The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 47 Fireworks all over the city, only for one person

Chapter 47 Fireworks all over the city, just for one person

on the screen.

Standing on the endless ice and snow, the 28 team members who shouldered the important scientific investigation mission shouted in unison:

"Salute to our hero, Academician Ye Xuan!"

at the same time.

All the scientific expedition team members saluted the camera in unison!

Everyone's eyes are filled with respect to a hero of the era and a unparalleled national scholar!

call out!
The screen changes again.

This time, what appeared on the screen was a group of soldiers stationed on a certain island in the N Sea.

Years of exposure to the sun made the skin of these fighters very obvious with chapped marks.

It looks like half a layer of skin has been peeled off.

In addition, this place is almost isolated from the outside world, and as far as the eye can see, there is only the vast sea...

Totally conceivable.

How hard it is to be stationed on such an island and reef.

Ordinary people, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for half a day.

But these soldiers never complained.

There is absolute firmness in everyone's eyes!
It seems that even if they stay here all their lives to guard the sea for the motherland, they will have no complaints or regrets!
At this moment, they were holding a banner in front of the barracks.

On the banner, there are four eye-catching characters:
【Country Warriors】

"Salute to Academician Ye Xuan!"

With such a shout came out.

The soldiers stationed on the island immediately straightened their bodies, raised their eyes proudly, and saluted the camera...

call out!call out!call out!
On Tian'an Square, in the huge holographic projection light curtain, one after another paying tribute to Ye Xuan was playing one after another.

From nuclear submarines that go deep into the seabed, to Mount Everest, the highest altitude in the world.

From the picturesque Jiangnan water town, to the grassland where cattle and sheep are low in the wind and grass.


It can be said.

The entire Hua Kingdom is expressing their highest respect to Ye Xuan and those heroes like Ye Xuan!

This is scene after scene.

I don't know how many people who watched the ceremony at the scene cried several times.

The handkerchief that wiped the tears was completely soaked.


All the people who watched the ceremony stood up unconsciously, and saluted in the direction of the reviewing platform where Ye Xuan was!
Salute to a human hero like Wang Wei!
Salute to national scholars like Mr. Deng, Mr. Qian, and Ye Xuan!
follow closely.

On the Ten Li Chang'an Street, an unknown number of people and the Renmin soldiers who had been standing still like a mountain also focused their attention on the reviewing platform, and then made the same movement in unison!

at this moment.

In Yanjing City, countless children who were watching the live broadcast in the classroom all stood up spontaneously.


Facing the picture, Ye Xuan, who was wearing the Republic Supreme Medal and sitting weakly in a wheelchair, saluted the Young Pioneers!
Never let go for a long time!


Many citizens of Yanjing also stared at the moving broadcast screen, and then chose to stand up and salute.

Or, silently in my heart, pay the highest respect to Ye Xuan!

It seems to have a great contagion.

Throughout the country, I don't know how many people have done the same thing...

In front of the TV, in front of the computer, in front of the mobile phone...

Countless audiences can no longer restrain the emotion and enthusiasm in their hearts.

They posted posts, barrages and comments one after another, causing the servers of all major platforms on the entire network to almost paralyze.

"This is the star we really want to chase!"

"Unparalleled Guo Shi!"

"President, have you seen it? This is the prosperity of today! You must be proud of us, right?"

"I cried miserably today!"

"Damn it, let me cry all at once!"

"I have no regrets in my life to enter China!"

"I just want to say, Academician Ye Xuan, you are so fucking awesome!"

"In the future, we must protect Academician Ye Xuan! We can't let Academician Ye Xuan suffer any more!"

"Whoever dares to speak ill of Academician Ye Xuan, I will spray him to death!"


The endless barrage and comments swept across all platforms on the entire network with a turbulent force.

As for the keyboard warriors of Sakura Country who were also paying attention to this century-level honor ceremony, one by one, it seemed that they all disappeared.

Even if a few people still dare to speak up, they are not as energetic as they were at the beginning!
"It's all fiction, isn't it?"

"Who can tell me, this Ye Xuan, he and he, how is he so strong! In three days, he has surpassed our more than ten years of research? It has surpassed hundreds of times?"

"Weakly ask, is this year's Nobel Prize still Professor Ito?"


From these words, it can be clearly seen that the keyboard warriors of Sakura Country at this moment can't find any point to continue to be stubborn.

Originally thought, to see Ye Xuan's joke.

But I didn't want to, in the end they themselves became a joke!

Just ask.

How can they not collapse?


Just when Ye Xuan's award ceremony was about to come to a successful conclusion.

In all directions of Tianan Square, fireworks burst into the sky suddenly.

follow closely.

This extremely gorgeous fireworks rain, like mercury pouring down on the ground, began to roll and sweep the four directions.

In less than half a minute.

The entire city of Yanjing was filled with the sound of fireworks bursting out!

Countless people looked up at the sky at this moment, their eyes were slightly red.


They all know that this endless rain of fireworks is the best testimony of Ye Xuan's award!
Fireworks all over the city!

Just for one person!
This is the national scholar!



This award ceremony is destined to be remembered by history.

It finally came to an end.

after the award ceremony.

The Huaguo Academy of Sciences immediately announced:

Academician Ye Xuan owns the world's only patent for tritium batteries!

Relevant professionals from all over the world are welcome to come to verify the authenticity, reliability and so on of tritium batteries.

However, the hot searches on major platforms such as Douyin and Weibo have reached the historical peak without any suspense!
At this moment.

The top ten Weibo hot search lists are:

[Academician Ye Xuan's Award Ceremony full replay]

【Country Warriors】

【This prosperous world should be as you wish】

【Tritium battery】

【Salute to Academician Ye Xuan】

【How much is the Supreme Medal of the Republic worth?】

【Academician Ye Xuan's Injury】

【I love you, Huaguo】

【81192, please return】

【What kind of woman is worthy of Academician Ye Xuan】

It can be said.

Although the awards ceremony has ended, people's enthusiasm for discussions has not diminished in the slightest.

And Ye Xuan himself was undoubtedly sent back to Xiehe Hospital immediately after the grand ceremony ended.

It is different from before.

This time, the Zhanlong army, which has always been hailed as the strongest in Huaguo, was transferred here to protect Ye Xuan!
The instructions given by the old man were very clear——

From today onwards, no one can even think about hurting Ye Xuan!
(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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