Chapter 188 Big Mistake!

Who is Ye Xuan?

In their minds, Ye Xuan is almost indistinguishable from a god!

Not to mention that it took only half an hour to construct a new theoretical model.

It was Ye Xuan who announced next that he had researched a magic medicine that could make human beings live forever.

In all likelihood, they would be willing to believe it!

no way.

In the past six months, they have witnessed with their own eyes that Ye Xuan has created too many "miracles".

Those things that they didn't dare to think about in the past, Ye Xuan did it one by one!
in this way.

No matter what shocking words Ye Xuan said, they would subconsciously think that Ye Xuan could really do it!
The one in front of me is no exception!

"Even if Ye Xuan really succeeded in building it, it doesn't matter."

The dean of the Academy of Sciences of the Stars and Stripes, who couldn't tell how nervous he was, began to comfort himself crazily after being extremely panicked:

"It's definitely not a good theory. It's probably the most, and it's only worth 60 points..."

And there is no doubt about it.

After Academician Huang Zhe finished the sentence just now, the entire domestic network fell into a state of complete explosion:
"In half an hour, Academician Ye Xuan completed the construction of a new theoretical model? This, isn't this too awesome?"

"I just want to see Academician Ye Xuan use his new theoretical model to rub that Feng Antu on the ground! That bastard is really hateful! It's a shame for us XS people!"

"@Upstairs, I think the same as you, but this is almost impossible! The construction can be completed within half an hour, and the new theoretical model is probably not very good! I want to compete with the 87-point The ITER plus+ competition is too difficult, too difficult!"

"@Upstairs, although I said so, I just have 10000% confidence in Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Whatever else, academician Ye Xuan is just awesome!"


It can be said.

After learning that Academician Huang Zhe was about to announce the new theoretical model that Ye Xuan had just constructed, countless people from across the country instantly cheered up!

It doesn't matter if you understand or not.

Their eyes were staring straight at the live broadcast without even blinking.

As for Feng Antu, after returning to his seat, he looked at the former mentor on the podium with disdain.

"Do you think that you are the only super genius in this world?"

Turning his head and turning his gaze to Ye Xuan, Feng Antu hummed coldly in his heart:

"Remember how much worse my genius was than you back then?"

"I still don't believe it, just relying on the theoretical model you built in half an hour, you can still compete with my ITER plus+!"

that's it.

Under the common focus of countless people around the world.

Academician Huang Zhe began to repeat every sentence Ye Xuan told him at the speech table:

"Over the years, we humans have developed two major theoretical model systems to achieve controllable nuclear fusion..."


Everyone present was in an extremely huge accident, and discovered that the new theoretical model constructed by Ye Xuan turned out to be related to controllable nuclear fusion!

all of a sudden.

There was an uproar.

after all.

Feng Antu, who just left the field, just won an astonishing 87 points with ITER plus+!

At this juncture, come out and publish theories related to controllable nuclear fusion

In the eyes of many people, it is almost like delivering food!
A new theoretical model built in only half an hour, does it really want to compete with Feng Anders ITER plus+?
With unimaginable confusion.

Everyone concentrated and began to listen carefully to Academician Huang Zhe's introduction.

After about a few minutes.

"So, Teacher Ye Xuan's original words are—"

Academician Huang Zhe paused for a moment, glanced around, and immediately said in an extremely resonant voice:
"Those two theoretical models are all going in the wrong direction!"

"The various devices built on the basis of those two theoretical models, including ITER plus+, have no hope of truly realizing controllable nuclear fusion!"

"Because they were completely wrong from the very beginning!"

The voice fell.

The huge venue erupted instantly.

All kinds of discussions broke out, almost overturning the entire zenith:
"All, all wrong? How is this possible!"

"The two theoretical models of magnetic confinement and inertial confinement are the only two methods that we humans have been able to think of to achieve controllable nuclear fusion for decades!"

"Academician Ye Xuan, you don't want to complete the theory in half an hour, and completely overturn the consensus of the scientific community over the past few decades?"

"Are you kidding! If the two theoretical models are completely wrong, wouldn't we human beings never have any hope of mastering controllable nuclear fusion?"


It can be said.

After Academician Huang Zhe finished speaking.

For an instant, there were countless people at the scene, their mouths grew wide, and then they looked at Ye Xuan with the most inconceivable eyes!
Especially Feng Anders!

Deep in my heart, there is a very bad premonition, which arises spontaneously!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Feng Andu's heart grew more and more panicked.


He could fully see that Ye Xuan at this moment was extremely calm and indifferent.

And slowly pressed his hand, signaling to everyone in the audience to be quiet for a while.

Academician Huang Zhe followed up and said:

"As we all know, in order to achieve controllable nuclear fusion, the reactant must first be heated to a plasma state, so that electrons can escape from the constraints of the nucleus."

"This stage is not difficult."

"What's really difficult -- in order to overcome the Coulomb force, which is the repulsive force between similarly positively charged nuclei, we need to have nuclei that travel extremely fast."

"Our past two theoretical models used the method of continuing to heat and heat!"


"Until the level of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius is added, Brownian motion will reach a crazy level, making the atomic nucleus enter that state of extreme speed!"

"After that, the nuclei of the tritium and the nuclei of the deuterium will collide nakedly, producing new helium nuclei and new neutrons, releasing huge energy!"

Speaking of it.

Academician Huang Zhe paused again for a moment, and then issued a rhetorical question like a thunderbolt:
"But, why do we have to use this method of continuously increasing the temperature to overcome the Coulomb force!"

The moment the voice fell.

All the experts and scholars in related fields in the audience fell into deep confusion.

As if, entered the unprecedented unknown territory!
It was at this time.

I saw Academician Huang Zhe gently touch the "start" button on the supercomputer notebook.

An incomparably clear holographic three-dimensional projection screen is immediately displayed in front of everyone.

That is a picture that completely simulates reality!

And the playback speed of this picture has obviously slowed down countless times!
What appeared on the screen were tritium nuclei one after another!

Under the common focus of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world.

Those tritium nuclei are actually under the action of a light wave unprecedented in the human world.

They began to combine quickly, and even... violent collisions occurred!

At this moment, many scientists startled from their seats.

(Author's words: ask for a monthly ticket!!!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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