Chapter 59 Prohibition
Hear this.

The anger of the old white man finally dissipated a lot.

"if it is like this……"

After calming down and thinking about it for a while, the old white man took a sip of the red wine in his hand in great relief, and then said slowly:

"We must immediately spread this news in various forms!"

"We must let Huaguo know that all the core information is in our hands!"

"In this way, we can occupy the absolute initiative!"

"No matter what purpose Huaguo wants to build a super-large particle collider in fifteen days, they have to come to us to beg."

"By that time, no matter what conditions we put forward, they will probably have to agree!"

Following the words of the old white man, the voice fell.

All the subordinates present nodded their heads in agreement:
"Mr. President, your opinion is so wise!"

"Why don't we discuss first, what conditions can we put forward if Huaguo comes to beg us!"

"First of all, Huaguo must let us use the authorized patent of the tritium battery for 20 years for free! Oh no, 100 years!"

"There are also rare earths! We can ask Huaguo to increase the export volume of rare earths to us by ten times in the next ten years!"

"The engine technology of the Canglong Fighter must also be shared with us!"


Just when these people are carrying out the most beautiful imagination.


Under the Dahang Mountain, it has completely changed its appearance.

Seven days ago, the place was overgrown with weeds and belonged to an absolute wasteland.

But now?

On the surface here, several large computing centers and cooling centers have been built...

And a hundred meters below the surface.

The preliminary main project of the ultra-large particle collider, that is, the tens of kilometers long underground circular passage, has been completed.

have to say.

This is definitely a miracle!
A miracle that only Huaguo can create!

It is a miracle that shocked the whole world and astonished countless people!
As many people have said.

Huaguo speed has always been synonymous with "miracle"!
And the builders who created these miracles.

Now, most of them have quietly left here after working hard for seven days.

However, no one will forget everything they have paid in this "battle"!
Their achievements are destined to be remembered by the world forever and recorded in the annals of history!

There is already a very patriotic director who publicly announced on Weibo that he is going to spend his own money to make a documentary of everything that happened on the Dahangshan construction site during the past seven days.

Every participant is a leading actor!

The nine major official media also simultaneously published a blockbuster article on the front page on this day.

Title: "The Chinese People Who Created Miracles"

The article vividly wrote one after another touching stories that happened on the construction site.

such as.

An 80-year-old veteran suffering from Alzheimer's disease saw the news about Dahang Mountain on TV.

I couldn't sleep all night, and kept muttering in my mouth: "The motherland needs me, I want to go back..."


In the early morning of the next day, the old man, who had long forgotten almost everything in his life, insisted on setting off and rushed to Dahang Mountain immediately.

Under the strong insistence of the old man.

His family members finally accompanied him to the construction site of Dahang Mountain and threw themselves into the "battle"...

And at the end of the article.

The author wrote affectionately:
Behind these miracles, what we see.

It is countless hands covered with mud, countless shoulders soaked in sweat.

It is countless clear and firm eyes, and countless kind and brave hearts.

They don't have a body of steel, but they are powerful.

They have no rhetoric, but work hard.

Here, there is no infrastructure maniac.

Only the power of Huaguo!


Such an article undoubtedly touched the hearts of countless Chinese people.

People have left their own comments on various platforms:

"Such a motherland is worthy of my pride for the rest of my life!"

"Clear love, only for my motherland!"

"Well said! There has never been any infrastructure madman, only a group of ordinary people who create miracles!"

"This is the invincible power of the Hua Kingdom!"

"When I get old, I can proudly say to my grandchildren that my grandfather and I participated in the construction of Daxing Mountain back then!"

"Although I didn't go, I have been watching the live broadcast every day for the past few days! You may not believe me, but every time I watch the live broadcast, my blood is surging!"


Just when countless Chinese people are very proud of the completion of the main project of the super large particle collider.

A piece of news suddenly spread throughout the world.

That is-

The Stars and Stripes announced that within ten years, all major organizations around the world, including well-known universities in various countries, must block all papers and research materials on particle collider technology!
No one is allowed to view it without the authorization of the Stars and Stripes.


All scientific researchers related to particle collider technology are prohibited from having any form of contact with Huaguo.

We will never allow any of them to enter Huaguo or work for relevant organizations in Huaguo!


Anyone related to Huaguo is prohibited from entering the only large hadron collider in the world.

Let alone scientific research investigations, even the most basic visits are not allowed!

Such a series of bans came out.

Anyone who doesn't have a brain problem can see that the Star-Spangled Banner country is clearly targeting the Hua country!
In other words, the Star-Spangled Banner country is forcing the Hua country, so they can only bow their heads to them!

So ever.

In a short period of time, the global public opinion was in an uproar:

"This time, there should be no miracles, right?"

"As far as I know, Huaguo does not have any research materials on particle colliders at all. And all the core research materials are in the hands of the Stars and Stripes!"

"Under such a ban, if you don't bow to the Star-Spangled Banner, then the Hua Kingdom will probably have to give up their half-built project!"

"The Star-Spangled Banner country has made a move, but the Hua country has nothing to sing!"

"Everyone come to discuss and discuss, how much concession will Hua Guo make to the Stars and Stripes this time?"


At a time when all kinds of remarks that look down on China are rampant.

Countless Chinese people and the media in Huaguo are also worried about this.

Under the strong demand of hundreds of millions of people.

Yangshi News finally decided to invite Ye Xuan, the commander-in-chief of the ultra-large particle collider construction project, to conduct a live broadcast interview.

Let everyone who pays attention to this matter be able to hear the views of the only nine-star academician in Hua Kingdom's history on the series of bans in the Star-Spangled Banner.

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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