Chapter 240 Want to leave?late! ! !
With the appearance of this exclamation.

All the extraterrestrial beings, including the bald ones, all came to their senses in the madness, and then looked away one after another.

On the light screen not far away, it was clearly visible, a chubby and cute little panda appeared in the picture!

It's... Little Fatty!

And the location where Pang Da appeared is also Area 51!
Below the gigantic space battleship!
this moment.

All the extraterrestrial beings began to tremble unconsciously.

It was as if they had seen the most terrifying creature in their civilized world!

It can be said that even the legs can't stand still!
I kept trembling!

To know.

Before that, they had clearly seen how Pang Da ravaged their companions!
Then, it was simply a massacre!

Each of their companions with the body of the ultimate liquid metal is not even a "weak chicken" in front of Little Panda.

In just a few breaths, it was completely swallowed by Pang Da!
Thinking of the scenes that happened at that time, and realizing that Pang Da was about to enter the core of their battleship.

Just ask.

Which person present can still calm down?

Almost fainted from fright!

"Now, now, what shall we do!!!!!!"

"Wasn't it still in Huaguo just now? Why did it kill it so quickly!"

"Bald, tell me quickly, what are we going to do next!"

"You still ask me what to do? Of course, escape! The farther you can escape, the better. I don't want to stay on this planet for a second! This planet is really terrible!"

"I dare to risk my life to guarantee that Ye Xuan must have come from a civilized world that is several levels higher than our home planet!"

"Didn't you say that this is just a low-level civilized world? Huh?????? This is really a low-level civilization? Who would believe it!!!!"


A moment later, in the core cabin, there were bursts of horrified laments of alien life forms.

I can tell.

These extraterrestrial beings are all too clear about how powerful Little Pang Da is.

and so.

For them now, there is only one last thought left - escape!
Escape from this horrible world of low civilization!

After returning to his home planet, he will organize a super star fleet to fight back, and he will be ashamed!
It can be said.

Every extraterrestrial life in the core cabin who was terrified had already had a similar idea.

Desperate to escape from Shengtian first!

After Ye Xuan died and they got stronger power from their home planet, they would go back and continue their plan to enslave the earth.

So ever.

There was no hesitation.

Zhibal directly pressed the "Start" button, preparing to rely on the absolute defense of the outer layer of the space battleship to escape from the solar system at the fastest speed.

Buzz, buzz.

Buzz, buzz.


In an instant, the space battleship exploded with astonishing energy.

The energy spreads below.

The surrounding area immediately set off a wave of monstrous weather!
Like a shocking hurricane, it blows in all directions.


Almost moving mountains!
It can be seen that the energy aroused by this space battleship at this moment has reached an astonishing level!

Even a little bit of energy can be called a disaster!
"Those aliens, are they going to run away?"

"Hahahahaha... Weren't they very crazy at the beginning? Now they are slipping very fast!"

"I can even imagine now how ugly their faces must be!"

"You can't let them go! Once they return to their home planet, God knows what kind of crisis our earth will face in the near future!"


The launch of the space battleship and the evacuation of alien life forms immediately attracted countless attention from all over the world.

no doubt.

Many people have already realized that they must do everything possible to prevent these alien life from escaping from the earth!

if not.

Once they escape back to their home planet and inform them of the coordinates of the earth, the human world in the near future may be besieged by countless space battleships like this!

This is a consequence that no one can accept!


People can't think of any way to prevent these alien life from leaving!
It seems that they can only watch them leave Area 51 and the earth in a space battleship!

"Just let them escape like this?"

Just when countless people are feeling anxious about this.


A shocking shout, with a magical power that seemed to be able to travel hundreds of millions of kilometers and penetrate all barriers, resounded through the world:
"Want to leave? It's late!!!"

It can be said.

At this moment, such a shock appeared in the ears of billions of people on the entire earth.

"This, this seems to be the voice of Academician Ye Xuan!!!!!!"

"That's right! It's really Academician Ye Xuan's voice!"

"Academician Ye Xuan, are you planning to give these aliens a living!"

"But, how can Academician Ye Xuan prevent them from leaving?"


As more and more people realized that the shout just now came from the god-like existence in their minds—Ye Xuan.

For a while, I really don't know how many people there were, and the blood boiled to the extreme on the spot.

As for the alien beings in the core cabin of the space battleship, they were shocked and frightened at this moment, trembling like they were facing an abyss.


"He, isn't he far away in China?"

"That Ye Xuan is simply a monster!!!"

"Could it be that he is really a god?"


The shouting sound echoed in the mind, causing all the extraterrestrial beings such as Zhibal to completely lose their ability to think for a while.

In my mind, it was blank.

Only the deep fear of Ye Xuan remained!


That shout was Ye Xuan's voice.

It was Ye Xuan who came out with the force of his thoughts, which can instantly transmit the voices of every corner of the world!

at the same time.

All over the world, countless people began to notice an extremely cute little panda through the live broadcast.

Like "teleportation", accompanied by the appearance of dark light and shadow, it landed on the surface of Area 51 out of thin air.

"This is a miniature version of Panda? The guardian of the astral system? Sent by Academician Ye Xuan?"

Soon, countless people had various guesses in the first place.

And after only one breathing time.

Countless people couldn't help opening their mouths wide, showing extremely shocked expressions.


Visible to the naked eye, Panda, who looked very miniature and cute, is getting bigger, bigger, bigger...

"What kind of technology is this!!!"

In the core cabin, I watched all this truly appear in front of my eyes.

The bald mentality completely collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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