Chapter 227 Brain Domain Development Degree, 80.2%
"Hey, what kind of monster is this!!!"

All the alien life forms present (ultimate liquid metal robots) were undoubtedly completely dumbfounded.

Even, I was so scared... my scalp went numb!
The body was trembling uncontrollably!
I can tell.

Although Xiaopangda's body shape can only be described as "little cute pet".

Anyone would feel that it has no combat power.


What happened just now shattered the limit of everyone's imagination!

Those 21 extraterrestrial beings have no way of imagining how Pangda can do it at such a fast speed.

Hurry up, don't give them any reaction time at all.


With a seemingly random slap, their bodies collapsed directly!

Ten thousand times easier than kneading dough!
To know.

They couldn't be more clear about how tyrannical their current bodies are.

All are the ultimate liquid metal!

Far surpasses the body of a fully mutant human!
Its strength is high.

Even diamonds are hard to come by.


Even though their bodies are so strong, they still can't withstand Xiao Pangda's casual blow!
All the atoms that were directly hit inside the body seemed to explode and eventually perish!
Can be imagined.

How broken are the hearts of these 21 extraterrestrial beings at this moment!
Of course, these are nothing.

What makes these extraterrestrial beings most desperate is that.

They just witnessed with their own eyes that Panda swallowed alive the ultimate liquid metal that belonged to the top technology in their civilized world!
It's delicious to eat.

It's as if the ultimate liquid metal is the pot of milk that all pandas dream of!


Look at the situation, the ones just now are not enough for chubby Darcy's teeth!

A thought here.

Just ask.

Can the alien life present not scare the psychological defense line from falling completely.

This simply broke their cognitive limit!

In short.

These extraterrestrial beings are now looking at Little Pang Da who was "created" by Ye Xuan.

It was like meeting the most terrifying creature in their civilized world!

And these 21 extraterrestrial beings have a kind of ability, that is——

It can use eyes to conduct extremely deep scanning and detection of various living things and non-living things.

and so.

Just now, when Little Fatty showed just how terrifying he was with just one slap.

Almost all of their 21 extraterrestrial beings started an all-round scan and...analysis of Pangda immediately!
Everyone, the analysis results obtained are exactly the same——

[Life type: unknown, but there is a high probability that it is a mech warrior]

[Comprehensive evaluation: extremely powerful, it is recommended to evacuate immediately]

【Danger index: ★★★★★★★★★】

See the results of this analysis.

21 extraterrestrial beings, deep down, in an unspeakable collapse.

after all.

No one knows better than them what kind of concept is the danger index of nine stars.

You're welcome to say.

A creature with a danger index of nine stars, if you want to kill them, it is almost equivalent to a giant, trampling an ant to death!

and so.

They are all dumbfounded now!

"Danger index, nine, nine stars?"

"Why is there such a level of monsters on this ordinary earth!"

"Didn't you say that Ye Xuan was just a genius from a lowly civilized world? How did he do all this!!! It doesn't make sense!!!!!!"

"Let's... let's run, shall we?"

"We must have been fooled!!! This Ye Xuan, it is impossible for him to be an aboriginal of a lower civilized world! He, he, he must come from a higher level of civilization than ours!"

"Ah!!! It's all the baldness's fault, why didn't he tell us how scary this Ye Xuan is! Why can't he stop us!!!"


These extraterrestrial beings whose hearts are extremely broken are undoubtedly regretful now.

Regret them at the time, why did they come out!

Why can't you follow the bald, repair their space battleship first, and then come out and sweep the entire earth...

Knowing that there is no regret medicine to take, these alien beings, one by one, have the idea of ​​evacuating here regardless of everything!
Confronting a creature with a hazard index of nine stars?
With their eyes closed, they could all imagine what the ending would be like.


too late!
In the next moment, Pang Da opened his mouth violently.


A special energy similar to the terrifying gravitational force released by a black hole was instantly stimulated by it.

Then it descended on every extraterrestrial being.

Click, click, click.

Click, click, click.


In an instant, all these alien life forms seemed to be "melted".

Directly, it became the purest ultimate liquid metal!

Under the unparalleled effect of that special energy.

All the ultimate liquid metal was "sucked" into Xiao Panda's mouth.

"Gollum, gollum, gollum..."

After Xiaopangda burped a few times, in less than three seconds, all alien life completely disappeared!
Little Fatty, who was carefully crafted by Ye Xuan, devoured it completely!
"I knew it!!!!!!" Star-Spangled Banner Country, Area 51, inside the core cabin of the space battleship, as the live broadcast screen of the projection light curtain completely disappeared, Zhibal immediately roared loudly.

It seemed that he was using this loud roar to tell all the companions present——

How wise is his decision to shrink back!
As for his companions, they all secretly felt extremely fortunate.

Fortunately, I was resourceful enough to bear it and didn't go out to die!

And in the experimental center dedicated to Ye Xuan.

As the 21 extraterrestrial beings were all eaten up by Xiaopangda.

Xiaopangda's figure is obviously "fatter" than before.

It looks cuter and cuter!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan's body underwent an unprecedented change!

Just now, before his eyes, a series of system text appeared:
[Current brain development degree: 72.3%]

[Current brain development degree: 74.8%]

[Current brain development degree: 76.1%]


[Current brain development degree: 80.2%]

When Ye Xuan's brain development rate was finally fixed at 80.2%.

Ye Xuan's entire body, together with every atom and molecule that makes up his body, seems to be undergoing some kind of evolution.

Bunches of light were released!
I can't even tell how dazzling it is!

It looked like Ye Xuan's body had started to burn!
Oh no, it's the Feathering Flying Immortal!

(End of this chapter)

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