Chapter 58 Huaguo Speed
The moment the hostess finished speaking.

On the big screen in the studio, a high-resolution photo of more than a dozen Huaguo engineers performing exploration operations in an underground passage about [-] meters above the ground appeared immediately.

And after seeing such a photo with my own eyes.

Professor Guland, who was still talking eloquently, suddenly froze the smile on his face.

Faintly, he also felt burning pain on his left and right cheeks.

It was as if, just now, someone pressed him against the corner of the wall and slapped him wildly!
The entire live broadcast scene, which was originally full of laughter and laughter, fell into a strange silence at this moment.

Every member of the Asan Kingdom present was squirming and speechless.

at last.

After the group was silent for about 10 seconds, almost causing a live broadcast accident.

Professor Guland was eager to gain wisdom, straightened his expression, and then said seriously:

"This, this... Theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible to successfully open a tunnel in one day!"

"However, it still doesn't make sense."

"I just said that if you want to complete the construction of the ultra-large particle collider, you must at least open up hundreds of such tunnels!"

"So, what I said is not wrong, Huaguo will take at least 15 years to hope to be completed..."

Just when this hard-talking Professor Guland used what he thought to be the most professional opinion, he once again talked about his views with countless audiences from the Three Kingdoms.

At the scene, a middle school student who had been swiping his mobile phone raised his right hand.

"Oh? You want to ask Professor Goodland, right?"

The hostess immediately signaled to the on-site staff and handed the microphone to the middle school student.

a time.

All eyes in the audience were on the middle school student.

After taking the microphone, the middle school student did not choose to ask questions. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone and showed it in front of everyone present.


He said seriously: "Professor Guland, this is a news advisory just reported by Huaguo's official media account 'Yangshi News' with more than [-] million followers."

"The news said that the planned 270 six-hundred-meter underground passageway was fully opened at 8:58 a.m. Yanjing time."

"Below, there are several sets of on-site photos, it is impossible to fake it."

"Here, I'll show you one by one."

Along with the pictures of the construction site of Dahang Mountain, they were displayed in front of everyone in the studio.

The corner of Professor Guland's mouth began to twitch uncontrollably.

The whole old face was completely red.

It gave people the feeling that this Professor Guland might foam at the mouth at any time, and then fainted on the spot.

And there is no doubt about it.

There is no way to record this episode of Ah San Guo's program.

Continue to record, I'm afraid it will kill someone...

have to say.

Today is a big information age.

This incident that happened far away in the Three Kingdoms of Ah, was widely circulated and edited by various media in Huaguo within half an hour, and spread wildly.

Inadvertently, it was also on the hot search lists of major platforms.

Countless Chinese people cast their attention one after another.

"Hahaha... this professor, Sanguo, has really been my joke for a year!"

"It feels like Professor Guland's face is swollen from our beating!"

"/Doubi expression/Doubi expression, to be reasonable, this professor's mouth is really not ordinary hard!"

"I'm dying of laughter, 233333! They don't know anything about the power of infrastructure madness!"

"I like to see these foreigners who have never seen the world."

"I really want to tell this Professor Guland a story about sitting in a well and watching the sky."

"You say, will that Professor Gulander have any psychological shadow in the future?"


Seeing those videos, I don't know how many people in the country can't help but like and comment frantically amidst laughter.


Some idle talents even made the performance of Professor Gulander in the live interview into emoticons and various animations.

Attracted countless netizens, vying to share in the group.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was seven days later.

During these seven days, the Dahangshan construction site has truly shown the world what "Huaguo Speed" is!
To know.

during these seven days.

It took Huaguo less than 20 hours to successfully open up 270 underground wells with a depth of six hundred meters.

It took another 98 hours to run through the 87-kilometer underground circular tunnel.

It took another 22 hours to excavate 65 underground tiankengs.

In the last 28 hours, the overall concrete lining and reinforcement of the underground tunnel was completed...

It can be said.

Every hour of these seven days, Huaguo is creating miracles!
A miracle that only belongs to China!

The whole world was shocked!
I don't know how many foreign media, all dumbfounded, forwarded and reported this matter like crazy:

Maple Leaf Country.

A well-known news program.

A host whose style is similar to a talk show actor said in a humorous tone:

"Guys, did you hear that?"

"Huaguo, it only took seven days to complete the preliminary construction of a super-large particle collider!"

"Seven days!!!"

"If it were our job to build it... It is estimated that seventy days have passed, and we are still discussing where to build it!"

Samba country.

In a well-known street interview program.

A blond, blue-eyed, hot female reporter is continuously interviewing passers-by on the street one after another:

"Beauty, can I show you a video and tell me what you think?"

After half a minute.

"Oh, Mygod! It's not true, is it? In seven days, such a huge project can be completed? In my neighborhood, in seven days, they can't even install an air conditioner in my house."

Another half minute later.

"Is there anything that the Chinese people can't do? I think they can build the moon on the earth!"

Another half minute later.

"Unbelievable! This is really unbelievable! Is this the speed of God?"

Another half a minute later.

"I have been to Huaguo, and I can speak Huaguo dialect! I just want to say that the people of Huaguo are really awesome!"


Just when the whole world was amazed at the construction progress of Huaguo's super large particle collider.

The Stars and Stripes, the White Palace.

An old man with white hair who looks at least 70 years old is holding a high-level secret meeting with his subordinates.

"On Huaguo's side, the preliminary construction of the main project has been completed."

The old man sprayed angrily at all the subordinates present:
"But what about you? So many agents have been sent out, and even now why Huaguo built this super-large particle collider has not been figured out yet!"

After being scolded for a long time.

at last.

In the conference room, there was a white man in a suit who said very calmly:

"Mr. President, this is just the main project in the preliminary stage. There is nothing to worry about."

"All the core data about particle colliders in the world are in our hands!"

"As long as we don't provide them with these materials, they will have no hope of researching them within ten years!"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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