Chapter 189 Crush!

As experts and scholars were seen in front of their eyes, they were horrified beyond measure.

At this moment, the huge meeting place fell into a state of complete boiling.

There is not even one person who can remain calm!

That turbulent exclamation almost overturned everything!

In the eyes of everyone, the scene that just happened is simply... a miracle!
It completely overturned their cognition!
To know.

For many years, no one thought about it at all.

After crazily increasing the temperature, it is actually possible to complete the most important part of this controllable nuclear fusion technology in other ways!
in the perception of the global scientific community.

This is a completely, impossible thing!

According to one of the great figures in physics:
"Only the legendary God can think of other ways to overcome the Coulomb force!"

and so.

It is conceivable that after witnessing the holographic three-dimensional reality simulation demonstration just now.

All the world-class scientists present were almost completely dumbfounded!

The shock was no less than that when they witnessed Ye Xuan personally activate the super-large particle collider...

"Half an hour!"

A professor of Sakura Country who has struggled in the field of controllable nuclear fusion for more than 20 years, but has never achieved any results, looked at Ye Xuan's direction as if worshiping a god, with a trembling voice, madly feeling:
"Just half an hour!"

"Academician Ye Xuan constructed such a century-level theoretical model!"

"Compared to Academician Ye Xuan, we... are simply imbecile!"

Similar exclamation, there are too many.

Meanwhile, the world's major networks have also entered a state of explosion.

A flood of barrage and comments swept through the major live broadcast rooms:

"I'm a graduate student in the physics department of the California Institute of Science and Engineering. I, I, I, I am watching this live broadcast on my knees! Because I think that Ye Xuan of Huaguo is God himself!"

"Who can tell me what the demonstration just now represents? How many points can I get?"

"@Upstairs, what does it represent? Let me tell you this, the theoretical model constructed by Academician Ye Xuan is no less than Einstein's theory of relativity!"

"To be honest, I couldn't believe it even if I was killed. Ye Xuan completed the construction of this theoretical model in just half an hour!"

"It's still the same sentence, one day with Ye Xuan, other scientists are rubbish!"

"Now that Feng Antu, I guess he wants to die now? He worked so hard to assemble a bunch of devices in English. As a result, Ye Xuan directly announced that his theoretical basis was completely wrong. , a waste of time and money!"

"We are so lucky to be able to witness a great scientist ahead of his time!"


no doubt.

Following a knowledgeable person, the significance of the demonstration of Crazy Science just now.

Countless viewers around the world understood what the scene that just happened represented!
So ever.

Countless people were all in amazement in front of the live broadcast.

It is difficult to close the mouth at all.

In my heart, I respect Ye Xuan like a god!
after all.

Each of them knew that it took Ye Xuan only half an hour to do all this!
At the scene of the World Science Congress, Feng Andu obviously would not be reconciled to this.

No matter what, he would never admit that Ye Xuan's theoretical model demonstration is real and reliable.

It is even more unacceptable that the ITER plus+ technology that he finally developed, which almost cost his life, will be thrown into the trash in the future!

And not just Von Anders.

The entire Star-Spangled Banner scientific delegation immediately lodged a serious protest and demanded a strict review of the model demonstration just now.

"We solemnly protest!"

"It must be fake! It's just a virtual video!"

"Refused to admit such a result!"


All the high-level officials of the National Academy of Sciences of the Stars and Stripes were extremely excited.

no way.

In order to complete the research on ITER plus+ technology, the scientific community of the Stars and Stripes has paid unimaginable resources!

Just ask.

How can they accept that this technology has just been unveiled, and it has directly become dust in the history of science!
Oh no, it's rubbish!

As for Ye Xuan and Academician Huang Zhe, they had obviously expected such a scene.

After all, such things have happened too many times in history.

Not just in science, but in sports, in business, and so on and so forth.

I saw that Academician Huang Zhe at the speaking table was particularly indifferent.

He also directly stated that all demonstration results can accept on-site review.


After a half-hour-long careful review by the organizer of the conference.

A group of experts and scholars in related fields finally jointly announced:
[Simulation demonstration results, completely authentic and reliable]

all of a sudden.

Feng Antu slumped on his seat as if his strength had been emptied in an instant.

In front of him, there was darkness.

As for the high-level personnel of the National Academy of Sciences of the Stars and Stripes, the faces of each of them showed a liver color.

His expression was extremely ugly!
But right now.

Unwilling to give up completely, Feng Antu had a flash of inspiration, as if he had found the last straw.

He stood up and questioned:

"Even if those demonstrations are true, it doesn't mean that the new theoretical model proposed by Ye Xuan is stronger than my ITER plus+!"

"My ITER plus+ has been able to continuously release energy for 301 seconds, and the Q value has exceeded 1.89!"

And when Feng Antu's voice just fell.

Academician Huang Zhe said calmly in front of the microphone:

"Mr. Ye Xuan, just took some time by the way to complete the demonstration of the energy output model of the first-generation machine. Please witness it together."


I saw Academician Huang Zhe touch a button on the supercomputer laptop again.

After a while, people saw a three-dimensional holographic simulation demonstration screen.

What appeared on the screen was a large machine, using the theoretical model that Ye Xuan had just constructed to output energy at the level of nuclear fusion.


Just an instant later, there was an astonishing shock at the scene.


People can clearly see that the Q value displayed in the upper right corner of the screen has easily exceeded 3.0!

And it has been rising at a frightening speed!
What is the Q value?
That is the ratio of the energy produced by nuclear fusion to the energy expended to maintain the plasma.

To put it bluntly, it is output/input.

Obviously, the Q value must be greater than 1, that is, the output is greater than the input, to be meaningful!
It is generally believed that when the Q value of a certain controllable nuclear fusion technology can stably exceed 20 for a long time.


That controllable nuclear fusion technology can be fully promoted and commercialized before it can truly benefit all mankind!
And now?

In less than half a minute, the Q value in the demonstration screen has already exceeded 6.0!

The ITER plus, which has finally reached 1.89, is crushed so much that my mother doesn't even recognize it!

(Author's words: ask for a monthly ticket!!!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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