Chapter 46 Salute to Academician Ye Xuan!
As soon as the words came out.

The business representatives in Huaguo suppressed their smiles and looked at each other.

All of them looked like they were saying:
This idiot is probably still living in a dream, right?

One of the company representatives said to the translator next to him:

"Tell this idiot that their solid-state aluminum battery technology in Sakura Country is too backward, and we don't even want to pay you back!"

The voice fell.

All the company representatives present walked straight out the door with their heads held high.

Ignore the person in charge of the Sakura Country contract at all!
And there is no doubt about it.

Each of them couldn't tell how happy they were in their hearts.

Not to mention how proud I am!

To know.

In the past few days, in their negotiations with Sakura Country, they have been subjected to all kinds of anger!

Too angry to itch!

Most of them are ready to grit their teeth and swallow even a fifty-fold premium contract.

One can imagine how aggrieved they were during this period of time!
And now?

Feng Shui turns around!
As soon as the tritium battery came out, the solid-state aluminum battery technology was destined to be directly thrown into the garbage dump of history.

No one even wants to take another look.

in the foreseeable future.

They no longer need to ask any country for patent authorization and technical support!
On the contrary, it is other countries, especially the country of cherry blossoms, who want to beg for nothing to beg the country of Hua...

A thought here.

Just ask.

These business representatives, how could they not be excited!

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

There are national scholars like Ye Xuan, who would dare to bully the poor of China!
"Don't leave! We can still discuss it!"

Seeing that all the representatives of Huaguo enterprises left without looking back, the person in charge changed his words again in a hurry:
"Five times, five times is always okay?"

"If you are not satisfied, you can negotiate three times!"

"Slow down, wait! There is no premium, we will sign according to the most normal contract! In addition, the free authorization period can be extended for 6 months!"

"Well then, let's get a [-]% discount, is that okay?"

"[-]% off!"

"[-], [-]% off..."

The person in charge of the signing of the Sakura Country chased all the way out of the hotel.

He no longer had the high-spirited posture of the previous days, but flattered the representatives of Huaguo enterprises in various ways, and started all kinds of crazy price cuts.


Even in the end, the other party has already shouted a [-]% discount.

But the representative of Huaguo Enterprise is still unmoved.

Even, she didn't even look at him once.

Just pretend he's a buzzing fly!
of course.

In the process of moving forward.

Several representatives of Huaguo enterprises, of course, will inevitably start to communicate with each other in a happy mood:
"At this time, he still wants to trick us into signing a contract? I really don't know what he's thinking!"

"I can assure you that the faces of the people in Sakura Country must be very exciting! Moreover, some people have already vomited blood and were hospitalized!"

"You tell me, how much has Sakura Country invested in researching this solid-state aluminum battery technology?"

"It's probably a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars, hahaha..."


Just as these Huaguo business representatives thought.

When Ye Xuan announced in front of the whole world, Huaguo had successfully mastered tritium battery technology.

The scientific and technological world of Sakura Country fell into a wailing tragedy in an instant.

Especially the research and development team of Kyoto University headed by Ito Minami, everyone will collapse completely!
I wish I could kill myself by caesarean section on the spot!

after all.

For solid-state aluminum battery technology, Sakura Country has invested hundreds of billions of dollars!

It also took countless resources such as manpower and material resources...

And now?

All these investments are obviously due to the birth of tritium battery technology, and all of them are in vain!

Just ask.

How do they not despair!

That is the heart is bleeding!

Tianan Square.

Ye Xuan's world-renowned century-level award ceremony is still going on.

At this moment.

The third army, ceremonial, guard, and team, already presenting the highest medal of the Republic that belongs to Ye Xuan alone, came to the old man standing in front of Secretary Qin, amidst the exciting music.

It was the old man who wrote "We are ashamed of the national scholars" in his own hand!

And who this old man is, needless to say.

Swish swish!
a time.

In the entire Tian'an Square, all eyes were completely focused on the old man.

The old man solemnly took over the glittering golden medal, and immediately came to Ye Xuan under the records of countless cameras and the witness of countless people from all over the country.

Under the attention of millions of people.

The old man lowered his body slowly, maintaining the same height as Ye Xuan who was sitting in a wheelchair.


The old man with tears in his eyes, with full of respect, personally put on this unique medal in history for Ye Xuan!
The Supreme Medal of the Republic!
The supreme glory of China!


Countless people couldn't help taking a deep breath at this moment.

In my heart, I can't even tell how shocking it is!
The old man lowered his body and put it on himself!
What an honor this is!

And as the camera zoomed in.

Countless people who were following the live broadcast saw that the old man did not choose to get up, but held Ye Xuan's hand, and said with a little apology:

"It's you and those heroes who prop up the backbone of our country!"

"It's you and those heroes who created the prosperous and prosperous world today!"

"You deserve all the glory of our country."

"But we are ashamed of you!"

"A few days ago, I made you suffer so much..."

The old man's expression became more and more serious.

Finally, word by word, very solemnly said:
"I guarantee that from now on, such things as heroes shed blood and tears will never happen again in our land of China!"

The moment the voice fell.

On the huge 3D holographic projection light curtain in midair, a picture suddenly appeared——

On Huaguo's first aircraft carrier, thousands of officers and soldiers, including the captain, lined up on the deck facing the strong sea wind.


Under the camera, the captain uttered a shout like Hong Zhong Dalu:

"Salute to Academician Ye Xuan!"

Swish swish!
In the next moment, all the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier saluted the camera in unison!

call out!
The screen turns.

Only this time, the projected light curtain appeared on the inside of the Huaguo Tiangong space station 450 kilometers above the ground.


All astronauts have fixed their bodies in various ways in the state of weightlessness in space.

Afterwards, like all the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier just now, they raised their hands in unison to salute the camera.

call out!
The lens changes again.

This time, the one that appeared on the projection screen was Kunlun Station, which is the closest to the South Pole among all the scientific research stations in Huaguo.

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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