Chapter 239 The dust settles?

Blinking his eyes.

Sitting in Ye Xuan's arms, the chubby little Pang Da seemed extraordinarily quiet from the beginning to the end.

That is, very occasionally, in Ye Xuan's arms, he rolled over.

Most of the time, Pang Da stayed in Ye Xuan's arms very obediently.

From time to time, a small head poked out, looking around.

Looking at it, one couldn't help but want to go over and touch his little head.


It's just such a cute little pet that looks harmless to humans and animals, without any threat at all.

But it made every elite of the Zhanlong army present "revere" him!

Everyone in Zhanlong Army Group had witnessed with their own eyes before, how terrifying Xiaopang Da is!
A group of alien life with the body of the ultimate liquid metal!
Little Fatty moved his hands casually, cleaned up everything, and finally devoured them one by one!

In a word.

In the minds of those who fight the Dragon Army.

Little Fatty, that is the strongest combat power on Earth today!
Those extraterrestrial beings, compared to Little Pangda, are far inferior to the "Five Scums of War".

"Go, little...Little Fatty!"

In the end, Ye Xuan was in a state of extreme weakness, while touching Xiaopangda's head, he spoke slowly.

And after hearing Ye Xuan's instruction.

Little Pangda immediately regained his spirits.

A pair of eyes, staring rounder than copper bells.

The little head is still going crazy.

That expression seemed to be telling everyone——

No matter what instructions Ye Xuan gave, he would do them all!
I will do my best!


After a while, a cloud of dark light and shadow appeared on Pangda's body surface.

And after only an instant, the figure of Pang Da disappeared in this exclusive experimental center.

no doubt.

When creating Pang Da, Ye Xuan not only made Pang Da possess unparalleled physical strength and the means to swallow any substance.

It also gave Xiaopangda the ability to open wormholes at any time!

This means that as long as Xiaopangda is willing, he can appear in any corner of the earth at any time!

Seeing that Pang Da disappeared from Ye Xuan's arms in an instant, Minister Yang Rongsheng and others present couldn't help but asked repeatedly:
"That little panda just now... where did it go?"

Ye Xuan replied with all his strength:
"I let Xiaopangda go to Area 51 to completely... completely eliminate those... those alien life forms!"

Hear this.

The faces of Minister Yang Rongsheng and others were instantly filled with question marks.

I just feel like I heard the most incredible thing ever!
Academician Ye Xuan sent such a cute pet over there to deal with those alien life forms?
Can this really work?
Are you sure you're not joking?Or are you teasing those extraterrestrial life?
With full of confusion.

Minister Yang Rongsheng and others opened a projection light screen at the fastest speed.

What appeared on the light screen was the panorama of Huaguo's airspace at this moment!
I saw dozens of high-level super-civilized super-weapons launched by Zhitu at one time, already penetrating the atmosphere, and approaching Huaguo at an unknown number of times the speed of sound!

Seeing that they are about to be all blasted down, the entire Chinese world and even human civilization will explode in an instant!
You're welcome to say.

As long as they have one of the super weapons, they will really detonate.

The result is definitely not something humans can bear!

such as.

Among them is a super weapon, as long as it hits the ground, it can "empty" all the seawater on the entire earth in less than a few seconds!
The consequences are simply unimaginable.

Another example.

There is also a super weapon that can release terrifying gamma ray energy!

An ordinary planet like the earth can't bear it at all!

In a matter of minutes, it will be blown to pieces...


In a word.

Those dozens of super weapons are far beyond human imagination.

It is also true that it is not a low-level civilization that can bear it!

Any one of them is enough to destroy human civilization!
In this situation.

Just ask.

So dozens of super weapons came together.

Who can not feel the boundless shock from the depths of the soul!

"Academician Ye Xuan's wormhole weapon, can it transfer so many super weapons at once?"

At this moment, countless people couldn't help raising their eyes to the sky and praying frantically.

The heart hangs in the throat.

On the forehead, countless cold sweat seeped out.

Extremely nervous!

This transfer does not allow Ye Xuan's wormhole weapon to make any mistakes!

One mistake, the human world will be destroyed forever!


However, the panic in people's hearts only lasted for a moment, and then they were completely goodbye.

The reason is very simple.

As soon as those dozens of super weapons landed on the sky of Huaguo, they were all "captured" without exception by the wormhole energy stimulated by the [-] defense bases.


A wormhole channel was opened up in an instant, and those super weapons were directly transferred to an unknown space.

the next moment.

I don't know how many places in the world have fallen into a strange silence.

no way.

All this happened too fast!

Normal people can't react at all!
"So, is that the end?"

"God! How invincible Ye Xuan's wormhole weapon is!"

"Fortunately, I was scared to death just now! Just blinked, those super weapons are all gone!"

"All the crises have been resolved! Finally, the dust has settled!"

"I can only say that Ye Xuan of Huaguo is simply a god!"


After a brief silence, endless cries erupted from all over the world.

I don't know how many people took to the streets and started shouting and celebrating!

As for the core cabin of the space battleship.

Completely and completely, I can't hear any more sound.

It can be said.

After seeing the picture displayed on the light screen just now, they all froze in place with a broken expression at the same time.

Don't move at all!

It's like petrification!
The atmosphere in the core cabin is also indescribably oppressive!

At this moment, the faces of all the extraterrestrial beings, including the bald ones, were completely darkened.

In front of him, it was even darker.

There are still many people who have the idea of ​​wanting to escape from the earth immediately at all costs!
The reason is very simple.

They found that Ye Xuan, the earthling, was really terrifying!

It's so frightening that now, just hearing the word "Ye Xuan", they can't help but feel their scalps go numb!
It was after these people were stunned for a while.

One of the extraterrestrial beings began to exclaim with a trembling voice:
"You, look quickly!!!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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