The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 14 An Earthquake-Level Public Opinion Frenzy

Chapter 14 An Earthquake-Level Public Opinion Frenzy
After half an hour.

Yenching University issued a major statement on the front page of its official website.

The title, only thirteen characters:
【We will never let heroes shed blood and tears】

The content of the statement is even more concise.

To sum it up, it is one sentence -

No matter how great the external pressure is, Yenching University will swear to protect Ye Xuan to the end!
There are no surprises.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Public opinion from all walks of life was in an uproar, it was like a frying pan.

Especially those analysts who had concluded that Ye Xuan would be fired, all of them seemed to have seen a ghost, and they couldn't think of a reason.

Almost in a short period of time, the news that Yanda University refused to expel Ye Xuan spread across all major platforms on the Internet like mercury pouring down the ground.

Weibo, Douyin, Toutiao, Moments, Tieba, etc., countless people are passionate about it.

Oh no, it should be said that it is boiling against the sky:
"Wow, shit, shit, Yanda dares to fight against the whole society for the sake of a social scum?!"

"Hehe, this is our first-class university in Huaguo? I'm yuck!"

"My friend is an insider of Yanda University. He told me yesterday that the principal of Yanda University is the uncle of Ye Gou! It seems that it is true in all likelihood!"

"@Upstairs what? The principal of Yan University is actually this Ye Gou's uncle? You must report it! Those who agree, stand up!"

"Brothers and sisters of the Yu Family Army, we must fight to the end!"

"This kind of scum has to be defended, why don't the teachers of Yanda die!!!"

"I've said long ago that the higher education in our country is rotten!"


Amidst the accusations and curses all over the sky, Yenching University's statement was instantly pushed to the hot search list of all major platforms.

The heat is so high that it goes straight to second place!
Second only to the Ye Xuan incident!
And at the same time.

The people from the brokerage company are arranging for Xiao Ruyu to meet with a famous domestic director to discuss about the heroine of the new play.

"Miss Xiao, wish us a happy cooperation!"

A big bald director clinked glasses with Xiao Ruyu lewdly, and then said so.

There is no doubt that the two parties have fully negotiated on many matters of cooperation!
no way.

Now that Xiao Ruyu is so popular, she is comparable to a first-line female star to some extent.

Even if Xiao Ruyu's economic company offered 50 an episode, many film and television companies rushed to compete.

"Director Zhong, happy cooperation!"

Xiao Ruyu immediately greeted her with a smile, and inadvertently straightened out her proud chest, which made people daydream infinitely.

"What a stunner."

The bald-headed director known as "Guard Zhong" has already begun to imagine in his heart: "After the filming starts, I must find an opportunity to unspoken rules..."

that's it.

After the two parties signed the contract, Xiao Ruyu immediately posted the content on Weibo——

"Actor Xiao Ruyu reports, please give me more advice/cute expression with tongue out/cute expression with tongue out!"

The picture below is, of course, a group photo of him and that director Zhong, as well as a beautiful photo that she asked her assistant to photo repeatedly countless times.

Again no surprises.

The news that Xiao Ruyu was about to cooperate with Director Guo in filming also rushed into the trending searches in a short period of time.

In the comment area of ​​Weibo, Xiao Ruyu's brainless fans left a lot of messages:

"Wow! Our Xiaoyu has officially entered the entertainment industry!"

"Although the water in the entertainment industry is very deep, I believe that Xiaoyu will be able to cleanse herself and stay clean from the mud!"

"Xiaoyu's star journey will definitely go smoothly, and our Yu Family Army will always support you!"

"I heard that Director Guo is very horny, no, I'm going to Hengdian to guard you!"


Seeing the enthusiastic comments of these brainless fans, Xiao Ruyu, who was sitting in the business car, felt more and more that she was a high-ranking queen.

You should be born to enjoy the pursuit of men!
What are the brainless fans for?Isn't he here to serve her!

It was at this time.

The assistant on the side reminded: "Sister Yu, Yanjing University issued a statement in the morning, and they made it clear that they would never expel Ye Xuan!"

"Oh? It's better not to be fired!"

Xiao Ruyu, who believed that she had already secured the victory, immediately raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "We can just take this opportunity to continue to heat up the incident!"

"Notify the company immediately, let them find more marketing accounts, and continue to repost like crazy!"

"Especially those big Vs, if you spend more money on them, I don't believe they won't be tempted!"

The voice fell.

The assistant immediately followed Xiao Ruyu's instructions and notified the economic company, intending to create a bigger wave of public opinion in a short period of time.

And Xiao Ruyu herself, using her delicate voice, sent a WeChat voice message to her boyfriend Qin Zitao:
"Husband, you must have heard about Yan University, right? I'm so mad! Well, you know so many celebrities, think of a way to get them to forward a few Weibo posts supporting me?"

It only takes a few seconds after sending successfully.

Qin Zitao gave a voice response: "Baby, this little thing is on my shoulders! I will find 100 celebrities to help you out within two hours! This should be enough for you, right?"

"I love you so much, husband! You are the best, husband!" Xiao Ruyu replied excitedly.


that's it.

About an hour later.

Successively, nearly a hundred celebrities left the stage one after another, forwarding Weibo posts supporting Xiao Ruyu and expelling Ye Xuan.

Among them, five are domestic first-line traffic stars!
They have crowds of fans and fans, and their appeal is nothing short of amazing.

And when more than a hundred celebrities come together to help out, it is an earthquake level for the entire Internet!
In a short period of time, the traffic of all major platforms was completely detonated!
In addition, there are countless marketing accounts bought by Xiao Ruyu's economic company, which are used to create momentum for Xiao Ruyu, and even export Ye Xuan and Yenching University...

and so.

It is not difficult to imagine how exaggerated this incident was fired in a short period of time.

The major platforms are dominated by the Ye Xuan incident:

【Today's hot search list】

[-]. The Ye Xuan Incident

[-]. Xiao Ruyu signed a contract with the ancient costume drama "Gongxinzhuyu"

[-]. Statement of Yenching University

[-]. Information about Ye Xuan

[-]. Review of Xiao Ruyu's interview
[-]. Xiao Ruyu Douyin
[-]. Xiao Ruyu was bullied

And when the outside world is full of troubles, all kinds of monsters and ghosts have entered the arena.

A highest-level meeting of the Huaguo Academy of Sciences is quietly going on.

Zhao Shuli, Huang Zhe, Yue Deshan...these national treasures who are destined to be recorded in textbooks forever, without exception, were all present!
The reason why these big scientists, who are extremely difficult to interview even the official media, are willing to put down the heavy work in their hands and come to the meeting together.

Just for one person!

Ye Xuan!

In the history of Huaguo, there is only one... nine-star academician!
(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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