Chapter 238 Is it... over?
no doubt.

Zhibal couldn't accept the fact that Ye Xuan really created a level [-] wormhole weapon in a short period of time!

This is like telling him——

The gap between a life like him who came from a highly civilized world and Ye Xuan was already beyond the horizon.

In front of Ye Xuan, he is no different from trash!

and so.

The more he thought about it, the more it became difficult to accept, and the bald, who fell into a state of complete madness, quickly pressed all the buttons at hand as if he had gone crazy!


Gritting his teeth, he screamed like a vicious dog:
"I don't believe it, I can't handle you, a dying person!"

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.


In the next instant, that incomparably vast space battleship exploded with unparalleled energy fluctuations.

under energy fluctuations.

The roar of the battleship engine pierced through the sky.

Like a prehistoric tsunami, even if you hear it hundreds of miles away, you can't help but tremble in your heart.

Still relaxed, waves of air were set off and rushed in all directions.

all the way.

I don't know how many trees are broken, how many boulders are flying...

Can be imagined.

How terrifying is this burst of energy fluctuations!
And after such energy fluctuations lasted for more than ten seconds.

On the hull of the space battleship, launch bays were opened one after another!
Inside the launch bay.

All kinds of super technological weapons then came into everyone's sight.

"Why, why are there so many!!!"

"I feel that the power of these weapons, each one, is no less than that super mech warrior just now!"

"Are these alien beings planning to fight us?"

"God must bless us!"

"Can Ye Xuan's wormhole weapon really defend against such a large number of super weapon attacks?"

"If you guessed right, it is very likely that it is the legendary demagnetization weapon! Once detonated, it can instantly 'melt' the magnetic field of our entire earth! Then, our earth will lose the protection of the magnetic field and be exposed to cosmic rays under……"

"And that one, that's probably a tectonic weapon, right? Just one can completely destroy the geological tectonic plates of our earth! Cause the entire continent to sink into the seabed irreversibly!"

"Then, that may be a planetary level infrasonic weapon..."


A moment later, the human world was full of exclamations.

There are many people who just developed a wormhole weapon for Ye Xuan and were so excited that they wanted to cry.

At this moment, my heart was hanging in my throat.

Breathing almost stopped suddenly.

The reason is very simple.

Because, they can all judge——

That group of extraterrestrial beings are already impatient!
Next, the alien life forms will use all the super weapons in that space battleship!
In this regard.

No one is sure that Ye Xuan's wormhole weapon can transfer a large-scale super weapon baptism in one go!

realize here.

Just ask.

Who can not feel extreme tension and panic!

It was the whole person, trembling uncontrollably!

And what no one knows is.

Just when many super weapons of the space battleship are about to be launched into the sky.

In the exclusive experimental center of Huaguo Academy of Sciences.

Ye Xuan, who was already very old and had lost too much blood, just woke up from a coma and was extremely weak.

The number of cracks on his body has reached the point of horror.

The whole body seems to be completely shattered from the cellular level by people.

It seemed that any breeze could blow him away!

"Academician Ye Xuan!!!"

Seeing Ye Xuan wake up, Minister Yang Rongsheng and others all surrounded him immediately with red eyes.

Tears flowed out of my eyes uncontrollably.

Looking at Ye Xuan's extremely old and extremely weak appearance.

They were completely choked up with unspeakable grief in their hearts.

Dozens of doctors and nurses from several teams also rushed over, preparing to take Ye Xuan back immediately for meticulous treatment.


Ye Xuan shook his head, rejecting all requests for treatment.


No one knows better than himself that at this moment, his body and any human medical methods are useless!

That, but the triggers (dark black balls) of a whole hundred thousand wormhole weapons!

In a short period of time, Ye Xuan used the "dominant particle" method to create such a large number of wormhole weapon exciters!

This, almost overdraws all of Ye Xuan's body energy!

Drained all his life potential!
Moreover, it is irreversible at all!

Simply put—

A few days ago, Ye Xuan was barely able to survive for more than a month in a state of complete autonomous evolution.

Well now.

After one hundred thousand defensive bases were equipped with wormhole weapons one by one.

Ye Xuan, only the last few hours of his life are left!

A few hours later, even the gods could hardly save his life!
It seems that he has no chance to wait until his brain development speed slowly evolves to 100%.

Thus completing the transition of life level in one fell swoop...

" it over?"

Feeling that some of the last vitality of myself is passing away rapidly, and in a few hours at most, I will come to the end of my life.

A sense of powerlessness appeared on Ye Xuan's face.

He is indeed powerless!

I can only wait quietly, my life will be gone after a few hours!
However, although there are regrets, Ye Xuan doesn't feel any regrets!

"Academician Ye Xuan, it's not good!"

At this time, Minister Yang Rongsheng, who had just received the exact news, said very nervously:
"That space battleship just launched 29 kinds of super weapons at one time against our country of Hua!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone present felt a faint feeling of scalp tingling.

They don't know what kind of concept the "super weapon" Minister Yang Rongsheng is talking about is.

You're welcome to say.

Any kind of super weapon is very likely to directly destroy the entire Huaguo!

and so.

Thinking that there are 29 kinds of super weapons coming.

Everyone present had their eyes widened until they were round, and they felt a burst of panic in their hearts.

After all, if there is a super weapon that has not been successfully transferred by the wormhole weapon.


The country of Hua, and even the entire human world, will usher in a catastrophe of annihilation!
Feel the panic deep in everyone's heart.

Ye Xuan struggled to lift his spirits, and then spoke with great difficulty:
"No, it doesn't matter."

"Even... no matter how many super weapons come, they... can't break through our defense."

The next moment after speaking.

Ye Xuan stretched out his palm and touched Pang Da in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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