Chapter 204 The Law of Entropy Increase!

The moment the voice fell.

Everyone in the audience, together with the members of the scientific delegations from various countries who were watching the live broadcast, were stunned.

In the eyes, is full of confusion.

"I, I, I, am I hallucinating?"

"It must be a wrong translation, right? Academician Ye Xuan, did you say that Hades doesn't understand life at all?"

"Who can tell me what Ye Xuan is thinking? Hades is almost considered the greatest life scientist ever!"

"Hades' theory of immortality has been widely recognized by the scientific community around the world, and he even completed in vivo experiments on mice! Why does Ye Xuan think he doesn't understand life!"

"I'm afraid Ye Xuan has lost his mind and gone crazy, right? Even if he is furious, he can't say such nonsense! Hades brought the entire Star-Spangled Banner science delegation over to question him. Didn't he make it clear? Going to hit the muzzle!"


At this moment, the faces of countless people are full of question marks.

I just felt that Ye Xuan's answer just now exceeded their cognitive limit.

As for Hades himself and a member of the Stars and Stripes scientific delegation and media personnel behind him.

After hearing such a comment, they all froze in place on the spot.


After a brief moment of stupefaction.

There was a deep contempt in each of their expressions.

It was as if they just heard the funniest joke in the world!
"It seems that Ye Xuan has completely lost his mind now!"

The dean of the Star-Spangled Banner National Academy of Sciences, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned at this moment, and his whole body is extremely excited:
"Since you sent yourself to death, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

A media person who was waiting to see Ye Xuan's jokes, and even hoped that Ye Xuan would be cast aside by people all over the world, all had hot eyes, and immediately chatted with each other:
"I think this Ye Xuan has been frightened by our formation!"

"Hahahaha... I was worried that he would not admit it, but I didn't expect that when I first came, I heard him say that our Hades doesn't understand life! This is simply sending himself to death!"

"Anyway, this time, Ye Xuan is doomed to ruin! We are busy tonight, and then I will write a few more articles to celebrate his fall!"

"After tonight, Ye Xuan will probably die in depression, right? It seems that the global technological hegemony will eventually belong to our country of the Stars and Stripes!"

"This time, even God can't save him!"


no doubt.

Members of the scientific delegation and media personnel of these Star-Spangled Banner countries have all been identified.

Tonight, Ye Xuan has no chance of turning over!

After all, Ye Xuan just said that Hades doesn't understand life in front of almost everyone in the world!

There is no chance to quibble!
Under this premise.

How could they think that Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan still has any chance of not being ruined!
"This earthling, it's really funny, he actually said that I don't understand life, hahahaha..."

A disgusting smile soon emerged from the corner of Hades' mouth.

As if, in his opinion, everything tonight is under control!

The next Ye Xuan will only be handled by him easily, and even humiliated to death!
So ever.

After a moment.

Hades held his ugly head high, and walked towards Ye Xuan step by step under the focus of countless media live broadcast cameras around the world.

While walking, he asked in a domineering tone, in a deep voice:
"You say I don't understand life, right?"


"Now, come and tell me, what is wrong with my theory of immortality!"

"Is it my mental retardation, or your mental retardation!!!"

Hades' voice was extremely loud.

Almost the entire conference hall resounded.

Even more aggressive, as if he wanted to drive Ye Xuan into the bottomless abyss in one fell swoop!

Thoroughly smash Ye Xuan's myth!

Until, Ye Xuan's reputation was ruined and he died in depression!

"How to do?"

At this moment, Dean Zhou Hong and the others' foreheads were unconsciously dripping with sweat.

The clothes on the back were almost completely soaked.


They couldn't imagine that if Ye Xuan couldn't give a convincing answer later.

Then, how serious the consequences will be!

To know.

At this moment, there are thousands of international student representatives and the entire Stars and Stripes National Science Delegation witnessing together on the spot!
Behind those live broadcasts, it means that countless people around the world are paying attention!

Once Ye Xuan couldn't answer Hades' question.

It is impossible to explain why Hades' theory of immortality is a theory of mental retardation.

That almost means that Ye Xuan will be ruined and cast aside by countless people!

Think of these.

Just ask.

Dean Zhou Hong and others, how can they not be so nervous that they almost suffocate!

Facing Hades' almost murderous questioning, Ye Xuan remained extremely calm from the beginning to the end.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the last sentence is calm and breezy.

I saw it under the focus of countless eyes.

With a calm expression, Ye Xuan casually touched a button on the side of the armrest of the wheelchair.

the next moment.

A holographic three-dimensional projection appeared in the sight of everyone on the scene.

I saw that what appeared on the projection screen was almost recognized by the entire scientific community, the main process of the birth of the first life in the primitive earth era:

Some chaotic and disordered inorganic small molecules gradually "synthesize" into small organic molecules over time...

Ye Xuan explained from the side: "I believe you all know that in the world of physics, there is an iron law that is supreme and will never be broken."

"The Law of Entropy Increase!"

"It directly proves that the universe cannot be eternal, and will eventually go to heat death."

"The same is true for life, death is the ultimate destination of all life."

"As for the entropy value, there is always a tendency to spontaneously accelerate the increase."

"This is the driving force and foundation for all life in the universe."

"In order to achieve the purpose of accelerating the growth of entropy, it is an optimal strategy for the universe to breed low-entropy bodies such as intelligent life."

"All life feeds on negative entropy."

"And if intelligent life wants to develop, it must consume more negative entropy flow."

"This means that the more prosperous any intelligent life is, the faster the total entropy of the universe will increase."


"So, the reason why life, especially intelligent life, has evolved in our space-time universe is essentially no coincidence at all!"

"It's because of, the universe itself, a strategy for accelerating the growth of entropy."

(Author's note: The second update is here! The third update is estimated to be a little after 12 o'clock! Ask for a monthly ticket!!!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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