Chapter 226 Little Fatty, Work Now

That is a chubby, naive little panda.

Before this.

This little panda has been sitting in Ye Xuan's arms.

It seems that it is Ye Xuan's pet.

It rolls and rolls, and it looks so cute.

I can't help it, I want to hug it and touch it, and then feed it some pots of milk to drink.

And seeing Ye Xuan mention this little panda at such a moment.


He put it on the ground very dotingly, stroked its little head, and said one more sentence:
"Little Panda, work!"

All the elites of the Zhanlong Army Group present were stunned in place.

Some of them couldn't help but rubbed their eyes desperately, thinking that they were hallucinating.

It wasn't just the elites of the Zhanlong Army who were dumbfounded.

Those 21 ultimate liquid metal robots, together with all the alien life in the space battleship thousands of miles away, are staring at the projection light screen.

At this moment, a pair of eyes widened.

The whole person looked indescribably numb!
So much so that the core cabin, which was originally extremely noisy, fell into an eerie silence in an instant.

"Is this lowly civilized ant out of his mind?"

"What do you mean? He didn't mean to use such a small animal to counter the body of the ultimate liquid metal robot?"

"If it is said that what Ye Xuan sent was the guardian of the astral system, it is still possible to resist it for a while! But, that's it???"

"I feel like this Ye Xuan has gone mad!"

"Hehe, I thought, how different is this so-called number one genius in the history of the earth? I didn't expect to be so stupid!"

"Bald, are you sure it's this guy who scared you so much that you dared to hide here? From my perspective, he doesn't seem to be anything special! He's just a fool!"


After a brief silence, in the core cabin, the alien beings who were trying their best to restore the energy system of the space battleship couldn't help but start various discussions.

And at the site of Ye Xuan's exclusive experimental center, the 21 ultimate liquid metal robots present looked at each other at this moment.

None of them spoke.

But their expressions seemed to be saying:

How stupid is he?You actually want to use such a little guy to fight us?

Only the bald man, deep in his heart, inadvertently had some extremely ominous premonition...


Exclusive experimental center.

Seeing the little panda rolling in Ye Xuan's arms all the time, after being put on the ground by Ye Xuan.

He just walked slowly, dragging his extremely cute and round body, towards the 21 ultimate liquid metal robots.

All the elites of Zhanlong Army couldn't bear it anymore, and began to swallow their saliva desperately.

They don't know much about the origin of this little panda.

All I know is that it is some kind of super mech warrior that Ye Xuan has spent a lot of energy in recently.

Because from the appearance, it is almost the same as "Pang Da", the guardian of the astral system.

and so.

Ye Xuan casually named this kind of super mecha fighter - Little Pang Da.

They also once asked Ye Xuan if they planned to rely on Pang Da to sit in the [-] defense base to fight against the great threat from that space battleship.

Ye Xuan's answer at the time was: "If nothing else happens, Little Pangda can't resist the super weapons of those advanced civilizations, so it's not!"

With this answer.

Everyone, including Dean Zhou Hong, didn't pay much attention to the "birth" of Pang Da.

and so.

Seeing this moment, Ye Xuan planned to rely on Pangda to solve the 21 ultimate liquid metal robots.

The elites of Zhanlong Army Group felt indescribably... at a loss deep in their hearts.

Is this really possible?
"Reptiles of low civilization, die!!!!!!"

At the same time that Pangda was crawling slowly, an impatient alien life, too lazy to waste any more time, stepped forward directly.

The ultimate liquid metal in his right hand also directly "transformed" into a sharp blade shining with sharp luster at this moment.

As if, no matter how hard the alloy is, he can easily and directly cut it!
But just when this impatient alien life was rushing forward with a ferocious face, it was about to kill Ye Xuan on the spot.

In front of his eyes, a figure suddenly appeared!
It's Panda!
I saw that Pang Da, who was so slow just now, suddenly seemed to be activated, and with a "swish", he jumped into the air and flew in front of this alien life.

Its speed is simply staggering!
Completely, beyond the limit that the naked eye can capture!

For everyone present, Pang Da was almost equivalent to "teleporting" into mid-air!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

In an instant, Xiaopangda slapped the alien life directly on the head.

To know.

What this alien life possesses is the body of the ultimate liquid metal!
Not only is it almost immune to most physical damage.

Under normal circumstances, it has an unimaginable stiffness!
Even a wall comparable to the hardness of a diamond can be penetrated!

Foot visible.

How tyrannical his body must be!

Compared with the complete mutant, they are not inferior at all!


It was such a tyrannical body, after being hit by Xiaopangda's palm.

Almost like being hit by an asteroid.

The right cheek was directly smashed and deformed!

Click, click, click.

Click, click, click.


Accompanied by the sound of diamond shattering.

The entire head of that alien life was torn off from the neck!

Complete separation from the body!


The head of that alien life turned into a puddle of silver ultimate liquid metal, splashing down on the four walls of the experiment center.

And the most shocking scene happened at this moment.

The pool of silver ultimate liquid metal was originally able to automatically fuse with the body of the alien life, and then return to its original state.


This time, everyone present saw it.

Following Xiaopangda's mouth, he opened it slightly.

That puddle of silver ultimate liquid metal was completely absorbed by it just like that!

"Gollum, gollum, gollum..."

In less than half a second, those ultra-liquid metals were sucked into the abdomen by Xiaopang Damex and completely digested.

It's exactly the same as the real red pandas drinking pots of milk.


With the digestion of these ultimate liquid metals, Xiaopangda's round and lovely body faintly became a little bit bigger.

And its eyes, in the next moment, locked on all the ultimate liquid metal robots not far away who were staring dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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