Chapter 43 Don't play like this!

The moment Ye Xuan said, "This prosperous age should be as you wish".

Countless people in the country could no longer restrain the touch in their hearts, and they posted comments on major platforms one after another:
"The mountains and rivers are still there, the country is peaceful and the people are safe! Mr. Zhou, Prime Minister, this prosperous age is as you wish!"

"Academician Ye Xuan's words really brought tears to my eyes! If the heroic spirit of President Zhou is still there, he will be very pleased to see hundreds of Canglong fighter jets flying over Tianan Square just now, right?"

"President Zhou, have you seen it? Our plane no longer needs to fly twice. The motherland is really strong! You must be very proud, right?"

"Splendid rivers and mountains, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and the ten-mile long street is still prosperous!"

"This time, I really burst into tears!"

"I have no regrets in my life to enter China!"

"I'm a big man, I really couldn't cry today!"

"Back then, I sent you to walk the ten-mile long street, and today I will accompany you to see the prosperity of the ten-mile long street. President Zhou, this prosperous world is just as you wish!"


Endless comments and bullet screens are frantically "washing" every corner of the entire network.

And the phrase "this prosperous age, as you wish" also rushed to the top three in the hot search list in a short period of time.

Countless Chinese people began to consciously say the last sentence in their hearts:
"This prosperous world is as you wish!"

In this way, remember the great people who have devoted themselves to the country of China!
On Tianan Square.

The old heroes who came to watch the ceremony were already in tears.


This prosperous world is just as they wished!
The lion has awakened, revival is imminent!
They want to witness the arrival of this day with their own eyes!

the same time.

In the major live broadcast rooms of Sakura, almost everyone's eyes fell on the rectangular object in Ye Xuan's hand that exuded light blue light.

The reason is very simple.

They also couldn't understand what Ye Xuan was talking about, so they could only pay attention to some other details.

"Huh? What is this? Does anyone know?"

"I guess it's a light-emitting toy? Anyway, I haven't seen it before!"

"Toys? Are you kidding me? After all, he is a nine-star academician of Huaguo. On such a grand occasion, do you think he deliberately took out a toy?"

"That's not good! Maybe this Ye Xuan is already stupid?"

"Whatever it is! Anyway, this award ceremony, no matter how grand it is, will eventually become the biggest joke!"


I don't know how many bullet screens, scrubbing one live broadcast room after another.

It can be said.

Not even a native of Sakura Country could tell what the light blue rectangular object in Ye Xuan's hand was.

Including Minami Ito, who has always felt very good about himself and felt that this year's Nobel Prize has no chance of being left behind!
And there is no doubt about it.

The light blue rectangular object in Ye Xuan's hand is the world's first tritium battery that he just developed!

A tritium battery that is enough to change the course of human history and be recorded in the annals of human history!
How can such an epoch-making technology be recognized at a glance with the knowledge and imagination of a mere Ito Minami!
"For no reason, what's the point of showing such a thing?"

Minami Ito, who was watching the live broadcast, even though he didn't care much about Ye Xuan's behavior, his brows were still slightly frowned, and he fell into deep thought.


Countless Chinese people also noticed the tritium battery in Ye Xuan's hand.

"what is this?"

Everyone, including Dean Zhou Hong of the Academy of Sciences, felt extremely "unfamiliar" with the tritium battery in Ye Xuan's hand.

However, everyone thinks that the light blue light emitted by the tritium battery is extremely beautiful.

What a beauty!

Attracted everyone's attention!
Feel the confusion of countless people.

Ye Xuan didn't explain anything, but immediately inserted the tritium battery in his hand into a groove in the center of the reviewing stand.

This was something that Ye Xuan had arranged in advance.

That groove can be regarded as an energy release device, connecting all the lights in Tian'an Square and even the entire Shili Chang'an Street!

And the tritium battery in Ye Xuan's hand was firmly embedded in the "energy releaser".

all of a sudden.

Under the common witness of countless people around the world.

On Tianan Square, countless beams of searchlights shot into the sky in an instant.

With the golden sun, complement each other!

The colorful lanterns are placed together with thousands of colored lanterns, lotus lanterns, outline lights, floodlights, ground lights... all around.

Indescribable brilliance!

Not only that.

On Ten Mile Chang'an Avenue, all the street lamps are shining with the most brilliant light!

Even though it is daytime and the sun is shining brightly, they are still dazzling!
It was so shocking that I couldn't breathe!
This is a tritium battery!
Just one piece is enough to light up ten miles of Chang'an Avenue and Tian'an Square!

In the country of Stars and Stripes, a professor of energy who had nothing to do and was bored watching the live broadcast, jumped up from his leather office chair in an instant after seeing the scene just now.

In his eyes, there was the most intense inconceivableness.

Breathing is even more rapid to the extreme.

A heart seemed to pop out of the chest at any moment.

The reason is very simple.

This professor from the Stars and Stripes Country knows all too well what terrifying energy is needed to make such a large number of lights shine!

And just now?

What Ye Xuan did was to embed such a small rectangular object in the "energy releaser"!

This simply surpassed the cognitive limit of this professor!
All this can be done with such a small rectangular object.

Just ask.

How could this senior professor of energy not realize what it means! ! !
the same time.

The keyboard warriors of Sakura Country who were watching the award ceremony in the major live broadcast rooms, at this moment, their eyeballs were about to jump to the ground.

They, have never seen such an unimaginable scene!

All kinds of barrage, like a flying waterfall, rolling down:

"Change, magic?"

"Can anyone tell me what Ye Xuan did just now?"

"How did Ye Xuan do it?"

"Just such a small thing, can light up ten miles of Chang'an Street? Are you kidding me?"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! It must be my eyes!"

"Cheating! It must have been cheating!"


At a time when the keyboard warriors of the Sakura Country were only at a loss for what had just happened.

Ito Minami, who was crossing Erlang's legs and preparing to see Ye Xuan's joke, was dumbfounded!
Fear was written all over his face in an instant!

"No, don't bring such fun!"

Ito Minami's body began to tremble unconsciously.


Here are the words of the author:
It's 2:28 in the morning, here comes the late second update!

I'm really sorry today, the author came back too late from the party, and I haven't updated until now!

Thank you for your votes and rewards!
When I wake up, I will continue to update!

If I have a chance, I will add more!
PS: I will read everyone's comments and messages (this is one of my few hobbies)!
Therefore, I will definitely try my best to satisfy everyone!

sleep first!
Goodnight everybody!

(End of this chapter)

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