Chapter 173 Never Forget
blink of an eye.

It is several days later.

During this time, Ye Xuan's physical condition did not improve.

Even, it gives people the feeling that they are faintly older than before.

no way.

The activated neurons in his brain are crazily absorbing his life energy every moment!

So much so that Ye Xuan seemed to be getting weaker every day!
All of these naturally caused countless people in the country to feel heartbroken.

Many people, even a little afraid to click on any news about Ye Xuan.

I was afraid that I couldn't help it, seeing Ye Xuan's recent photos that seemed to be exhausted at any time, I burst into tears again!
And Yangshi News and other official media have launched various discussion activities on the entire network every day recently.

such as.

The topic of the day before yesterday was - "At what moment did you feel that your motherland is actually very cute?" "

Another example.

Yesterday's topic was - "When did you start to feel that your motherland is strong?" "

The number of participants on these topics can be said to be exploding!
Those posts made many people's eyes filled with tears and their blood boiling!

with almost universal participation.

On the hot search lists of major well-known platforms, I can't find the name of any celebrity internet celebrity recently!
Many primary and secondary schools have also organized various related activities.

Such as chorus competitions, speech competitions, writing competitions and so on, with the theme of praising those heroic daughters.

Some reporters deliberately went to the school gate after school to interview.

Most of the teenagers are now able to name at least ten deceased pioneers!
They can even talk about their heroic deeds!
As for Ye Xuan, it goes without saying!
Many primary school students are using his photo as a mobile phone screen!
There are also many little girls who directly posted Ye Xuan's posters in their bedrooms.

And now, when people are playing popular games like Honor of Kings, Peace Elite and so on.

From time to time, you can see nicknames similar to the following:

"Jiangzhou Ye Xuan", "I am a Negative Nine-Star Academician", "Ye Xuan is awesome Glass", "Academician Ye Xuan is my husband"...

All in all.

It made netizens say that Ye Xuan was played badly.

I can't help but be very emotional:
"The times have really changed!"

And on this day, Yangshi News and other nine major media launched a new discussion on the entire network.

Topic: "What are the names you will never forget"

At the beginning of the discussion on this topic, Yangshi News and other nine major media told a story to everyone:
Decades ago, Academician Deng Jiaxian at that time had just become the chief person in charge of the theoretical design of the motherland's first atomic bomb.

How heavy is the burden on Mr. Deng's shoulders!
To know.

When the Stars and Stripes was developing the first atomic bomb, it was a star team led by super physicist O. Ben Highmore.

Among the R&D team members, there are at least [-] people who have won the Nobel Prize.

These include Bohr, the leader of the Copenhagen School, Fermi, the famous physicist, Taylor, the father of the hydrogen bomb in the United States, von Neumann, the father of computers, and so on.

And Mr. Deng was only 34 years old at the time!

When his research institute was first established, there were only 28 fresh graduates.

The average age is less than 23 years old.

Most importantly, they don't have any references.

I can only rely on my own imagination and boring calculations day and night!

The research conditions at that time were indescribably difficult.

Scientific researchers, each meal can only receive a steamed bun and a dime of dried vegetable soup.

Many people suffered from edema and night blindness as a result.

Especially the young people in the theory department under Mr. Deng.

They work a lot of overtime and often complain that they are hungry.

Almost every day, someone would say to Mr. Deng weakly because he couldn't bear it anymore:

"Director, we are hungry..."

Whenever this time came, Elder Deng, who was also so hungry that his eyes were dimmed, could only lower his head and hold back his tears.

one day.

Dinner time in the evening.

Academician Cheng Kai Jia, who shouldered a heavy burden like Mr. Deng, came to the cafeteria, but saw academician Peng Huan Wu sitting at the door, and did not go in.

He couldn't help but feel very strange.

Academician Peng Huan Wu said with a smile:

"Young people don't know how to settle accounts. If you eat early, you will be hungry early."

"Eating half an hour later can solve big problems, so that you won't be too hungry to fall asleep in the middle of the night."


After the story is written, people can see it immediately, a picture and a short video that make people can't help crying!

What appeared on the picture was a cemetery!
Tens of thousands of tombstones stand there quietly!

And every name on the stele has experienced that period of hardship back then!
But now, too many people have been completely forgotten...

As for the content of the short video, it is——

A middle-aged man asked very sadly: "Why, why did so many people die!!!"

An old man with white hair replied with tears streaming down his face:

"What are you yelling at?"

"My relationship with them is deeper than yours!"

"How did he die?" "Choked to death while eating steamed buns! Died from poisonous mosquito bites! Died from diarrhea!"

"Have you ever seen tens of thousands of people having diarrhea? The high temperature is 50 degrees. If you have diarrhea, you have to move rails, carry sleepers, and run with heavy loads!"

"When the steamed buns are stuffed into your mouth, you don't even have time to chew!"

"For 15 years of work, I have to finish it in three years!"

Check out the story, accompanying photos and video.

Countless Chinese people couldn't help crying.

The comment area is even more direct frying pan:

"In the face of true greatness, all praises are eclipsed!"

"I can't put pen to paper, I can only sigh!"

"Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I love this land so much!"

"I have a national scholar, unparalleled in the world!"

"We are always well protected by a group of the bravest people! You are the real unparalleled national soldiers!"


"My generation must be self-improvement!"


At the same time, the whole network has set off an eager discussion on this topic.

A very well-known live broadcast program in the Three Kingdoms - "Show You the World", the main creators, took a plane and swaggered to Huaguo.

no doubt.

They are ready. In the next few days, they will experience all kinds of life in Huaguo and show them to the audience of the Three Kingdoms.

And learned that the next few episodes will be broadcast live in China.

On the official website forum of "Take You to See the World", a group of loyal fans soon began to leave comments and suggestions:

"Be sure to find someone from them to speak English. Every time I hear their Chinese accent, I want to laugh!"

"Let's go to Shanghai. I heard that in a few years there may catch up with our Meng bought!"

"Is there a subway in Huaguo now?"


(End of this chapter)

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