing speaking, he took two plates and walked towards the kitchen. Before taking two steps, his whole body began to spin.

His body softened and he almost fell down.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Cheng caught grandma.

Mother Ye saw that her mother almost fell down, her heart was in her throat, she hurried over and snatched the plate from her hand.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Grandpa was also very nervous, "Quick, quickly help your grandma to lie down."

With grandma like this, no one cared whether the dishes were washed or not, they all followed into the bedroom, even the two little ones followed behind Ye Qingjiu nervously.

Grandma sat on the bed and frowned, "Oh, I've slept all morning, but it still doesn't work. It's really useless when I'm old."

Seeing her mother like this, Ye's mother was about to shed tears, "Mom, what are you talking about? Why is it useless? If you are sick, let's go and see it."

Grandma held Ye's mother's hand, "Forget it, I've got an old problem. I know it. For several years, I have basically been to all the major hospitals in the country."

After listening to grandma's words, Mother Ye burst into tears, "Didn't you say hypoglycemia?"

The grandfather on the side couldn't help it anymore, "What hypoglycemia? She said that on purpose because she was afraid that you would worry. You only come back for a few days every year. How could she have the heart to make you worry?"

After hearing what Grandpa said, Ye Qingjiu couldn't help but tears welled up in his eyes. Although he hadn't seen him for many years, they were related by blood after all.

Grandma's kindness to her is still vivid in her memory, and seeing her fall down like that, she feels really uncomfortable.

Grandma saw that the faces of several people became uglier than the other, coughed twice, her face full of helplessness, "I'm just dizzy, and it's not a terminal illness, what are you doing?"

Grandma has been suffering from a strange disease for the past few years, and she is always dizzy. The most dizziness of a normal person is a combination of ignorance and nausea.

She was dizzy and dizzy, and when she stood up, she felt that everything around her was moving, and she couldn't walk normally at all.

Moreover, my eyesight has deteriorated so much that everything I see is blurry.

Seeing her mother like this, Ye's mother felt uncomfortable, "Mom, listen to me and let's go to the big hospital tomorrow!"

Grandma smiled, "It's an old problem, it will be fine in two days, there's no need to go see it, I went to the hospital to take a film, and it can't be found out, the doctor said there is nothing wrong with it."

 Thank you for the 6666 book coins and monthly pass

  Thank you for the 6666 book coins and monthly tickets of the Broken Bridge Misty Rain

  Thanks to Apocalypse for the 1666 book coin and monthly pass

  Bow ninety degrees!

  (Correction group number: 1051548671 welcome everyone)

(End of this chapter)

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