Chapter 61 Did You See It?
The moment after the hostess finished speaking, "This prosperous world is as you wish".

The old people in front of the TV couldn't help lifting their cuffs and silently wiping away their tears.

It seemed that the exciting scene in 23 years happened before their eyes again!

And the countless Chinese who watched the live broadcast on major platforms also had reddened eyes, and their hearts were indescribably moved.

The barrage, more like an overwhelming rainstorm, washed over the live broadcast room:
"After hearing that the test flight was successful, President Song changed his birthday to March 3! Now I want to say: President Song, I wish you a happy birthday!"

"Mr. Song, I wish your soul in heaven, happy birthday!"

"Salute to all the guardians of the blue sky in our country!"

"Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I love this land so much! I love you, my motherland!"

"From the moment our J-[-] soars into the blue sky, no one can stop us from moving forward!"

"This prosperous world is as you wish!"

"If Mr. Song could see our Canglong take off, how proud he would be!"


And the hostess, under the camera, took a few steps forward with red eyes.


Her footsteps stopped in front of another old photo.

Appearing in this photo is an old chief.

He was standing on an aircraft carrier of the Stars and Stripes, tiptoeing, staring straight ahead.

Just to be able to see more design details of the equipment not far away.

It was obvious that his eyes were full of longing!
Compared with those children, the desire revealed by standing in front of the toy window is infinitely stronger!
Take a deep breath.

The hostess tried very hard to calm down the incomparable emotions in her heart, and then said affectionately:

"He is our beloved Chief Liu Hua Qing, the 'father of the modern navy' and the 'father of the aircraft carrier' of our country!"

"More than 40 years ago, our Chief Liu Huaqing finally got the opportunity to visit the aircraft carrier of the Star-Spangled Banner State."

"However, the Star-Spangled Banner at that time did not allow us to touch any instruments on the grounds of secrecy."

"In order to see it more clearly, Chief Liu Huaqing stood on tiptoes and leaned his upper body forward just like the frozen picture in the photo."

"In the eyes of the past, there is endless desire and expectation!"

"Liu. Hua. Qing. Shou. Before his death, he said: If the motherland does not have an aircraft carrier, I will die with regret!"

"Unfortunately, Chief Minister Liu Huaqing passed away ten years ago."

"He failed to see our own aircraft carrier in his lifetime..."

"At this moment, I especially want to say a word to Mr. Liu Hua Qing: Dear Grandpa Liu, have you seen it?"

"Our own domestically-produced.aircraft carrier has officially sailed!"

"Not one, but two!"

"At the same time, we also have strategic, nuclear, submarine, destroyers, frigates, dock landing ships, etc., and countless ace warships!"

"On the sparkling sea, our Hua.Guo.Navy.Army is majestic and majestic!"

"You can go to the nine heavens to catch the moon, you can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles, and you can talk and laugh and sing triumphantly!"

"Today's Huaguo, should it be as you wish?"

With tears in her eyes, the hostess finished telling the whole story.

The bullet screens in the live broadcast rooms of major platforms are like an avalanche in an instant, rolling in:

"Grandpa Liu, do you know? We no longer have to tiptoe to see other people's aircraft carriers!"

"Grandpa Liu, do you know? We no longer have to tiptoe to see other people's aircraft carriers!"

"Grandpa Liu, do you know? We no longer have to tiptoe to see other people's aircraft carriers!"

"Our generation should strengthen ourselves to comfort the spirits of our ancestors in heaven!"

"Extreme salute to the old chief!"

"Don't worry, the motherland's navy will only get stronger and stronger!"

"Did you know? We don't have to tiptoe to see other people's aircraft carriers anymore!"


that's it.

Walking along the corridor of time, the hostess affectionately told the stories of the craftsmen of the great country behind the old photos.

Countless Chinese people's eyes were moistened.

Even, burst into tears.

The mood is even more indescribable.

at last.

Half an hour later at 20:0.

The live camera finally came to the end of the time corridor following the footsteps of the hostess.

all of a sudden.

All the live broadcast rooms on the entire network are boiling to the extreme!

Countless bullet screens and gifts, like huge waves in the sea, are constantly swiping!


Everyone knew that next, as long as the hostess opened the door, they would be able to see the real protagonist of today——Ye Xuan!
The only nine-star academician in the history of Huaguo!
Like those predecessors in the photo, he is a real "craftsman of a great country"!
"Damn it! You may not believe me if I tell you, but I'm even more nervous now than when I was in the college entrance examination a few years ago!"

"I beg you guys, please stop swiping for gifts? My broken phone is about to freeze and explode!"

"@Upstairs, I'm very sorry, I'm not stuck at all, everyone just swipe!"

"My male god is finally coming out!"

"I was about to cry blind just now, let me wipe my tears first!"

"I don't know why, but when I think that we have Academician Ye Xuan, I feel inexplicably at ease!"


Under the strong expectation of countless Chinese people.

The hostess slowly pushed open the door in front of her.

This is a research room with very simple furnishings.

The windows are bright and clean, and the sun is warm.

Look around.

The first thing that catches the eye is a simple desk and the stacks of white papers on the desk...

At this moment, Ye Xuan was sitting alone in a wheelchair, concentrating on writing something.

His brush strokes are constantly flowing, and it seems that he has already devoted himself to it.

Therefore, for a while, he didn't notice the arrival of the hostess at all.

And soon, countless Chinese people discovered through the live broadcast that there were two unopened lunch boxes on the small table next to Ye Xuan's wheelchair.

"Academician Ye Xuan is the recipient of the Supreme Medal of the Republic, and he is still seriously injured, so he can only eat box lunch???"

"Hey, Academician Ye Xuan should have recuperated safely in the ward! In order to build a super-large particle collider, he has to work with such a serious injury..."

"I feel so sorry for Academician Ye Xuan! I think it's time to arrange a state banquet for Academician Ye Xuan!"

"@Upstairs, stop making trouble! The state banquet is not delicious! Come to my place, and I will treat Academician Ye Xuan to eat the most authentic Sichuan cuisine!"

"@Upstairs, as far as I know, Academician Ye Xuan is from Jiangzhou City, and the people there don't eat spicy food at all!"

"Those two boxed lunches look like Academician Ye Xuan's lunch and dinner today, that is to say, Academician Ye Xuan is very likely to be too busy to eat all day!"


In the barrage area of ​​the major live broadcast rooms, countless Chinese people feel unspeakable distress at this moment.

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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