Chapter 49 The Illustrious and Unknown Life
Even knowing that this is bound to happen.

But Ye Xuan still decided to do his best to complete this second system task.

It was obvious from Ye Xuan's firm eyes.

His mind will never change because of anything!
Even if it is really inevitable to die young at that time, he doesn't care!

In the last instant.

In his mind, scenes of the deeds of the dead heroes emerged.

For example, Qian Lao back then.

Being imprisoned by the Stars and Stripes for five full years, no one knows how much bitterness there was.

After returning to China after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, he even went to the Gobi Desert alone with a very meager salary, without complaint or regret...

Another example is Academician Lin Jun. De.

For the country, he devoted his life's efforts.

Since he joined the secret work in his 20s, he has never enjoyed even a single day of leisure.

And in the late stage of cancer, he even rejected all chemotherapy, and with extraordinary will, he worked until the last moment of his life...


The predecessors did not hesitate to die to serve the country.


As a descendant, Ye Xuan, how could he hesitate at all!

"Which choice is difficult?"

Even though his body was still very weak, and even though his right knee was still unbearably stinging, Ye Xuan still began to seriously think about his next plan immediately after accepting the mission.


The night became darker again.

At this moment, it is already 22:58.

Countless Chinese people have fallen asleep peacefully.

of course.

More Chinese people are active on major platforms, replying to comments + posting barrage:
"Everyone, come and watch our Hengyang City! The three streets in the city center and all the office buildings are lit up for Academician Ye Xuan! It's so spectacular!"

"Have you heard about it? The strongest Zhanlong army in China has been ordered to protect Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Someone actually thinks that this is a bit too exaggerated? Hehe, I'm afraid he doesn't know that people like Academician Ye Xuan are destined to be regarded by external forces as core targets that they want to kill at all costs, right? So , no matter how much force is sent to protect Academician Ye Xuan, it is worth it!"

"Did you go over the wall to watch it on the Internet? Now the whole world is talking about the tritium battery developed by our Academician Ye Xuan!"

"I have some big news that I just arrived here, and it's still hot! The Nobel Prize Awarding Committee made another call to inform Ito Minami from Sakura Country, and told him to refund the ticket to Sweden first! Haha Haha, I laughed so hard!"

"Now I'm just waiting for the day when Sakura Country begs us to buy tritium battery technology... Didn't they say they would sell us fifty times earlier? This time, we have to sell them a hundred times at least? A tooth for a tooth, this That’s our fine style!”


no doubt.

The century-level award ceremony in the morning has left an eternal memory and...shock in the hearts of countless people!
I'm afraid that this will be the focus of people's heated discussions for a long time to come!
And just when people are discussing vigorously.

Several figures walked into Ye Xuan's ward.

It was at the award ceremony that Minister Yang Rongsheng, Dean Zhou Hong and others carried Ye Xuan's wheelchair!
"Academician Ye Xuan, are you... better?"

"Academician Ye Xuan, you must not get up! Just lie down, just lie down!"

"Academician Ye Xuan, if you need anything, just say it! No matter what it is, we will do it for you!"


After arriving at the ward, several people surrounded Ye Xuan, saying words of sympathy one after another with great concern.

Looking at Ye Xuan's still haggard look, they all seemed to think of something, couldn't help their noses sore a few times, almost tearing up their eyes again.

But Ye Xuan keenly discovered at this moment that the expressions of the few of them were obviously a little more depressed and... sad than usual!
So ever.

Out of curiosity, Ye Xuan couldn't help asking:

"Minister Yang, Dean Zhou... Did something bad happen?"

After looking at each other.

Yang Rongsheng took a deep breath, and then said with great distress: "Academician Ye Xuan, what happened..."

Follow Yang Rongsheng slowly.

Ye Xuan finally understood why the expressions of several people were so sad!

That is a secret that very few people know.

Many years ago, Huaguo started research on nuclear submarines.

after all.

For a country that is hostile to the Stars and Stripes, it is very important whether there is a strategic nuclear submarine deterrence!
It goes without saying how difficult nuclear submarine technology is!
That is an order of magnitude more difficult than researching and manufacturing nuclear weapons!
Today it is today.

There are only five and a half countries that have mastered nuclear submarine technology.

In that poor and white era.

If Huaguo said that he wanted to study nuclear submarine technology, he would undoubtedly be ridiculed by countless people, saying that the people of Huaguo are beyond their limits.


Even so, there are still people who have devoted themselves to this cause that can only be described as great.

He is Lu Xinghua.

This name couldn't be more common.

And Lu Xinghua's life can only be described as "obscurity"!

Since he was in his 20s, Lu Xinghua was secretly sent to a deserted island where the conditions were so difficult that they could only be described as harsh, and began a research life completely isolated from the outside world.

no way.

The research on nuclear submarine technology is a top secret among top secrets!

If you want to ensure that it will not be discovered or even destroyed by other countries, you can only let the researchers stay incognito and live alone on a deserted island...

all of these.

Lu Xinghua did it all!
From 27 years old to a full 71 years old!
44 full years!
He has not even had a single word of contact with his family!
Let alone meet!
As if, the world has disappeared!
to this end.

People from the same village often came to Lu Xinghua's home and said to his old mother:

"You really raised an unfilial son, who didn't even come back to look at you after work!"

In short.

In the village, Lu Xinghua is a complete "rebel"!
Many parents often say a word when educating their children:
"When you grow up, don't be like Aunt He's Xinghua! He's been fed for nothing!"


This is Lu Xinghua's illustrious and nameless life!

God knows how much he has been misunderstood and bitter over the years!
In the dead of night, when I missed my hometown and loved ones, how many tears were shed!
But in order to ensure the nuclear submarine business of the motherland, there will be no accidents.

Lu Xinghua endured, endured, and devoted himself to research wholeheartedly.

But the first nuclear submarine in China was finally successfully launched not long ago.

Lu Xinghua's achievements in this life can finally be made public.

He can finally go back to his own home and do his filial piety for his mother.

Accident happened!

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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