Chapter 48 Ten Human Scientific Problems
Night has come.

Xiehe Hospital.

The nurse station on the first floor of the super medical hospital where Ye Xuan is located.

After several female nurses finished their work, they immediately got together to communicate with each other.

among them.

A young nurse with a ponytail was the first to say:

"Do you know? Now outside the campus, those who come to visit Academician Ye Xuan, the flowers they sent are almost piled up into a mountain!"

Beside him, a short-haired female nurse quickly said:

"I'm telling you something secretly. It was Director Hu who told me. Don't spread it! Right now, Academician Ye Xuan has a whole army of Dragon Warriors guarding him 24 hours a day!"

The voice fell.

There was no accident, and the young nurses present were immediately curious: "Sister Wang, what is Zhanlong Army Group?"

"I knew you hadn't heard of Zhanlong Army!"

The short-haired female nurse didn't give a shit, and explained directly: "Let me tell you this, this Zhanlong army group is the most powerful army group in China! Even if you look at the world, it can at least rank among the top. Five! Remember, at least! In addition, I can tell you very responsibly that every soldier in the Zhanlong Army is absolutely at the level of a soldier king..."

After listening to the introduction of this "Sister Wang".

All the little nurses present couldn't help but swallowed saliva frantically, gasping for breath.


They were all shocked!
Being protected day and night by an entire Zhanlong army, it is hard for them to imagine what kind of supreme treatment this is!
That's unbelievable even in a dream!

Think about what happened today.

They all felt that all of this was as it should be.

Such a gentleman.

This is worthy of any "privilege" that transcends everything!
"Look, look!"

At this time, another tall and thin female nurse joined in: "Now we are lighting up the photos of Academician Ye Xuan on the landmark buildings all over China!"


The eyes of everyone present were all on the circle of friends of the tall and thin female nurse.

Swipe across the screen one by one with your fingertips.

They soon saw the landmarks of Huaguo, such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, the Twin Towers, the Global Center and so on.

Everything was discussed, and on the electronic screen on the outer wall, photos of Ye Xuan at work were displayed.

It feels like it is using this method to tell all the people in the country——

This day belongs only to Ye Xuan!
"This is too... too spectacular!"

Looking at the pictures shining brightly in the night, all the nurses present were completely shocked.


They all wanted to go out immediately and witness with their own eyes the scene where countless tall buildings were lit up for Ye Xuan at the same time!

And after being shocked for a while with eyes full of little stars.

A little nurse who seemed to be the youngest asked sadly: "Have you asked any of the directors? Academician Ye Xuan, is his right knee still okay?"

As soon as the words came out.

The nurses, who were still excited, fell silent collectively.

no doubt.

More or less, they all know something inside.

Knowing the condition of Ye Xuan's right knee injury, how pessimistic it is!
I'm afraid, nine times out of ten, there will be no way to walk normally in the future.

A thought here.

Just ask.

Who could not feel sad for Ye Xuan!
And at the same time.

Ye Xuan just woke up from his lethargy.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was receiving infusions on his left and right hands, and his body was also covered with various telepathic receivers.

Several of the most authoritative experts and doctors in the country are on duty here.

It seemed that this time, no matter what the reason was, they would never allow Ye Xuan to be easily discharged from the hospital!
Unless, Ye Xuan really recovers!
Looking away, Ye Xuan's complexion has obviously improved a lot compared to the morning award ceremony.

However, he still looked a little weak.

At least Ye Xuan's face still looks so pale.

And his right knee still felt stabbing pain all the time, so Ye Xuan could only grit his teeth and bear it silently.

"The task has been refreshed!"

Suddenly, in Ye Xuan's mind, a voice obviously came from his "I am everywhere, omnipotent" system.

Immediately afterwards, a line of golden text appeared in front of his eyes:
[Task [-]: Solve any one of the world's top ten scientific problems within one month]

"Huh? The world's top ten scientific problems?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly.

Because he couldn't be more clear that each of the top ten scientific problems in the world today is as difficult as climbing the sky!

They are (in no particular order):
【Perfect Gene Editing】

【Controlled Nuclear Fusion】

【Room temperature superconductor】

【Conquer Cancer】

【Quantum mechanics】

【Unified Field Theory】

【Wormhole Research】


The solution of any one of these ten scientific problems will cause unprecedented changes in the human world.

It is more influential than the birth of tritium batteries!

Even Ye Xuan now has a brain development speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, and even has a kind of "weird eyes" that can grasp countless information in an instant.

But in just one month, it is still extremely difficult to conquer any one of them.

According to Ye Xuan's judgment, he has the most, and there is only a [-]% chance of success!

"Top ten scientific problems, which one should you choose?"

Ye Xuan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

What I have to say is that Ye Xuan knew very clearly in his heart what kind of changes he would bring to himself once he really completed this task!
His brain development will undoubtedly continue to improve!

At least, it is 30%!

It is also possible to directly increase to 35, or even 40%!
And this, in fact, is something that Ye Xuan is very, very "worried about".

the reason is simple.

After the brain development rate increased to 25%, Ye Xuan felt that his metabolism speed was significantly faster than before.

This means that Ye Xuan's cell division speed is speeding up!
It also means that Ye Xuan's lifespan is decreasing sharply with the soaring development of the brain domain!
The original Ye Xuan's body was already destroyed.

With such a situation going on, whether he can survive until the age of 50 is a huge question.

And as his brain development increased to 25% a few days ago, he has a clearer understanding:

With the speed of his cell division, it may be difficult for him to live past 40 years old!
and so.

Ye Xuan can easily figure out that if he really completes the new task, his brain development speed will indeed usher in another skyrocketing increase.

It is more likely to master some more powerful "magical abilities"!

His lifespan will also decrease sharply again!

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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