Chapter 62 Professor Ito's Good Colleague
the same time.

All over the world, I don't know how many organizations are paying close attention to Ye Xuan's live interview.

The sun never sets.

The leading Cambridge University in physics.

A world-renowned top professors are sitting together to watch the live broadcast together.

"This young man in Huaguo thinks that he can get involved in the field of colliders that are several dimensions more complicated by researching the tritium battery by luck? It's just whimsical!"

"Look! In a few days, he will prove to the whole world that his idea is nothing but a big joke!"

"Hehe... He probably doesn't know how much effort it took thousands of scientists to finally build the Large Hadron Collider! Does he think that he alone can equal so many of us? Human wisdom?"

"The most important thing is that this Huaguo kid is delusional about building a super-large particle collider! He probably doesn't even know what a super-large particle collider is!"

"Being so stupid, you can actually be rated as a nine-star academician by Huaguo! It seems that there is no hope for Huaguo's scientific community!"


The famous professors who are here these days never set, chatting constantly while watching the live broadcast.

And in their eyes, all of them showed extremely obvious disdain.

no doubt.

Not even one person present thought that Ye Xuan and Hua Guo could produce any research results in a short period of time.

The ultra-large particle collider project that has completed the main construction of the previous stage is doomed to fail!

Sakura Country.

In a well-known hospital.

A while ago, Professor Ito Minami, who was still full of glory and was almost on his way to the pinnacle of his life, was from Kyoto University.

At this moment, he was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were wide open, and an unknown amount of blood was oozing out.

It looks, especially... permeating!
It was as if he had seen something that killed his father and his enemy.

That's right.

With the advent of Ye Xuan's tritium battery a few days ago.

Professor Minami Ito, who was almost going to become No. 1 in the history of the Nobel Prize, had a problem with his sanity.


He was transferred to this famous mental hospital for key observation...

The reason why Ito Minami at this moment looks so hideous is his whole face.

That's because several colleagues who came to visit him were using their tablets to show him Ye Xuan's live interview.

As the saying goes, "When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous."

Seeing Ye Xuan appearing in the camera, let me ask, how could Ito Minami, who had a problem with his sanity, be so calm!

"I hope that in the future, seeing Ye Xuan's new project can only end in disastrous failure, Professor Ito's condition will improve."

Seeing such a strong reaction from Ito Minami, all the professors present couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

no doubt.

They were counting on Ye Xuan to publicly admit in the live broadcast that his super-large particle collider project was no longer sustainable.

As a result, the demon that troubled Ito Nan can be solved to a certain extent...

The Stars and Stripes.

white palace.

The chief secretary of the white-haired old man gathered a large group of high-level officials from the Science Department to watch Ye Xuan's live interview.

"Have all the allies been notified?"

The blond, blue-eyed chief secretary who looked very capable asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Ms. Moss."

An old black man immediately replied: "I can assure you that they will never get any research materials about the particle collider!"

"very good!"

The secretary named Moss suddenly smiled and nodded:

"Then, Academician Ye Xuan, who has the highest status in China, will probably announce publicly that their super-large particle collider project will be suspended indefinitely!"

At this moment, the high-level personnel of the Science Department of the Stars and Stripes unconsciously raised a smile full of arrogance on their faces.

It seemed that they had already settled for it, Academician Ye Xuan couldn't have any chance of success!


Hua Guo can only watch helplessly, their 13000 trillion is completely in vain!

Huaguo Academy of Engineering.

That extremely simple research room has attracted the attention of many Chinese people at this moment!

And as the hostess slowly approached.

Ye Xuan, who had devoted himself to research before, finally came to his senses and realized that it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

The interview time agreed with the media is here!

"Sorry, host, I just... didn't notice any movement outside the door."

Putting down the research materials in his hand, Ye Xuan said very politely with a little apology.

The voice fell.

The very intellectual hostess immediately replied in a hurry:
"No, no, Academician Ye Xuan, please don't say that! I still feel that we are bothering you!"

Anyone can hear it.

This hostess, who has interviewed countless important people at home and abroad, is a little nervous at this moment!
Talk to the only nine-star academician in Huaguo so far!
Who can not beat faster!
Thanks to the hostess, she is extremely professional.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid that at this moment, their minds would have gone blank!
For a while, I couldn't even speak!
"So, shall we begin now?"

Although he was still a little weak, and the tingling pain in his right knee never stopped, Ye Xuan still tried his best to smile when he spoke.

"it is good!"

The hostess immediately nodded heavily, and immediately found a chair nearby, and sat opposite Ye Xuan.

"Academician Ye Xuan."

After calming down the overwhelming emotions, the hostess immediately asked with particular concern: "Before the official interview begins, can I ask you a small question first."

"Are you so busy today that you haven't had time to eat yet?"

While speaking, the female host's gaze deliberately shifted to the two lunch boxes on the small table.

Like countless netizens, she can fully guess.

These two lunch boxes are clearly Ye Xuan's lunch and dinner today!


After a little recollection, Ye Xuan finally nodded his head, acknowledging this fact.

And at this moment, the hostess had only distress in her eyes.

The whole nose is sour.

It seemed that he had sensed the emotion of the hostess who might cry at any time.

It also seemed that Ye Xuan was really hungry.

It seemed that Ye Xuan knew very well that countless people were deeply worried about his body.

A smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face again:
"I'll eat some now, it should be fine, right?"

(Author's words: 360° rolling in ice and snow, asking for a monthly pass, asking for a reward!)

(End of this chapter)

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