Chapter 205 Is He Still Human
When Ye Xuan said this.

Hades stared at Ye Xuan, step by step, approaching Ye Xuan, while continuing to question with a look of disdain:

"You want to use the law of entropy increase to fool me? Hehe, you are too naive!"

"Don't forget that everything you said is relative to the entire universe!"

"The entire universe will eventually die out, and all life will eventually die out. That's just the trend of the macrocosm!"

"But it can't be explained at all. A very small part of life in a very small range that is insignificant to the universe cannot achieve eternal life!"

"Moreover, my theory of immortality has been verified in vivo!"

"What courage and qualification do you have to question my theory!"

"Just relying on your baseless fantasy?"

When it comes to the last sentence.

Hades had already arrived in front of Ye Xuan, less than three meters away.

have to say.

Hades' voice was extremely loud from beginning to end.

In such a large conference hall, everyone in every corner can hear clearly!

And the aggressive aura he showed caused countless people present to panic involuntarily!

Not even daring to breathe!
As if, he, Hades, is the demon god who walked out of hell!
In front of him, ordinary people would even become incoherent when speaking.

Not to mention, a formal confrontation with him!
And feel the almost suffocating sense of oppression that Hades brings to people at close range.

Dean Zhou Hong and the others were sweating more and more on their foreheads.

The heartbeat is constantly accelerating!
He was extremely nervous about Ye Xuan!

"Academician Ye Xuan, I can definitely hold on!"

Under the oppression of Hades, Dean Zhou Hong and others, together with the representatives of the foreign students present, began to pray secretly in their hearts.


Ye Xuan's expression did not change at all.

Even, there is a kind of indifference that is completely ignored.

Even, Hades' almost cannibalistic eyes were fixed on him!
It feels like, in his eyes, Hades is just a clown.

Not worth mentioning at all!
"Of course a mentally handicapped like you can't understand."

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Xuan responded lightly:

"Life originates from the trend of entropy increase!"

"The existence of life accelerates the entropy increase of the universe, which is the fundamental will of the universe!"

"But, in essence, life itself, from the moment of its birth, stands in opposition to this will!"

"Because, the formation of any life is the result of entropy reduction!"

"Life has the ability to resist its own entropy increase, that is, it has the ability to decrease entropy."

"For example, our eating behavior is to absorb 'negative entropy' from food to maintain the order of life..."

"And once, a low-entropy (entropy-reducing) body like our intelligent life reaches certain conditions that may achieve immortality."

"That is to shake the foundation of the universe's constant entropy increase, and to fight against the supreme will of the universe!"

"You know what will happen then!!!!!!"

When it comes to here.

The holographic projection screen suddenly changed.

Countless gene fragments appeared!

Below each gene fragment, there are photos and introductions of the source of its intercepted species.

Among them, there is a creature called the lighthouse jellyfish.

According to the introduction, the lighthouse jellyfish has very powerful and special cells.

When it matures, it will redifferentiate its own body through cell differentiation and return to the polyp state, and can repeat this process infinitely, thus possessing the ability to rejuvenate!

There is also a bacterium called Methuselah worm.

After identification, the lifespan of this bacterium is extremely amazing, and it has lived for 2.6 million years!

It is said that it is due to the evaporation of seawater, deposited together with salt, adapted to the harsh conditions of the salt layer, and its metabolism is almost close to zero...

After reading these gene fragments and the corresponding biological introduction.

The hearts of countless people were greatly touched.

The barrage areas of the major live broadcast rooms are even more ebullient:
"Academician Ye Xuan showed us this, what is the purpose?"

"Is there anyone who is too big to come out and say, what do these mean!"

"I seem to understand what Academician Ye Xuan means! If intelligent life like us can achieve immortality in some form, the final outcome must be intolerable to the universe!"

"There is such a thing as the will of the universe? Are you kidding me? The universe is not a conscious life, so where does he get the will!"

"If you turn me into that lighthouse jellyfish to achieve immortality, I won't even be killed!"


At this time, Hades said coldly:
"You have been messing around for a long time, what exactly do you want to express!"

"You haven't proved at all, what is wrong with my theory!"

"What you are doing now is just wasting everyone's time!"

Facing another round of questioning from Hades.

Ye Xuan remained calm as usual.

It seemed that none of Hades' words could arouse any waves in his heart.

However, it is just a tiny existence like an ant!

Only see the next moment.

The holographic three-dimensional projection screen changed again.

This time, what appeared on the screen was exactly what Hades had shown at the World Science Conference, his theoretical model of immortality!


"This, how is this possible!"

"Could it be that Academician Ye Xuan he he he he..."

"Professor Andrew, you slap me, I feel like I'm hallucinating!"


At this moment, exclamations erupted in the huge symposium hall.

Not just here.

Anyone who saw Hades's theoretical model of immortality on the live broadcast of today's World Science Conference, at this moment, opened their mouths wide and fell into unparalleled shock.

It was as if he saw the most shocking scene in his lifetime!
Especially those biological/life scientists from scientific delegations from all over the world stood up directly from the hotel bed/sofa.


The shortness of breath reached the extreme, and he rubbed his eyes desperately to make sure that he was not mistaken!
"This, this is the theoretical model of Hades!"

Not long after, a life scientist from the Sakura Country put his hands on his head and exclaimed shockingly:

"In other words, he, he has completely mastered Hades' theory!"

"Hades' theory came out, and it's only been three hours until now!"

"How is it possible for him to analyze it directly like this!!!"

"He, he, is he still a human being!"

(Author's words: The third update is here, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass! Within this week, the remaining chapter must be paid back! If it is not up, it will be a puppy, the kind of Wangwangwang!)
(End of this chapter)

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