Chapter 15 Public identity
Huaguo Academy of Sciences Yanjing Headquarters, Lecture Hall No. [-].

At this moment, there are hundreds of full-time guards standing guard in line, meticulously guarding every door and passage.

Anyone has no chance to go in and disturb.

after all.

Those who are qualified to sit in the lecture hall are all academicians of Huaguo Academy of Sciences!

Each of them has made a vital contribution to Huaguo's scientific cause and future development!
All of them are national treasures!

and so.

It is entirely conceivable how high the level of this meeting is.

Compared with some international summit meetings, it is even worse!
In the brightly lit lecture hall, more than 800 academician-level scientists have already sat down neatly.


Most of the academicians still don't understand why the Academy of Sciences suddenly held such a rare special special meeting!

You know, the last special meeting of the Academy of Sciences attended by all academicians was more than 50 years ago!

"Could it be possible, which academician's laboratory has recently made a breakthrough in super new technology? The country should focus on commending it?"

"Perhaps it is because our lithography technology has surpassed ASML and become the number one in the world? Or, is there a new breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion?"

"No matter what it is, it is the blessing of our country, the blessing of the people!"

"That's right! Over the past few years, our country of Hua has repeatedly achieved important breakthroughs in science and technology, and there are many areas where we can no longer be controlled by others! This is definitely the greatest blessing for our Chinese nation!"


A highly respected scientist, communicating with each other, seems to be in a very good mood.

that's it.

About 10 minutes later, Zhou Hong, the president of Huaguo Academy of Sciences, and others slowly entered the lecture hall.

The second special-level conference in the history of Huaguo officially kicked off.

"Huh? It seems that the situation is a bit wrong?"

Soon, most of the academicians noticed something was wrong.

Originally, they thought that some academician's team must have achieved major scientific research results.

This led to the convening of this special special topic meeting.


They were shocked to find that the expressions of Dean Zhou Hong and the others on the big screen were obviously dignified and... angry.

There is even more grief in the eyes!
This made the smiles on the faces of the academicians who didn't know the inside story instantly disappear.

"What happened? Could it be that, besides conquering the solid-state aluminum battery technology, Sakura Country has also broken through some stronger technology?"

Just when the academicians were clueless, following Dean Zhou Hong's gaze, pictures appeared on the big screen.

Like a slideshow, they are displayed one by one.

The first one is a person who looks very weak, with cracked and white lips, racing against time in the laboratory and persisting in his work.

The second picture shows a man in a heavy anti-radiation suit, under tremendous underwater pressure, working hard to repair a giant machine that seems to disintegrate at any time.

The third one is a person holding chalk and talking on the podium.

And the person listening to the lecture below was academician Ning Feifei, an absolute authority in the field of strong-field laser physics in Huaguo and a national treasure expert.

The fourth...

The fifth...

One after another, the photos appeared one after another, and all the academicians present stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief in their hearts.


The photos just shown are all areas where Huaguo has made major breakthroughs and even crushed the world in recent years!
And the person who appeared in every photo just now is clearly the same!
In other words.

The young man in the photo has participated in all scientific research in Huaguo that has achieved significant results in recent years!

the most important is.

According to the photos, all the few five-star and six-star academicians of Huaguo Academy of Sciences have all listened to his lectures!
How could a young man be the teacher of all the five-star and six-star academicians in Huaguo?

This, this is really shocking!
Even these academicians, who were used to seeing big scenes, felt extremely unimaginable at this moment!

"Who the hell is he? Why have I never heard of him?"

"My country, China, has produced such a genius!"

"Even Academician Nie Zhenhua obediently listens to his lectures, which is too..."


There was an uproar in the entire lecture hall.

Every academician felt sincerely unbelievable.

And right now.

Dean Zhou Hong on the rostrum stood up slowly, and after raising his hand to signal for everyone to quiet down, he completely unscripted, and began to introduce very solemnly:

"Next, let me introduce you to the person in the photo just now."

"His name is Ye Xuan."

"He is very young, but he is already a nine-star academician of Huaguo Academy of Sciences!"

After Dean Zhou Hong's words fell.

In the entire lecture hall, academicians who didn't know the inside story were collectively dumbfounded and fell into a brief silence.

After the silence.

Immediately there were exclamations in the lecture hall:

"Academician of Nine Stars? Did I hear correctly?"

"In the history of our country, there has never been a nine-star academician!"

"What's going on here? Even if you develop the world's most advanced lithography technology, it is absolutely impossible to get the title of Nine-Star Academician!"


It seems that this scene has been expected for a long time.

Dean Zhou Hong's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly raised his hand to signal for everyone to calm down again.

follow closely.

He raised his eyes, and with a tone of absolute respect, he began to talk, introducing Ye Xuan's great contributions to the scientific development of China in recent years:

"three years ago……"

One thing at a time, nothing big or small, Zhou Hong talked for a full three hours before ending.

Wait until Zhou Hong finishes speaking.

In the lecture hall, there was no voice of doubt.

Only left, absolute admiration!
Many academicians even shed heroic tears for Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan has paid too much for the development of Huaguo and the well-being of the people these years.

To put it bluntly, Ye Xuan almost put half of his life in it!

"I actually didn't know this name until today!"

An old academician said with tears in his eyes: "Dean Zhou, you should really make Ye Xuan's contributions public to the world sooner!"

Zhou Hong gave an explanation like this:

"Mr. Ye Xuan's achievements are not made public, on the one hand, because Mr. Ye Xuan has specially ordered him to keep his identity secret."

"On the other hand, I am also afraid that those foreign forces will try their best to harm Mr. Ye Xuan."

"I think everyone can understand, right?"

After listening.

A group of academicians nodded their heads in agreement.

How could they not understand the truth that a tree that is more beautiful than a forest will be destroyed by the wind?


Suddenly, Zhou Hong's expression became extremely angry and sad.

He paused for a moment, then said in a firm tone:

"Our Academy of Sciences has made a decision. Starting today, we will fully disclose the achievements of Mr. Ye Xuan, so that Mr. Ye Xuan can enjoy all the glory he deserves!!!"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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