Chapter 12 You said, who is going to be fired? ? ?

Yenching University No. 1 Administration Building, in the main conference hall.

"I believe that everyone has more or less understood what happened on the Internet recently about Ye Xuan, a student from the Department of Mathematics in our school."

Sitting on a large mahogany chair, Yanda President Gu Yunbo looked serious and spoke slowly:
"Netizens reacted very strongly, and almost unanimously demanded that our school expel Ye Xuan immediately."

"So now, let's all share our thoughts? Speak freely!"

The voice fell.

Several leaders sitting in the front row looked at each other, and immediately a middle-aged man began to express his opinion:

"Principal Gu, teachers, I think our school should and must expel Ye Xuan as soon as possible."

"There are three reasons."

"First, the current online public opinion is raging, and it is almost a one-sided trend. If we fail to take timely action, it is tantamount to standing on the opposite side of the people."

"Secondly, just last night, the mainstream media Beijing Star News publicly commented on this matter. Although this still does not prove that what Xiao Ruyu said in the TV interview must be true, I believe that this should not be groundless."

"Thirdly, I learned from Comrade Wang Sheng, the director of the mathematics department of our school, that this student Ye Xuan, although his grades are extremely excellent, has been absent from school all year round, rarely in school, and often does not even come to the final exam. I think, based on his In this case, it is not too much to give him the punishment of expulsion."

This remark caused many participants present to nod their heads.

Obviously, they all agree with the point of view put forward by the middle-aged man just now——

It is imperative to expel Ye Xuan!

Gu Yunbo, on the other hand, set his sights on Wang Sheng, the director of the Department of Mathematics: "Director Wang, is what Director Zhang said just now true?"

Wang Sheng, with a Mediterranean hairstyle, nodded immediately:
"That's right, since Ye Xuan entered the school, he has often asked for leave, and the time spent outside is much longer than the time in school."

"However, this does not affect Ye Xuan's studies."

"If I remember correctly, Ye Xuan was No.1 in the department in all the exams he took."

"I don't think a talent like this should be fired!"

Wait until Wang Sheng's voice falls.

"Director Wang, I know you are eager to love talents, but is there a talent like him in our Yan Conference?"

The middle-aged man immediately retorted:
"Our mathematics department was originally the number one in the country. Without a top student like him, what impact would it have?"

"Is it possible that he can still win a Fields Medal for Yanda?"

"Right now, maintaining the reputation of Yanda University should be our top priority..."


that's it.

In the huge conference hall, a series of discussions started.

However, there is no doubt that most of the participants supported the immediate expulsion of Ye Xuan.

no way.

Who made the current public opinion on the Internet so terrifying that even a century-old institution like Yenching University can't bear it.

So many netizens condemned collectively, and even the mainstream media at the level of Beijing Star News also came to support it.

No matter how high the status of Yenching University is, it will not endure such enormous pressure for the sake of Ye Xuan!
When the discussion in the conference hall was intense.

Staying with Ye Xuan last night, Academician Huang Zhe, who is researching new battery technology, dragged his slightly tired body to Yenching University.

He was originally one of the most well-known and highest-ranking professors at Yenching University.

And the purpose of his coming, of course, is to find a group of suitable assistants for Ye Xuan.

after all.

To research and develop a new technology, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of experiments are unavoidable.

With good assistants to assist, it will undoubtedly greatly speed up the research and development progress!

"Professor Zhao, where are Professor Lei and the others? Where did they go?"

When Academician Huang Zhe came to Yanda, he couldn't help asking such questions.

"Academician Huang."

A female office worker immediately replied: "Several professors should all be meeting in the No. 1 administrative building now!"

"Meeting? What meeting?"

Huang Zhe asked one more question curiously.

"Is such that."

The female staff immediately explained: "The main focus of this meeting is whether to immediately expel Ye Xuan from the mathematics department of our school."

"You said, who is going to be fired???"

After listening, Huang Zhe instantly became angry.

"Number, Ye Xuan from the Department of Mathematics."

The female staff member, who was obviously frightened by Huang Zhe's expression, replied in a daze: "Now he is everywhere on the Internet..."

Waiting for the female staff to tell what happened in the past two days one by one.


Huang Zhe, who had always been modest and had never lost his temper, fell into a state of fury!
"These bastards!!!!!!"

Huang Zhe, whose eyes were already red with anger, cursed loudly as if venting the uncontrollable anger in his heart.

After hearing this scolding, the female staff member was completely dumbfounded.


He had never seen Academician Huang Zhe lose his composure so much!
To know.

Academician Huang Zhe is not only the signature professor of Yenching University, but also a five-star academician in the entire Hua Kingdom!

In the field of energy, Academician Huang Zhe is the absolute authority in China!
Even if you look at the entire Huaguo Academy of Sciences, you can't find a few people who can match the status of Academician Huang Zhe.

As for Academician Huang Zhe, he is known for his good temper on weekdays.

It has never even heard that Academician Huang Zhe has said a serious word to anyone.

and so.

This female staff member scratched her head and couldn't understand why Academician Huang Zhe was so furious at this moment.

"Contact Academician Lin Hui and Academician Sun Guodong immediately, and tell them to go to Conference Hall 10 in 1 minutes."

After forcibly calming down, Huang Zhe then gave instructions.

follow closely.

He turned around and went straight to the administration building.

And his eyes were still red and bloodshot from being too angry.

He finally understood why his teacher went to sleep at his home yesterday.

It turned out that she was framed by a female Internet celebrity! ! !

Teacher, he has silently contributed so much to the country, ten Nobel Prizes are not enough to describe the teacher's achievements!
But now?

Because of a few words of an actor, they were exposed on the Internet and were scolded by countless people!
Ha ha.

What is this? ? ? ? ? ?
Are our heroes, our national soldiers, the ones you bully whenever you want!
"The teacher worked all night last night, and he didn't even bother to drink a sip of hot water, and his body was almost numb."

Huang Zhe, who was walking quickly towards the administrative building, became more and more angry in his heart: "Now, we Yanda actually want to expel him!!!"

"Today, I'm going to teach these bastards a lesson on behalf of the teacher!"

no doubt.

Academician Huang Zhe went to the conference hall to rectify Ye Xuan's name.

What's more, ask Ye Xuan for an explanation and justice!

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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