Chapter 42 This prosperous world, as you wish!
Under the focus of countless people's eyes.

"Dean Zhou... this, this is really inappropriate!"

Ye Xuan suddenly seemed particularly surprised, and repeatedly tried to dissuade him.

after all.

Any one of these eight people can be called the top "celebrity" in China!
The high status is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


There are No.1s in some countries, and it is very difficult to meet them!
and so.

When these eight people, like little volunteers, come to carry the wheelchair for themselves.

Ye Xuan really felt flattered.

"Academician Ye Xuan, please don't say that!"

The eyes of the eight people are full of firmness:

"It is our great honor to carry you up to the reviewing stand to be honored!"

It can be clearly seen from the expressions of the eight people who are willing and even have no hesitation.

The eight of them really regarded being able to lift the chair for Ye Xuan as the greatest honor in their lives!

And there is no doubt about it.

In the entire Tianan Square, countless people watching the ceremony were moved to the point of reddening by the scene in front of them.

Especially, those old heroes like Yuan Lao!

There are many more, and they have already burst into tears.

It seems that they have waited for such a day for too long, too long...

Also undoubtedly.

The scene where the eight people carried Ye Xuan's wheelchair together will be forever remembered by history!
In the endless years to come, whenever someone mentions Ye Xuan's award ceremony.

This will be one of the most classic moments!

And it is very likely that it will be used as an illustration and written in textbooks!


that's it.

Under the attention of countless people.

Ye Xuan was slowly carried up to the reviewing stand by eight people including Minister Yang Rongsheng.

Ye Xuan's place of awarding honors!
Awarded honors under the Ren. Min. Hero. Hero. Memorial. Monument.

There has never been any precedent for such a thing in the history of China.

That's enough, Ye Xuan's award this time is so unusual, so out of this world!

of course.

In the eyes of almost all people in the country, Ye Xuan is perfect and deserves such an honor!

Even, no matter how grand and grand it is.

With Ye Xuan's achievements and spirit, he deserves it!

all in all.

In the minds of countless people, there is now a common cognition:

A national scholar like Ye Xuan should have enjoyed such a "privilege" of the highest standard! ! !
In this way, it is the gift of a real national scholar!


Just after Ye Xuan came to the reviewing platform, within a few seconds, the sensors on all sides of the reviewing platform suddenly shot beams of light towards the sky.

All these points of light gathered together, and quickly condensed a huge 3D projection in midair that could not be described in words.

What appeared on the 3D projection were the precious images that Ye Xuan dedicated to the country countless times over the past few years.

For example, a year ago, Ye Xuan wanted Huaguo to take the lead in mastering the world's most advanced room temperature superconducting technology.

He stayed by the neutrino flow pulse machine without sleep, and survived for 67 hours!

At the moment when the experiment was completed, Ye Xuan's lips were completely chapped due to severe dehydration, and he collapsed in the research center completely exhausted...

Another example is seven months ago.

Ye Xuan was ordered in the face of danger, and alone, he fought for 28 days in the underground base that never sees the sun!

In the end, the prototype of the tokmak device was perfectly restored, thus avoiding major losses to the country!

On the day when he finished work, Ye Xuan had already been devastated by the magnetic field to the point that his body suffered from countless lesions.

There are a lot of musculoskeletal, life and death!
Even, rotten!
Anyone who looks at Ye Xuan's painful appearance in the video can easily tell that the torture Ye Xuan suffered at that time was simply beyond what ordinary people can bear...


Scenes of video data screens are continuously played over Tianan Square.

It was also seen clearly by countless Chinese people through the live broadcast.

Although in the middle of this, the two hosts did not open their mouths to give even a single sentence of explanation.

But these images still made the noses of countless spectators in Tianan Square sour.

Also feel distressed to the extreme!
And people like Academician Huang Zhe, who had witnessed one of the scenes with their own eyes, couldn't hold back their inner emotions at all.

Tears are pouring down!

no doubt.

After these video materials were played, no one dared to question Ye Xuan's achievements at any level!
No one dared to claim that Ye Xuan was not worthy of the Supreme Medal of the Republic!

boom! ! !
After the last video has played.

On the huge 3D projection light curtain, a line of golden characters suddenly appeared——

【Country Warriors】

The four gold characters shine brightly under the sunlight.

As if, penetrated the hearts of countless people present!

It makes people's blood spurt!
And in the minds of countless Chinese, these four words, perhaps, are the best evaluation of Ye Xuan's life!

Right now.

A microphone came to Ye Xuan's hand.

Before accepting the formal award, obviously, according to the usual practice, Ye Xuan had to give an "Award Acceptance Speech".

all of a sudden.

The entire Tianan Square was completely silent.

The countless people in front of the live broadcast also fell silent.

Everyone was eagerly looking forward to hearing what their warrior would say next.

Under the attention of millions of people.

Ye Xuan picked up the microphone, and then spoke a little weakly:
"I...I haven't prepared my speeches in advance, and I'm not very good at speaking. So, please allow me to organize my words."

Everyone present was still staring at Ye Xuan quietly.

The look in his eyes hasn't changed in the slightest!

It seemed that no matter how long they had to wait in the future, they would still be willing to wait for a whole day and midnight!
And after bowing his head and thinking for a moment.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, said slightly tearfully:
"I think everyone will never forget our founding ceremony decades ago."

"At that time, we had fewer planes, and the few we had were simply not enough to make up the air echelon."

"I still remember Mr. Zhou at that time. He could only tell the staff sadly and helplessly that he should fly twice!"

"At this moment, if the heroic spirit of President Zhou is still there, I would like to say to him—"

"Our plane no longer has to fly twice!"

"You don't have to worry about us every day anymore!"

"The ten-mile long street that was sent to you is now prosperous for ten miles!"

"The mountains and rivers are still there, the country is peaceful and the people are safe!"

Speaking of it.

Ye Xuan stretched out his hand and slowly took out a light blue rectangular object from his bosom, and immediately said solemnly:

"This prosperous world should be as you wish!"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
 Chapter 2 will be later, but there will be!The author continues to write!
(End of this chapter)

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