Chapter 11 Expelling Ye Xuan?
To be exact, Ye Xuan has already realized what a miraculous mutation has taken place in his eyes!

Now, as long as Ye Xuan concentrates.

Then, all matter, energy, life forms, etc. within its line of sight will be transformed into information flow.

Then, as Ye Xuan's eyes swept across, the information flow would be easily interpreted and remembered by him at an extremely fast speed.

for example.

Ye Xuan in the past, even though he had a brain development speed above all human beings.

But if he wants to finish a book, he has to read it slowly, at least for an hour.

And now?

As long as Ye Xuan glanced at him, he could easily grasp all the contents of that book.

In a sense, Ye Xuan with mutated eyes is like a humanoid supercomputer.

As for all forms of content such as text, pictures, videos, etc., they are files stored in the cloud one by one.

Ye Xuan wanted to know the information in it, all he had to do was click to download, and he could get it instantly!

That speed, simply not too fast!
"With such an ability, I can master the knowledge of countless subjects in a short period of time!"

Feeling the magic of his eyes, Ye Xuan couldn't tell how excited he was:
"Perhaps, in my lifetime, I can witness with my own eyes the moment when my magnificent country stands on top of the world!"

This is Ye Xuan's dream.

It is also the source of motivation for countless devotees like Ye Xuan who, like Ye Xuan, keep their identities incognito and are not afraid of hard work to overcome obstacles!

In order to realize this lofty dream, Ye Xuan, like Yuan Lao and others, is willing to give everything of his own!
Even though, this road is tortuous and bumpy, and it is not easy to walk.

Even, suffer from misunderstanding and ridicule by countless people!


After a little experience of this special ability named "Eye of Information" by Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan quickly regained his composure, and walked out of the bedroom.


He saw, not far away, a very small and simple study room that was completely remodeled from a utility room.

There was an old man with glasses, gray hair and slightly loose hair, who was flipping through the documents by turning on the lamp.

This old man is undoubtedly one of Ye Xuan's students and the owner of this house.

Professor Huang Zhe, a five-star academician of the Huaguo Academy of Sciences, is the top domestic expert specializing in energy.

"Huh? Teacher, you're awake!"

Hearing the movement, Professor Huang Zhe immediately got up respectfully and greeted Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan nodded, and then asked a little curiously: "Why do you look frowning? Could it be that the research has encountered some difficulties?"

"Teacher, something serious happened!"

With a slight sigh, Huang Zhe said anxiously: "Just yesterday, a team from Kyoto University in Sakura Country perfectly conquered the solid-state aluminum battery technology!"

"Now, the global patent of this technology is already in their hands."

"This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry is probably their team!"

From these words, Ye Xuan could clearly feel the worry and... unwillingness in Huang Zhe's heart.

In this regard, Ye Xuan can completely understand.

after all.

Solid-state aluminum battery technology has always been recognized as being able to lead the next energy era!
A few years ago, the global scientific community reached a consensus——

Whoever can take the lead in conquering this technology will become the world's energy hegemon in the 21st century and grab profits crazily!
To know.

In today's era, all kinds of batteries have already penetrated into thousands of households.

Especially in the important fields of mobile phones, automobiles, drones, communications, etc., batteries always occupy an extremely important position.

However, the traditional lithium battery, because its electrolyte is liquid, is extremely flammable and volatile, which will bring certain safety risks.

More importantly, the energy density of traditional lithium batteries is actually very low, with a maximum of 250Wh/kg.

This has led to the fact that the lithium battery is carried on the mobile phone, which is barely enough for use.

But it is also unavoidable. It needs to be charged once a day, or even half a day.

As for the supply of electric vehicles and drones?

That will inevitably appear stretched, and even restrict the development of the entire industry!

What about solid aluminum batteries?
Its electrolyte is solid, and there is no need to use lithium-intercalated graphite negative electrodes, and it is possible to break through 80000wh/kg under ideal conditions.

In other words, the capacity of solid aluminum batteries is almost 100 to 500 times that of traditional lithium batteries!
What is this concept?
The same mobile phone, if it uses a solid aluminum battery, may only need to be charged once a year!

The battery life of electric vehicles will instantly overtake combustion vehicles, and even crush them!

In a word.

The breakthrough of this technology means that countless related industries will usher in comprehensive innovation.

In this situation.

Just ask.

Relevant companies from all over the world, who would not use all means to purchase this technology from Sakura Country.

To know.

If you don't buy it, it means that your side is completely behind!

Thinking of the fact that there are so many related industries in Huaguo in the future, they will all have to be restricted by the Sakura Kingdom, and even be robbed of countless profits by the Sakura Kingdom.

As the top domestic academician in this field, how could Huang Zhe feel good in his heart!
"Huang Lao, take me to our Huaguo Energy Research Center now."

With some determination in his eyes, Ye Xuan said very seriously:

"Give me a few more days and a group of reliable assistants, and I will return you with better and more perfect battery technology!"

As soon as the words came out.

Huang Zhe was stunned on the spot, as if completely shocked by Ye Xuan's words just now.

In a few days, a better and more perfect battery technology than solid aluminum batteries has been developed?
This, to Huang Zhe's cognition, is comparable to the Arabian Nights!

For Ye Xuan, this is not the case at all!

If it was before, Ye Xuan, who had almost never dabbled in the battery industry, would indeed have no possibility to develop a technology beyond solid-state aluminum batteries in just a few days.

Among other things, just flipping through the books to find information would take him at least half a month!

But now, the situation is different!
Ye Xuan not only has a 25% brain development rate, but also has opened the "eye of information"!
glance at it.

Ye Xuan can easily grasp all the information in all the documents!
With such a special ability, Ye Xuan will certainly be sure to create an unprecedented miracle!
"No problem, teacher!"

Although he felt deeply incredible, out of absolute trust in Ye Xuan, Huang Zhe still quickly agreed.

So ever.

Not long after, Huang Zhe directly contacted the special car, and entered the energy center of Huaguo Academy of Sciences with Ye Xuan overnight to start research on new technologies.

After about half an hour.

"If there is anyone in this world who can do this, it must be the teacher!"

In a laboratory of the Huaguo Energy Research Center, Huang Zhe couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart as he watched Ye Xuan forget everything else and devote himself to his work.

In the eyes, more full of respect.


in his eyes.

At this moment, his teacher Ye Xuan seems to be a lonely hero.

Overcoming thorns and thorns, guiding the way forward for countless Chinese people!



blink of an eye.

It's the second day.

I have to say is.

Until now, the popularity of the Ye Xuan incident still shows no sign of abating.

There are crazy discussions all over the Internet!

Especially those female boxers who have almost no reason at all, they simply want to put Ye Xuan to death!

And because the outside public opinion is too turbulent.

Even a century-old institution like Yenching University had no choice but to hold a plenary meeting.

There is only one theme for the meeting——

Discuss and study, whether to expel Ye Xuan!
(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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