Chapter 174 This is unscientific!
I can tell.

Although it is now the second decade of the 21st century.

Human beings have already entered the information age.

Even, with the birth of the astral system, mankind is about to enter a new era, and the Internet of Everything is no longer a fantasy.

But in the Three Kingdoms, there are still too many people who don't even know how far Huaguo has developed.

These people's impression of Huaguo is obviously still decades ago.

They would be extremely naive to think that Huaguo must be far behind their country!
McDonald's, KFC or something, only the very rich can eat it.

In cities, there are frequent power outages.

The roads must be full of potholes, and there may not even be a subway...

Even the main creators of the program "Show You the World" mostly have such thoughts.

and so.

Before getting off the plane, they had already prepared various lines in advance to tell their audience why Huaguo couldn't do it.

In many ways, they are far behind their own country!

So as to satisfy their unique sense of superiority in their hearts!
"The next few episodes of our programs will definitely explode!"

With such full anticipation, soon after the plane finally landed, several main creators arrived at the Yan.Jing.Da.Xing.International.Airport under the focus of the live broadcast camera.

Just a few minutes later.

This group of creators who were originally confused and confident were collectively dumbfounded.


What they saw was a super-large airport that far exceeded the limit of their imagination, and even seemed to them a super-large airport full of futuristic technology.

I don't know how many times bigger than the Mumbai airport when they came.

I don't know how many times it has advanced!
Whether it is the overall design structure or the various modern facilities inside, they are all amazing.

And the viewers of the Three Kingdoms who were watching the live broadcast also fell into a sluggish collectively.

All kinds of barrage, maxed out the screen:
"This is Huaguo's airport??????"

"I'm not mistaken, am I? It feels like this is several grades better than the best airport in the Star-Spangled Banner country!"

"What's the situation? Why does Huaguo's airport seem to be more advanced than ours?"

"This airport, I can only's so cool!"

"Well, how big is this airport? It feels as big as the five of us, our Mumbai airport?"


no doubt.

What they saw in front of them, almost all the audience of the Three Kingdoms, were completely stunned!
I just feel how ridiculous my previous thoughts are!
The main creators are no exception!

After alleviating the horror in my heart.

Several main creators began to suggest that they should find a place to live first.

One of the main creators is engaged in IT industry management in the Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan.

In the past ten years, I have earned about 200 million US dollars.

Belongs to the out-and-out "Little Rich"!
As for the creator of this little rich man, he heard very early on that Yanjing has a relatively old-fashioned and classic house called "siheyuan".

Having seen photos of the courtyard layout, he has always wanted to experience the feeling of living in a courtyard.

So ever.

He quickly said, "We've lived in too many hotels, so there's nothing new about it."

"So I think, this time, if we want to live in the most distinctive courtyard house in Yanjing."

"Well, if you have no objections, I'll go ask and buy two sets of courtyard houses."

Hear this.

Several major creators expressed their approval.

It's just that one of them looked more mature and couldn't help being curious: "Mahad, do you know how much this courtyard house in Yanjing costs?"

The little rich man named Mahad immediately replied indifferently:

"Whatever the price is! Anyway, with hundreds of thousands of dollars, you can definitely win seven or eight sets!"


This little rich man confidently led a large group of creative staff to the consultation desk not far away.


Using his curry-scented English, he asked, "Hi, I want to buy your courtyard house in Yanjing. How much does it cost? How do you do it?"

The female consultant with ponytail, who looked extremely capable, had obviously received professional training.

No matter how funny it is, she can hold back from laughing out loud.

I saw her with the shallowest smile on her face, using the most standard English, and introduced to these Asan people:

"Sir, as far as I know, the courtyard houses currently on sale cost at least 1.5 million in cash, which is about 2000 million U.S. dollars!"

"If you want to buy, we can help you contact a real estate agent..."

I have to say is.

The next moment when the female consultant quotes the price.

That Mahad was completely dumbfounded.

It feels like my whole head is buzzing.

How could he have imagined that he, a small rich man from the Three Kingdoms, had all his wealth piled up together.

Unexpectedly, even a tenth of a courtyard house can't be bought!
This, almost instantly made him doubt his life!
As for the rest of the creators, all of them stared wide-eyed.

Don't mention how badly you've been hit in your heart!
Even the loyal viewers who were watching the live broadcast had their faces stiffened beyond belief.

that's it.

After a while, the main creators left here in disgrace.

Only the female consultant was left behind, spreading her hands to a colleague beside her.

That expression seemed to say:

These guys insist on humiliating themselves, so don't blame me!


There are no surprises.

In the next few hours, the main creators of "Show You the World" watched in Yanjing so much that their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

It can be said.

They and many loyal viewers of their programs have witnessed how prosperous China is today!
How advanced!
How safe!
Do everything, highlight a convenient and quick!
With a mobile phone, you can easily go out and do almost everything!
There are also various infrastructures such as high-speed rail and so on. For them, it is crushing...

In a word.

After only a few hours, the main creators were all dumbfounded!
So many of their loyal viewers left crazy messages in the discussion area:

"Why do you feel that Huaguo is at least 20 years ahead of us now?"

"Didn't you say that Huaguo is very backward? Why do I think we are so inferior after seeing this!"

"I can only say that Hua Guo is too prosperous!"

"Why can their high-speed rail run more than 300 kilometers in one hour! This is unscientific!"

"The passer-by who was interviewed just now must be lying! How can there be no power outage all year round!"


(Author's note: Readers, come get some monthly tickets! If you don't have one, I'll cry right away!!!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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