Chapter 187 That's Ye Xuan!

"I'm afraid only Academician Ye Xuan can create such a miracle?"

"Academician Ye Xuan, he, he, he, is he still a human being?"

"Why can I hardly understand these data codes! Has the gap between me and Academician Ye Xuan reached this point?"


Seeing the fingers flying over the keyboard at high speed, all the academicians around were stunned.

His eyes widened.

Inwardly, he exclaimed even more.

That feeling, as if Ye Xuan had already surpassed the boundaries of mortals in their minds.

Ascension to become... God!

As for Feng Andu's world-shocking introduction at the speech table, none of them had any interest.

He just stared at Ye Xuan with all his attention!

Staring at him on the screen of the supercomputer notebook, typed out one code after another, and began to build an unprecedented new model...

The movement on Ye Xuan's side was soon discovered by many representatives of the Stars and Stripes National Academy of Sciences.

All of a sudden, there was an exclamation:
"Huh? What is Ye Xuan doing? Why can't I understand anything?"

"You can't make a movie like this, can you?"

"God! Is this really something humans can do?"

"Fortunately, this Ye Xuan will die in a few months! Otherwise, with him around for a day, our Star-Spangled Banner country would have no chance to stand up!"


no doubt.

This move by Ye Xuan also stunned the members of the scientific delegation from the Stars and Stripes not far away.

It seemed that they all began to seriously doubt life, and their eyeballs were about to fall to the ground.

of course.

In such a huge venue, the sensation caused by Ye Xuan did not attract a lot of attention.

After all, most people's eyes were still focused on Feng Antu at the speaking table.

And Feng Andu's performance has been online all the time. Through the holographic projection demonstration, he explained clearly to everyone present that the ITER plus+ he led to develop is a human miracle!

All the records of the super tokmak devices in the past have been improved by an unknown amount!

It also made countless viewers express their willingness to believe that Feng Anders' ITER plus+ is likely to be the future direction for human beings to conquer controllable nuclear fusion!
The potential is so great that there is no way to describe it in words.

and so.

When Feng Andersen's half-hour-long discussion ended, the scene of the No.15 World Science Conference immediately burst into fierce applause.


The score obtained by Feng Andu also reached an astonishing [87] points.

Ranked first in this conference, temporarily.

In the previous world science conferences, the scores obtained by such an individual are enough to squeeze into the top [-].

In other words.

With ITER plus+, Feng Anders already has the qualification to become the top [-] scientists in the world!
Wait until the end of the meeting to take a group photo.

He is even eligible to stand in the corner of the front row!

And when Feng Antu left the field.

One of Ye Xuan's students, Academician Huang Zhe, carefully carried the supercomputing notebook that Ye Xuan constructed a new model, and stepped onto the podium.

a time.

The venue was full, and there were countless whispers.


Many people know that Academician Huang Zhe was Feng Andu's mentor during his research in Huaguo in the past!
After Feng Antu rebelled, Academician Huang Zhe was so angry that he entered the ward and severed all contact and friendship with Feng Antu.

In an interview, he said that the thing he regrets most in his life is that he taught Feng Andu such a white-eyed wolf.

and so.

Seeing Academician Huang Zhe, after Feng Antu left the stage, he stepped onto the podium immediately.

Many people have realized that this situation is unusual!
"Academician Huang Zhe chose to take the stage at this time, isn't it a bit irrational? Even if you hate Feng Andu, you can't play back and forth! It's easy to form the most direct comparison!"

"I think so too! Unless he can come up with a technology or theory that is no less than that of Feng Andu's ITER plus+, otherwise, he may directly become a joke of the entire scientific community, right?"

"A former mentor is now completely inferior to the original students. This is true. It is very embarrassing! I can't figure out why Academician Huang Zhe did this!"

"Perhaps, Academician Huang Zhe is just confused? Isn't he afraid that the technology or theory he puts forward will end up far behind Feng Antu in score?"


Under the sound of the audience.

Academician Huang Zhe, who has white hair but still looks very energetic, looks very calm and confident.

And all this is only due to his trust in Ye Xuan!
Even though the theoretical model Ye Xuan just built, he never demonstrated it even once.

But he always firmly believed that his teacher Ye Xuan would never miss it!
So ever.

Looking in the direction where Ye Xuan was, Huang Zhe took a deep breath, and immediately looked solemnly, raised his head high, and said proudly:
"The next thing I want to publish is a theoretical model that my teacher, Academician Ye Xuan, just completed."

The moment the voice fell.

In an instant, the audience burst into exclamations like a frying pan.

The major live broadcast platforms are no exception at all.

Barrage, rolling like a tide:
"What! Academician Huang Zhe, replacing Academician Ye Xuan to publish a theoretical model that has just been completed?"

"Do you remember? Academician Ye Xuan has been using that supercomputer laptop just now!"

"That is to say, it took Academician Ye Xuan almost half an hour to complete this new set of theoretical models?"

"Are you kidding? Can you complete a new theoretical model in half an hour? I can't even finish a sixth grade math paper in half an hour!"


It can be said.

What Academician Huang Zhe said just now completely detonated the entire venue.

It made all the scientists present show the most incredible expressions.

It also caused countless viewers to fall into the most dumbfounded state in front of the live broadcast.

after all.

Many people have noticed that Ye Xuan hadn't even opened that brand new supercomputer laptop half an hour ago!
In other words.

The "theoretical model" mentioned by Academician Huang Zhe was completed by Ye Xuan in just half an hour!
realize here.

Just ask.

Who can not be shocked to the extreme!
"He, he, he, is he trying to take away the scenery of ITER plus+ with a theoretical model constructed in half an hour?"

Several high-level personnel of the Academy of Sciences of the Stars and Stripes, at this moment, deep in their hearts, it can be said that all of them are extremely nervous.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be sitting in their seats right now, rolling forward and backward with laughter.

Calling out where a mental illness came out, it was delusional to publish the theoretical model completed in an hour and a half.

But here's the problem.

That's Ye Xuan!

(The author's words: Ask for a monthly ticket!!!!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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